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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I know lol but hopefully the confirmation from SCEA will be enough and if not then I'll just have to run it through the converter that I'll be supplised with not that there will be anything to convert but heh nm. :P
  2. I'm not, just got some people to convince, anyways I found this... http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=274798 (has picture of the internal power supply) and this... http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=4908&ref=y (article contains official confirmation by SCEA -that the power supply is universal) quote "We have confirmation from SCEA now that the power supply inside the Playstation 3 is, in fact, universal. The power supply supports 100 to 240 volts at 50 to 60 Hertz, which is useable in all modern power grids -- including Europe. Although European markers require a different physical plug for their infrastructure, there is no need to replace the power supply." So in theory all should be fine now. *update* E-mailed SCEA quoting what they said in the article, hopefully they'll confirm it for me. *awaits reply*
  3. Bleh... I may have to open it up then to confirm it *sigh* so pointless and needless though, I've looked for official confirmation too which would save me from opening it up, if anyone finds official confirmation let me know, otherwise I may just use a voltage converter even though it's needless...
  4. Yeah I have already turned it on and it works thats whats so frustrating, but like I say, if theres official confirmation anywhere online stating that the power supply is universal then that will solve it.
  5. I kniow, but it's not me I need to convince thats why I want to see if i can get official confirmation from somewhere online which would solve the problem.
  6. ah so that bit must refer to the EU models as I've read that some of those aren't universal in some small cases but the USA ones are.
  7. Thanks Dom hmm I dk about the last bit in that paragraph though... "Some consoles, however, read 220v~240v 1.8a which are not universal. The power consumption is approximately 280W." It's so annoying because thats damn close to official confirmation but I need it to be official so that the people telling me I need a step down will finally be convinced otherwise.
  8. Hmm surely though if it does auto adjust the voltage and the converter is set to the same voltage then it will essentially be like a pass-through anyway so it shouldn't matter? Personally I want to run it without a step down and am only going to be doing so to ease other peoples minds who live in the same household. Is there any official confirmation from Sony anywhere that the US PS3 60GB model has a universal power supply and thus no need for a seperate converter? if there is offical confirmation then that would make things a heck of a lot simpler, thanks.
  9. Hmm a VGA switchbox you mean? yeah you can get them but you may need to pay a reasonable amount for a decent one that works and that will last if your gonna be using it a lot, I bought one a while back, I think it cost around £70 at the time :S it was when I only had a single monitor and wanted to play my 360 in a decent resolution so I would have to switch between that and PC. Now though I have a HDTV which I use as a PC monitor a lot of the time and when I want to play my 360 etc I flick a switch so that the PC displays on the old monitor while I'm playing, so it's served as quite a useful box even though is was initially expensive, as for the VC games I'm not sure but they might not support the resolution on that cable, I know a lot don;t even though they say they do. I used to have that problem too except now I have all my "lesser" connections (component, composite) upscaled via HDMI and since then I haven't had the problem.
  10. I know but there are other people in my household who are concerned about the possibility of it spontaneously combusting I should be able to get one for free though so it's no big deal hopefully, sooner it's sorted, the sooner I can forget about it and play the machine. I only mainly wanted it for MGS4 but well, I know there will be a few PS2 games that I will want to play and I want to play them on the version of the machine that reportedly has the best backwards compatability out of the various models, otherwise I would have just waited for the Pal MGS4 bundle but now I have it I'm just glad I've got one. Seriously though, I'm so gonna get one of those Dual Shock III pads, I haven't even played the console yet and I know the pad is already annoyingly light, just held a Wii remote with no batteries in one hand and the sixaxis in the other and quite honestly, theres not much difference in weight.
