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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. At least they can't do a worse job than LucasArts.
  2. Aww, but 'fun' is in the title twice! And three exclamation points! If you can't trust exclamation points, then I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  3. They're all Disney games, Dog-amoto. Sheesh. :p
  4. Those screenshots are so easy even Dog-amoto should be able to guess them.
  5. I want to see how the story ends, but I hope they put some of that money into designing good gameplay this time around.
  6. You can recruit children? Remember when I complained about the lack of gay characters and you said it's because only straight people can have children? Well, nobody recruits children like homosexuals.
  7. I don't pay my postman at all. Now I feel terrible.
  8. I know, I'm shocked that he has a girlfriend, too.
  9. Or, more likely: locked themselves in with your Wii U.
  10. Everyone looks peg-legged. There's so much detail in the character models, and then... no feet. Though I do find it funny that they thought the 3DS wasn't powerful enough to handle feet on the characters. :p I think I've decided to hold off on getting Fire Emblem: Awakening until I can think of the game without imagining Grazza's orgasm face. Plus, the free DLC doesn't seem worth spending what little money I have right now on the game when I could buy Persona 4 Arena instead, which I would actually get around to playing sooner. I'll definitely get it at some point, but the peg-legged people will have to wait!
  11. Man, playing Uncharted with those controllers would suck.
  12. You could just take the gamepad with you outside. Thanks to the Wii U, there are no excuses to stay inside anymore!
  13. The solution is obvious, Bob: don't propose. I promise you she'll be surprised.
  14. A Vita! Ten characters.
  15. God, Shorty. Just buy one already. Or don't. Maybe you should think about it some more.
  16. You're going to be very disappointed if you expect much from the platforming in Pushmo. :p
  17. *Looking up some lyrics from the Scrubs musical*
  18. "You were out there somewhere and you weren't looking for me?" What an awkward episode for Chevy Chase to not appear in.
  19. I'm sure giving money to Dyack will end well.
  20. I have no idea about Everybody's Golf, but the Metal Gear Solid Collection is over 3 GB, so that probably doesn't help. I looked around a bit, and the largest games seemed to be about 3.3 GB.
  21. Sorry, I edited the post to remove the inappropriate language.
  22. Edit: Post removed, no need for comments like that.
  23. As long as you're fine with only downloading one or two retail games at a time, it should be fine.
  24. I was just going to edit my post because I remembered that Virtue's Last Reward was free on PlayStation Plus. And I even went through it a second time on the Vita, too! Geez. Well, now that you have a 3DS, that's a good reason to play 999 first, I guess. (I only keep bringing up Persona 4 because I'm super jealous that this is your first time through the game.)
  25. I don't know how you feel about games that are all about the story, but Virtue's Last Reward is possibly the best game on the system (it's even better if you play 999 first). Really though, you should probably focus on Persona 4 first.
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