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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I'd say that it's worth it but... when you become stuck like I am now it does become somewhat disheartening. but other than getting stuck it's awesome.
  2. Stuck! >< Norfair, I can go back up to Brinstar but there is a bit where I fell down to get to Norfair that i can't get back up... there is an energy refil station at the bottom of it and it's in Brinstar if that helps, it's also not wall jumpable, not enough to get out. If I cantinue into Norfair I get to a place surround with green bubble walls which either leads to a spiked pit which you need either the ice beam or grapple beam to cross or another jump which again I can't cross... Any help / tips aprpeciated, *sigh* I recall getting a lot further than this without becoming stuck the last time I played it. ><
  3. Super Metroid is by far better than the original, as for comparing it with Prime? my answer is simple... Super Metroid = Best 2D Metroid game Metroid Prime = Best 3D Metroid game While they are both stunning games IMO there isn't any point in saying one is better than the other because due to the different perspectives which offer different brands of gameplay even if they are based on the same concept, they are incomparable.
  4. Yes, I was thinking that may be the upgrade though I always thought that one was later on in the game? either way I still have lots of paths to take so I'll just explore the paths that I can for now.
  5. Bumping this thread cos, it's finally here! Also, "stuck" already, except not really stuck as I'm sure I know how to do it but tactics don't seem to be working, that bit near the start of Brinstar where you have to run along a collapsing floor while those barriers stop your progress at certain intervals, I thought you had to run across holding either L or R to make it? apperently not though, I can't remember if you need a certain upgrade or not as this bit always hinders my progress. Anyways, any hints / tips?
  6. Thanks, I ended up just deleting the file and now the problem is apperently gone but I will be downloading some extra spyware / anti virus software, most likely the one you have just suggested (Spybot) and AVG. Feel free to use this thread for any similar related problems.
  7. Norton picked up on a generic dialler during it's scans, the location of the affected file... [btwebcontrol.dll] inside of [_____] inside of [c:\program files\online services\btyahoo\hppre05.msi] the actual affected file is hppre05.msi from what I can see the dialler is attached to that file which is a setup file of some sort and seemingly not in use, however I use that particular provider (BT Yahoo) so my question is this... Is it ok to just delete the file in it's entirity?
  8. Ok so Norton is officially pissing me off now, it used to work fine but ever since it told me that there was a new version available and I downloaded it, it hasn't been the same, not the same features and it allowed stuff to get in which it wouldn't have before, for instance I now have an unknown dialler apperently attached to a file in program files which it tells me it can't get rid of... great, tell me theres a problem and then say you can't do anything about it >< Thanks Norton... So yeah, I'm fed up with it now and I'd like to get either an all in one Firewall / antivirus program etc or a combination of two seperate programs that are both free (fed of of paying for crap software) and that are reliable, oh and if they can get rid of that dialler that Norton allowed that would be awesome too, Thanks.
  9. Woot! finally finished Halo 3 on Heroic my first playthough too so a nice 300 G ^^ I'll try out Legendary on co-op at some point as it sounds epic fun.
  10. Personally I'm not paranoid about the amount of spam in my inbox, just that I get enough of it already, had it been a demo of something that I really knew that I wanted to play and that wasn't already available to download on marketplace then I would have put my name down for one.
  11. I would put my name down for the demo but, I don't really want to play the game, the competition probably doesn't exist and it's not worth it for getting added to yet another mailing list... Great for someone who's considering getting the game though. Just not my kind of game...
  12. Wow that was epic, I just jumped and dodged all the brutes etc and the planted the nade as you said, got into the warthog and made it to the checkpoint. Thanks Caris, thats saved me a lot of time.
  13. Hai Guyz, stuck on Halo 3 >< Third mission on Heroic, I have lead the marines away from the base, now I have to get to the town of Voi. My problem is I'm at the part where I'm trying to hold out in the two domed structure and I keep getting killed by the Wraith I know I need the fuel rod run to destroy it, and getting that is hard enough but basically... Does anyone have any tips or know of "the best way" of getting hold of a fuel rod gun and which part of the Wraith do I need to hit to destroy it the quickest and how many shots should it take? It's starting to get to me now as I've been stuck on that bit for seemingly an hour at least if not more >< and I really wanted to make some more progress on it before having to go to work later today, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sam.
  14. Hmm is live down atm? as I can't help but notice that everyones gamertags embedded in sigs are showing up as "?" in the gamepic and everything else is blank. Maybe the sudden influx caused by the release of Halo 3 crashed it?
  15. Nps, and yes it's quite useful, for me especially as my PC is always on when playing my 360, also TVersity is useful for streaming video and pictures as well as music, I went for that program because the others (Windows media player, Zune etc) decided not to work for me one day >< mind you I did have a change of router and bought an Elite which probably confused the recognition process, I tried everything with the other programs though. But TVersity I was online within minutes so it wins hand down IMO for ease of use alone.
  16. Not sure about the Xvid support but as for music, you can stream it directly from your PC via TVersity and other such programs, much easier IMO depending on your setup.
  17. Play.com says that they posted my limited edition Halo 3 on 21/09/07 under my account but I got an e-mail stating that they posted it only this morning >< I hate it when they do that, it had better not go MIA in the post like my Gears of War ltd edition did I really don't want the hassle of having to physically find a copy in the high street.
  18. Just to clarify... even if I receive the game before Wednesday, I can't actually play it until 00.01AM on 26/09/07 or else I'll get banned?
  19. Thanks Mr_Odwin & Shorty, I installed the Haali Media Splitter and ffdshow and now Windows Media Player is playing MP4 files, a good visible difference in quality between AVI and MP4 from when I tested it with an MP4 file (I've been watching mostly AVI files up until now) thanks again.
  20. I've been trying to find a codec for Windows Media Player 11 which will allow me to view MP4 video files but I can't seems to find one, does anyone know where I can download one from? Thanks,
  21. I'd recommend this for a 23" set... http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3336290/Samsung-23-LE23R86WDX-XEU-HD-Ready-Freeview-Widescreen-LCD-TV/Product.html I bought one about a year or so ago and I'm happy with it.
  22. S.C.G


    Aawesome it worked ^^ Thanks. *goes back to playing Bioshock* (still haven't completed it once yet ><)
  23. S.C.G


    Ah cool ty I will try that when i next play it, I didn't see the previous page but I've read up on it now and it seems that must be the problem, assuming that the update included changes to the textures or something then that may well have changed some of the data thats stored on the HDD I guess. And assuming that the Elite has maybe a slightly different DVD drive to the Core and Premium variants then it might be reading the game at a slightly different speed, so I guess resetting the texture cache will most likely sort it out, anyway I will give it a try and let you know what happens.
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