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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Meh, changing everyone's personas to the best set-up at the start of every battle would be a huge pain. And I think their personas keep up pretty well, so being able to change their personas outside battle would be pretty useless. It's only when you end up facing a boss with a character that has the wrong weakness that it's an issue, and then you still have three other characters to make up for it. You should have played Persona 3: FES. The final boss in The Answer (the super hard and super sucky epilogue) reflected all physical attacks, and of course I'd brought a character who had nothing but physical attacks. This was back when you couldn't even control the rest of your party yourself, so he ended up killing himself over and over again until I just left him rotting on the ground.
  2. I suggest making mentioning Game of Thrones a bannable offense. Starting after this post.
  3. Yep! He's special. But he can't be that special, because everyone in your party could change personas in the PS1 games. I actually found Persona 4 harder near the beginning, if it makes you feel any better. Once you start to get some good personas and don't have to worry about running out of SP as much, it gets a lot easier.
  4. So will everyone be able to participate in this sale, or is it just for Gold subscribers? Because I got burned the last time someone posted about a sale in this thread. I'd consider getting El Shaddai if the price is right.
  5. You need to press B when the on-screen prompt appears, but it's random when it does. You can increase the chances of it happening by increasing the affinity between the characters, though.
  6. Yeah, Moogle. Shut up. The face that woman is making in the preview image is really appropriate considering the name of this thread.
  7. It'll be split into two seasons.
  8. It's because you'd filled up the party gauge by using attacks correctly. Each revival costs one segment of the party gauge. During difficult battles, it can be worth saving them for reviving characters rather than using them for chain attacks.
  9. There's a difference?
  10. I guess Danny and Ville have never watched The Simpsons.
  11. This has apparently entered manufacturing now and they're hoping it'll be out before the end of March. I won't believe it until I'm holding it in my cold, dead hands, but the game may actually be released soon!
  12. Yeah, that sounds awful. Never mind, ReZ. Maybe you shouldn't get it after all.
  13. That's pretty much how I felt when I played Persona 3: FES. "Man, there's so much voice acting!" ... And then I got past the opening story and moved on to the daily grind of social links and dungeon crawling, and then nothing was voice acted anymore. But Golden apparently has 1.5 as much voice acting as the original version, so that sounds pretty good! (And Persona 4 already had more voice acting than Persona 3!)
  14. Tonight? Really, you should already have bought it.
  15. Almost mandatory.
  16. Come on, we all know it's going to be Shia LaBeouf.
  17. Avoid Gladiator like the plague. Stupid wannabe multiplayer shooter.
  18. At least we can always count on Pokémon to be innovative and never get boring.
  19. Well, yes, that was my point. I still remember having to look through the manual halfway through The Twin Snakes to find out how to perform a specific move to get past an obstacle. The Metal Gear Solid series is a bit of a mess.
  20. I watched part of a Let's Play for the first Metal Gear, and most of the difficulty seemed to come from having to wander around aimlessly looking for things scattered all over the map. So I'm not very enthusiastic about playing it. I actually made it to the final boss in Snake's Revenge back in the day, but it was the nineties and I could never figure out how to beat it. Anyway, I'm MegaTen crazy at the moment, so this is very ill-timed.
  21. I knew never getting around to buying Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 would pay off at some point. Now I just need to either replay The Twin Snakes or play the PS1 original to jog my memory. And I hear Peace Walker is worth playing. Maybe I should play the other PSP game too. And those weird card games, if the stories are any good. And afterwards, I'd need to play Metal Gear Solid 4, of course. And there's that new Raiden game out now too. Maybe I'm just obsessive enough to start with the first Metal Gear game and work my way up. Oh God.
  22. @ReZourceman Come on. You know you want some high school hijinks. Ah, well. One of two isn't so bad.
  23. But did you visit the cat plaza?
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