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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I feel like I should be excited by this but I'm just... not.
  2. ... I do now. :p
  3. Wow... the buildings look like... buildings now :p c'mon... anyone who's played the original knows what I'm talking about, the distant buildings looked like a mess even back in the day, so it's good to see the clear visual improvements from the very start.
  4. Eevil! my version of band-aid has been sent your shabba-tastic way feel free to use what you like from it.
  5. Read the first page - funny Clicked on the second page... virus - not so funny Just a heads up for those reading the article, the site seems to contain some virus/exploit when loading the second page. ----------------------------------------- Back on topic, I've already stated my Game of the Year but Game of the Decade? Metroid Prime, easily.
  6. Rock Star because I like the song more than t'other.
  7. I still don't care about Joanna's makeover that much, yeah so she doesn't look as people thought she might but... at least she looks like less of a man now like she did in some parts of the N64 original... [/truth] Plus the rest of the game is looking damn fine, I can't wait to play through it again.
  8. Bloc Party
  9. Happy Birthday Pooki and TK! ^^
  10. Thank you very much Nathan! :) I'll do my best to review the game as soon as I receive it.

  11. Or you could do it the old-skool way... Hell yeah! etc but yeah... on a serious note Idk. Oh all right then, call this my good deed for the day or w/e... http://www.musescore.org/ There you go! and the best bit is, it even has 'muse' in the title.
  12. No... they would still be alive so you'd have to either actually kill them or slice off however much flesh is required to survive, sorry I probably should have mentioned that, yeah... Oh well! *leaves thread*
  13. Modern Warfare 2... could it honestly be anything else? :p
  14. Yes but I must stress that it'd be heart-breaking though I think if my family had the choice, they would rather lose a pet than to lose me, even though it'd still be really horrible if I had to sacrifice a beloved pet, it's a horrible thought. :/ Would you eat someone or part of someone to stay alive in a survivial situation? Sorry I know it's a horrible question, kinda wishing I hadn't typed it already ah well...
  15. No I'm selfish... *shrugs* If you were paid a decent amount to permenantly change your name - say maybe £500,000 - would you?
  16. It's peanut butter jelly time! Annnd you are here... hope this helps!
  17. No I value my meagre existence. Would you endorse something that you hate - i.e in a TV ad or something - for a reasonable sum of money? - £20,000+ or something -
  18. And in the NMHWii pic he looks more like The Fonz... eyyyyy! Still... the new version looks nice overall.
  19. Oh right... I kinda missed that part :p ok well... If you found a briefcase containing a substantial amount of money - £100,000+ - would you keep it?
  20. Having someones death on your conscience isn't worth any amount of money regardless of if you don't know them or w/e... plus there could be unknown repercussions to your actions which could end up affecting you or other people around you anyway so I'd say No.
  21. Whenever I hear the name of that song or it playing I instantly think of the Weebl and Bob parody "Pastry Back"...
  22. !!! that's just awesome I found a picture of the image in all its glory too...
  23. Is this making sense? What am I trying to say? Early evening June This room and a radio play This I need to save I choose my final thoughts today Switching off with you
  24. S.C.G


    *reads above posts* lol... Played the demo earlier, it's surprisingly decent, will probably buy it. Xbox 360 version ftw lolol PS3 version phails... *rolls eyes*
  25. Fucking Awesome Game... I completed it earlier, still got the extra missions to unlock/clear though but yeah, the main game is brilliant and the end boss was satisfyingly different.
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