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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I'm holding a flame red 3DS right now. Suck it, Japan. They should release the Adventure Time games on the Vita instead. Then we wouldn't have to worry about region-locking.
  2. I'm playing through Liberation right now, and I still wouldn't have recognized her from the picture. I must not have gotten to the part where she becomes a cartoon Viking.
  3. Kingdoms of Amalur seems long and boring, so I think I'll pass on that. But I've been waiting for Rayman Origins to hit the Vita PS+, so that's great news.
  4. Start with the original Persona and work your way up. I'm just kidding, start with Persona 4. As for Disgaea 3, it was released on PS+ in the US a couple of months back, and when asked if it would make it to PS+ in Europe, they said it might be tricky because it's not available on PSN everywhere.
  5. I hope Ted gets attacked by a cougar.
  6. Oh, so it's like Professor Layton. Retro actually started a thread for the game back when they released the first teaser.
  7. No, you had it right the first second time.
  8. Now if it sucks, you can totally say that you called it!
  9. Oh, sure. This they can release digitally. *Still bitter about Ace Attorney Investigations 2*
  10. Men like the visual "my husband isn't home right now, maybe I can find some other way to pay you" stuff and women like the emotional "oh Edward, I need you to protect me because I'm so clumsy" stuff. I'd give up porn for my hypothetical girlfriend if she stopped watching Grey's Anatomy and fantasizing about banging McDreamy.
  11. At the moment, you're not doing sex at all. Beggars can't be choosers!
  12. Congratulations! Considering how long it took you to propose, I expect this'll be a long engagement?
  13. Maybe you should sell your Wii U and get the next Xbox instead. You know, since Forza is such a system seller.
  14. Yeah, Mechonis Field is really close to the end of the game. Don't listen to Fused. It took him over a year to finish the game. :p
  15. On Kickstarter you don't pay anything until after the project has reached its funding deadline. But this isn't a Kickstarter and they keep your money whether the project is funded or not. Well, you have to keep in mind that it has to be able to run on the Wii U.
  16. I'm happy as long as they don't have any creepy baby commercials this time around.
  17. I like how the gameplay was just slowly walking around for a few seconds between cutscenes. At least the graphics weren't half bad.
  18. This cracked me up. I imagine you being completely smitten by him when he told you his name. :p And secretly planning to name your future son with him Bowser.
  19. That lizard with dog ears has all three pieces of the Triforce on its head. Strongest Pokémon ever: confirmed?
  20. The Vita does the same thing for some reason. Apparently tying saves to the game files is the future of handheld gaming.
  21. I question her sources. How pathetic would you feel returning to a place that very publicly fired you?
  22. Maybe they can have an actual payoff to the Changnesia storyline next season.
  23. But also mainly for DJMAX Technika Tune?
  24. It makes sense. Every time I want a show to be put out of its misery, it refuses to die. You can blame me when we're all watching season 9 of Community ironically.
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