  11. Hmm seems I'm gonna need to wait another day before properly playing with my American PS3, gonna get a step-up converter for it just to be on the safe side so that I know that it's at the correct voltage. S'ok though, still got loads of 360 games to play lol but I'm still looking forward to having a blast on Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
  12. Ah cool, thanks Dom, Will' they just want to check the lead and the console to see it for themselves thats all but now that I know it's the console that does the voltage converting all should be fine. I'll probably still have to wait until tomorrow until I properly test it but heh I'm just glad I've got it tbh. Ninja Gaiden Sigma arrived in the post today too so will probably play that tomorrow but for now... *goes back to playing PGR4 on 360* *edit* The sixaxis that comes with the console is so light it's a joke :S is the new dualshock 3 significantly weightier than all previous PS3 pads? if so I may purchase one because I don't think I'll be able to play comfortably with the pad as it is, not after using a 360 pad for so long.
  13. *sigh* well I set it up and it works (yay etc) but certain people within my household are concerned about the voltage of the console and want me to refrain from using it until they've checked out the lead and the voltage etc properly... >>' I've tried telling them but meh *shrugs* all I know is that the console is 120V and the UK lead (as well as the US one that comes in the box as standard) it came with has a range of 10V -250V which is the one that the guy I bought it off had been using with it for over a year so I would assume that if it wasn't supposed to work with it then the PS3 wouldn't be working now. Anyone got any helpful information regarding the voltage? Dom, you've been using a USA PS3 for a good while now on a UK adaptor and you've had no problems I assume? if so, what lead do you use with yours? Meh either way I won't be playing with it today lol nvm at least I have it now ^^ *goes back to playing on 360 for the time being*
  14. My USA 60GB PS3 has finally arrived! Haven't opened it yet but I'll no doubt be posting here again once I've confirmed it's working etc.
  15. Lol I didn't realise, guess this threads been semi-inactive for a while I'm really starting to get back into this now, I just beat Feros, that bit at the end got kinda annoying and repetitive though, especially as I was at low health and had no medi-gels >>' but it was worth getting past as the game is starting to pick up again now. ^^
  16. Hmm but storyline-wise DMC2 still takes place after the original DMC yes? and DMC4 is set between the events of the first and 2... So does this mean that DMC5 will carry on after 2? or will it come after 3,1,4 but before 2? (I think that makes sense)
  17. £360 >>' gonna be treading carefully financially for a month :P it came with a game and a blu-ray disc though, Motorstorm & Underworld Evolution, I still think it was a reasonably good buy seeing as they have sold for more and Pal 60gbs (with only software backwards compatibility) regularly seem to be going for £400 + often for just the machine. :S
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong but the pink blocks is a sign that the grafx chip is faulty or something. :S
  19. S.C.G

    Fable 2

    Buy it on eBay, theres probably loads of em going cheap on there by now, that way even if you do get it and you don't like, it's not so bad. *back on topic* Never played the original Fable, was curious about it but never bothered, I haven't seen anything on Fable 2 but I'm guessing it's like the same or similar to the original but bettererer? ... So I may get it, depending on how many other games I still have left to complete by then.
  20. Both sound kind of nonsensical to me, plus quite a few Nintendo characters just would not seem right in a kart, SSB works cos it's fighting but a kart game? nah... they should just stick to Mario Kart so they can focus on that and hopefully make it as good as it can be.
  21. O.o I thought you bought a 360 arcade... *back on topic* I'm really starting to get back into this game now, I decided not to play it for a while as each time i did I would go off on sidequests that would turn out to be a waste of time due to not having enough charm / intimidate points, but now I'm just focusing on the main game (I've heard from many people that the majority of sidequests aren't that good anyway) but yeah now that I'm focusing on the main game I'm really enjoying it again.
  22. Ah, somehow I thought it might, just wanted some sort of confirmation, thanks, I'll do the sensible thing and give it a shelf of it's own with plenty of ventilation.
  23. Ah cool thanks one final (possibly stupid) question... would it be possible to stack my PS3 on top of my 360 without risk of damaging the 360? or is the PS3 just too damn heavy for me to be even considering that?
  24. Ah cool, I guess that means I'll need to re-download all the firmware updates etc again though? But I'm guessing that shouldn't take long.
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