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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Hmm, my answer would be not to bother buying a PS2 but seeing as thats probably not a constructive comment seeing as you sound like your set on buying one anyway then I would say dont bother with modding, while it may seem tempting at the prospect of getting cheap games, the majority of games are allready cheap (cheap and nasty in my opinion with the exception of a small handfull ) but anyways, modding seems a bit pointless if your doing it for the cheap games, being that they are cheap anyway. Also if you still want to mod then the original PS2 is easier to mod so I've heard, but as most people know they do break very easilly, almost as if theyre programmed to break down about a week after the machines outside it's warranty so if your not bothered about modding get the slimline version as it's apperently more reliable and erm it could probably double up as a rather effective doorstop should you get bored with it lol So yeah... erm thats my guide of sorts to anyone who feels obligated to purchase a PS2, hope it's at least partially useful.
  2. Probably just one of those things, One thing that applies in general though, Theres no such thing as a perfect piece of software.
  3. You don't, it's not worth playing... Seriously though, when are there going to be more games with decent online modes? so far PDZ is decent (online) for what it is, PGR3 is too irratating to be any real fun, and Kameo apperently will have it but it needs to be patched first? ah well if it does get added it'll probably be fun for a while. Personally I hope that more games are released featuring more imaginative online modes, at least ones not limited soley to the FPS/stealth and racing genres, not that theyre not fun to play to an extent, but they do tend to lose their appeal quite quickly.
  4. Having played Rares latest offerings for a reasonable period of time, I would say No, yes it is true that they dont have *exactly* the same charm as their N64 titles but don't forget that both Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero have been created with not just the hardcore Rare fans in mind but unfortunately the casual (spits) market as well. However in their transition for what they have lost they have also gained a new type of charm which is evident from their two Xbox 360 titles, also they havent forgotten about their past either, I won't go into too much detail but their heritage is still important to them, this is reflected in the intros to both PD Zero and Kameo, plus their are also hidden references in Kameo to it's long development cycle and a few other bits of info hidden away. So No, Rare hasnt lost it entirely, it knows what it's doing, even though I'm happy to admit that PDZ has it's issues (story, voice acting) and Kameo isnt perfect (longevity issues) but Rare can still hold it's own out there, and even if their recent titles may be lacking slightly they are still better than about 80% of the developers out there. (in my opinion ) Anyway, as it stands for Rare, they have continued well with their developing career and have managed to create two overly decent titles for a launch of c console despite having the challenges of changing platforms twice and for that I still have a certain ammount of respect for Rare and hope that they continue to create games with the same ammount of effort that they have put into every other title. In the meantime, my advice is to enjoy Rares current offerings, true they are flawed but theyre still nonethless brilliant in their own ways. Plus Rares work can only get better. (hopefully) :wink:
  5. ... He's pissing about right? Either that or he's just illiterate... or Scottish... one of the two... or both... ok, I'll stop typing now...
  6. Finally upgrading from 56k to Broadband, I know, should have allready upgraded ages ago probably but nm, Anyways, I've know what provider/package I'm going for (BT broadband option 2) however, I've got a few things to check/ sort out before I actually order it, so any help/advice relating to the following topics would be appreciated. I'm going to buy the modem/router from them for £25 as part of the package, I dont have a problem with that, however, I do have a problem with the BT voyager wireless 1040 USB adapter therye trying to flog me for £50, admittedly I need a wireless USB adapter to connect the main "family pc" *cringes* which is the main pc I want to connect initially (I will be connecting another pc of my own eventually, I had one up until recently but I have returned it for good reason) but anyways, I was thinking, surely I could get the same thing or equivelant for cheaper than that? Also I will be wanting to connect my DS to the BB connection (obviously) and so I want to get a wireless USB adapter that can be used to connect the DS as well, also does the official nintendo one come with software? I dont think it does as I assumed it requires no real software as such to run... hmm anyways... additionally, eventually I'll want to connect an xbox 360 to it also but I'm assuming that will be a simple setup process involving buying the wireless adapter for xbox 360 and adding it to the wireless network, oh and I also want to connect my GC wirelessly if possible (got to get a BB adapter for that too *sigh*) as I still play PSO a reasonable ammount. Hmm, think thats about it for now, so anyway, any help/advice appreciated thanks for your time
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