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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I used to really want to play the various Mickey Mouse platformers back in the day, and thanks to the wonders of emulation, I went through them a couple of years back. The only one that wasn't a massive disappointment was Land of Illusion. Maybe only owning an NES back in the day wasn't so bad after all. Usually it's my compulsive need to play things in order that gets in the way. Sometimes it's fine, like when Bowser's Inside Story was about to be released and I only had two fairly recent games to get through first. That's not a problem! But then you get something like Skyrim, where I'd have to play four sixty-hour RPGs first and the first two look old and boring (and then there's the spin-offs...). And I keep meaning to play through the Final Fantasy series (having previously only played the fourth and fifth games), and that's even worse. Not only are there 13+ games to play, but the first three are NES RPGs!
  2. Okay, I'll bite: what's with the speech bubbles?
  3. Man, I don't know how people have room for all this junk. I have a hard enough time finding room for just the game cases.
  4. I'm mostly wondering if Adam Sessler has ever played God of War before.
  5. Awesome. I'll take two of each.
  6. I liked Vanquish. Yes, but you can purchase all the free games while you're a subscriber, let your subscription lapse and sign up for another month a year later and download and play anything you've purchased previously.
  7. I wouldn't want to make a detailed response in this thread if I were a woman, either. Unless she's going to be an Uncle Tom.
  8. Oh, sure. Now you like the current generation. When it's pretty much over.
  9. I have no idea how you got that from what I said.
  10. She should have made a video about Baby, It's Cold Outside instead. Though that's more rapey than sexist. Can't it be about sexism and the way society operates? But yeah, there is a lot of sexism in society. And racism and gender roles and blah blah blah. I don't see what's wrong with challenging that. You could make a similar video series about the lack of black main characters in Hollywood blockbusters or the perpetuation of traditional gender roles in toy catalogs. And then the next time you buy a toy for your niece maybe you'd stop and think, "hmm, that person in that video series made a good point, maybe my niece would prefer a truck over a doll." Or maybe you'd buy her an Easy-Bake Oven and tell her that women belong in the kitchen.
  11. And people have a right to want better representation. I mean, since we're just stating facts now...
  12. Remind me to never support any of your business ventures. :p Just because something is good business, that doesn't make it the right thing to do. If I started selling little dolls with blackface that were really popular with racists and made me hundreds of thousands of dollars, that wouldn't make it not racist or less morally bankrupt. And rom-coms are sexist all around.
  13. If Hamish says that Atheist guy promotes rape I'm going to believe him, simply because that's more interesting. Video games should be aimed at anyone who likes video games? Instead of being stuck in this endless cycle of *makes video games aimed at males* "oh, women don't play our video games" *makes more video games aimed at males* Clearly the market is there, as series like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Tomb Raider and The Sims have a lot of female fans. Just because more straight, white men play video games than any other group doesn't mean they have to exclude everyone else. It's like how BioWare included gay relationships in Mass Effect 3. Would it have been better for them to only include straight relationships because that's their biggest demographic?
  14. I generally try to pay as little attention to Jonathan Blow as possible as to not be put off his games. :p
  15. It's male power fantasies created by men for men, as opposed to female sex objects created by men for men.
  16. Oh, it wasn't even the same book! No wonder I was confused. Okay, I'm all caught up now.
  17. Everyone keeps talking about the death of Damian, so I looked up a summary of the issue to find out what was going on, and it was like, a dream inside a dream and then there was another dream and everything was fine at the end when there was yet another dream? I have no idea.
  18. I hear ONM gave this a 9/10. Edit: This made more sense before Madeinbeats deleted his post.
  19. That's not a very flattering picture.
  20. Based on your story, I'd say you bid on it and won the auction. Now you just need to pay another ~£50 for a decent-sized memory card.
  21. I haven't watched the video, but I think there's a difference between shallow and sexist characters. Just because Mario is a shallow character doesn't make him a sexist one.
  22. I think we should base everything in modern society on stories written in the 12th century.
  23. I think that would be a pretty boring video series, though. Also, I think it's worth bringing up bad examples because I honestly don't think the average straight, white male gamer realizes how casually sexist a lot of games are. I saw someone tell a story that explained how privilege works about a long-haired dog and a lizard or something who lived together. The thermostat was high up so that only the dog could reach it and he set it to a temperature that was comfortable to him, not realizing that that was way too cold for the lizard. From the dog's perspective, the temperature was just right, so why wouldn't it be right for everyone else? It's the same with gaming. We're all painfully aware of how sexist Dead or Alive is, but sexism is so much more than that, and a lot of it isn't immediately obvious if you're not part of the group that's being marginalized.
  24. Well, now you're just making her sound worse. :p It sounds like she's going to bring up positive examples as well, so that's something for you to look forward to, then! Though generally I think it's more fun to point out the bad examples, so I can see why she started where she did. The issue isn't just with Dead or Alive-style breasts-everywhere-oh-my-God-how-come-they-don't-pop-out games. It's being a female gamer when there are almost no female main characters. Or how women in games are often reduced to just being 'the love interest'. Or when you're playing Mass Effect 2 and you're ready to kick some butt and the game zooms in on Miranda's butt and you become painfully aware of who the game is aimed at. You've got to love straight, white male gamers who think women should just get over it because it's not a big deal, then refuse to play games that star female characters and kick up a fuss when there's optional homosexuality. And then you realize that those are the people video games are aimed at, and it's not so funny anymore.
  25. And yet people always wax nostalgic about the tank controls in Resident Evil. :p The controls certainly take some getting used to, but I love how accurate they are and how they're designed to work perfectly with the level design. Once you learn how the game works, there's never a question of whether or not you can make that jump or if it's possible to get over to that ledge. Lara always jumps exactly the same height/distance and she can grab any ledge within reach, unlike in modern games, where characters will adjust their jump distance whenever necessary and you'll just slide off ledges you're not supposed to jump to.
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