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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. It depends on the game, obviously. Once the hype manages to get its claws in me, I'm willing to pay ~£35 for a game I'm excited about. I had to pay £38 for Assassin's Creed III and felt like I was being ripped off, though. Otherwise I try to wait for good deals. It's a great feeling when you can get a good game for £14.99 a year after release. But it's awful when you really want to play a game you've missed out on and it costs more than when it was released. That's the only time I consider used games - if new copies of the game are significantly more expensive than they were when the game was new. I would never even consider buying a limited edition of a game. I love gaming for the games, and I have enough junk in my closet without adding to it every time a AAA game is released.
  2. Magnus

    Heavy Rain

  3. I don't even bother visiting the game shop when I go into town anymore. I can buy games online for half of what they want for them, and then I don't even have to leave the house!
  4. Sony deserves to live for PlayStation Plus and because they don't region-lock their consoles.
  5. Because I enjoy watching you squirm. Hmm, I managed to read that as 'sperm' somehow. I definitely don't enjoy that.
  6. Maybe it's part of his PhD. Maybe he's studying how people lived in the mid-nineties.
  7. That sounds like the Donkey Kong Country games to me. :p
  8. You do know the game has already been released on other systems and you could just look up reviews for those versions, right? :p
  9. As awful as I think the graphics are, those Eeveelutions are adorable.
  10. Whee!
  11. And only 47% in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Tsk-tsk.
  12. I'm not sure why you're getting so riled up about this.
  13. Maybe he's been working on his PhD for the last decade and a half.
  14. Strange Journey is worth importing if you're into first-person dungeon crawlers. Not sure why you're asking in this thread, though. :p
  15. I wasn't? But let's hope Nintendo will do Wii U ports of Sticker Star, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, etcetera and 3DS ports of Super Mario Galaxy, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, etcetera. Because most Nintendo fans only own one or the other, apparently.
  16. a) I don't care about whether or not Nintendo will make money off this. They release so much trash that makes them tons of money, so I don't see how that's relevant. b) You could take any game ever released and find people who haven't played it? They could port over New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which sold fifty billion copies, and there'd still people who never played it! Your argument was, "well, lots of people didn't own a Wii, so this is their chance to play it". Sure, fine, a lot of people didn't own a Wii. And a lot of people did. And if we're only counting people who didn't own a Wii but do own a 3DS, the group is even smaller. And maybe those people should have considered getting a Wii if they wanted to play this so badly.
  17. Rickey is my new favorite member. He tells it like it is! Edit: Never mind, he ruined it by starting a spam thread.
  18. I'm sure this is great news for the five people in the world who never owned a Wii but do own a 3DS. What, and create new textures/enemies/levels/music? Nintendo isn't made of money, ReZ!
  19. Well... at least Sonic fans know what to expect.
  20. It'll be Kingdom Hearts all over again! And I'll suffer through every bad game just so I'm prepared for the good ones.
  21. Sticker Star, Super Paper Mario and Partners in Time. Mario RPGs are all over the place. Hopefully this will be one of the good ones.
  22. So did RedShell create this icon for nothing or what? :p
  23. Man, I hope this will be good. You just never know with Mario RPGs, though.
  24. At the current pace it's taking to bring this to Europe, I expect Devil Survivor 2: Overclocked will be announced, released and brought over to the US, while we'll still be waiting another year to play the first one. Hugs and kisses to Nintendo for region-locking the 3DS.
  25. What did Daryl ever do to deserve being on the cover of this game?
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