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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Happy Birthday Dyson! ^^
  2. Interesting... ...I'll probably buy it... ...if it's good... ...when it's cheap... ...just for lols... ...we shall see... >>
  3. S.C.G


    Happy Birthday Ten10! ^^
  4. I know someone who has had a problem with theirs, they live in America too so it's probably not an isolated case but a design flaw that affects a certain number of them, I've yet to have any problems with mine anyway. My only problem is that there isn't enough decent downloadable DSi-ware, the only thing I bothered with was Flipnote Studio and only then because it was free... sure there are a few other decent things on there like Bomberman but nothing that has really 'grabbed' me enough to spend any of the 1000 points that I got with the system.
  5. Hmm how many games are we talking about? if it's only 3 or 4 then maybe best just to buy them again - would cost less time and money than getting the old, unreliable one repaired - but if it's like 10 - 15 + VC titles then yeah... get it fixed. I shudder to think what'd happen if my Wii broke... fingers crossed it never happens as I've accumulated a *few* VC titles from writing VC Weekly over the years.
  6. Happy Birthday Nathan! n-europe salutes you for all the time you dedicate to making this place just that little bit more awesome, now for god sakes take the day off and enjoy yourself... ...and that's an order damnit!
  7. Happy_Belated_Birthday_Flinkeh! seriously... it doesn't even feel like a year since your last birthday, hence why I didn't 'see' this thread immediately but anyway, glad to hear that you had a good day. Keep on being better than a bullet being fired...
  8. Regardless it basically is... the theme etc, the huge boss that's basically like Chaos etc regardless of wether it's shit or not it was SA3, they just didn't want to call it that because they were going for the 'reimagining' route but it didn't quite work out, so unless Sega actually bring out an actual SA3 then Sonic 2006 is it sadly...
  9. Sonic 2006 = Sonic Adventure 3 basically.
  10. In America maybe... in the UK the game came out on June 30th... I know this because I got my copy a day early from my local independent retailer at the time on June 29th - my Birthday - anyway I reckon it'll be out by the end of this month with any luck.
  11. Appetite for Destruction Live era '87-'93 Both were late Christmas presents so not really purchases by me but they were for me so *shrugs* anyway I'm pleased with them.
  12. Yesterday I gave Appetite for Destruction a listen in full and again today, it was really enjoyable and I think I'll be giving the rest of Guns 'n Roses older albums a good listen in due course.
  13. So... is Serious Sam HD worth getting? I'm seriously tempted...
  14. Oh... well regardless Mobius sounds so much cooler and to me the original will always be set there so it'd be nice for it to take place somewhere without any human NPC's anyway.
  15. For me the main things they could do to make the series better/return to its roots would be... 2D or not 2D? - for that seems to be the immortal question but this time it looks like Sega is actually doing it right, Sonic games were always better in 2D. Physics? what physics... - the original games felt more 'solid' in their construction because everything reacted as you expected it to, from the satisying 'poom' sound that the enemies and power-up boxes made to the suitable 'bounce' that came with it, not to mention stuff like the see-saws etc, it just all felt more solid, this was lacking in most later games. Where on Earth? - why the fuck in Sonic Adventure was Sonic suddenly on a place that looked like Earth but also had some of the characteristics of Sonic 3 - the Island that floats is basically Angel Island - why did they not set it on Mobius? Y'know... the planet where the games started on that weren't inhabited by horrible human NPC's. Not-so Special Stages - Where have they gone? Why did they go? I don't know if they were 'special' to anyone else but they were to me and I miss them, plus they meant that it actually required at least a little bit of skill in order to get all Chaos Emeralds in order to go Super/Hyper and get the best ending/level rather than them being given to you. There is more that I could list but I won't as it's just gonna make me angry thinking of all the shit that Sega have put a once beloved series through so I'll leave it there but people can feel free to add to it, I just hope Sega take some of these points - which are really basic requirements - on-board.
  16. Happy Birthday Iun!
  17. Pfft you would remember the one Expert song that I can't sing lol... I can sing the vast majority of Rock Band songs on Expert no problem.
  18. They're like... Teletubbies on steroids...
  19. Damn right I do, with me it's Expert or gtfo.
  20. No need to apologise Eenuh, I would have bumped this sooner or later anyway, and you're right, food made does need to be posted, so thank you for yours and Jims excellent contribution, it looks nom!
  21. Erm... I'm assuming there will be a 'pause' gesture? problem solved... lolz
  22. Happy New Year! 'n shit... Resolution? To not make one, therefore I keep it... lolz :p
  23. Shit basically... Nah I'm just kidding while its been pretty unremarkable on the whole the last part of this year has been good, mainly because I now have a girlfriend - now there's something I never thought I'd be able to say - and I'm actually... dare I say it... happy... It feels very strange to actually say it but I am so yeah... also I've started riding a bike to work which I'm enjoying mostly, well I did actually fall off it tonight and bashed me knee :/ - some stupid fuckwit didn't dip their headlights causing me to lose control of my bike - but it's ok, not swollen so it's all good, just a bit of a shit way to end the year but hey-ho, nothing a bit of alcohol can't remedy.
  24. Stupid question but... how do you equip it? I downloaded it via the website like it said while signed into the Xbox, do I need to sign out and in again or something... Nevermind... found it under props, it's so cute/awesome. ^-^
  25. And here I was thinking you'd owned the album since it came out... I'm dissapointed. ... Just kidding I've only actually owned the album myself for about two or three years but it's awesome did you get the expanded edition? Some nice bonus tracks on it.
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