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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Hell yeah. and 2... and 3... it IS real... probably... >>'
  2. I don't care if this is art or not, I don't care if it's morally wrong or not, I don't care if it's making a statement or not, to me this sort of stuff is just fail... But each to their own...
  3. I wasn't really following Haze at all, until I read that last sentence... I didn't even know it was being developed by Free Radical >> but now that I do I think I'll be buying it.
  4. Damn right, though by rights it should be free like the DC game as well though I wouldnt mind paying MS points for it.
  5. added online would have been a nice addition but I'm more than happy with the upgraded port they are planning.
  6. Or buy Ikaruga anyway and learn to love it j/k personally I love the game, sure it's unforgivingly cruel when your trying to go for the high chains and max scores but it somehow keeps you coming back for more...
  7. At first when I read that I thought, Soul Edge? the original from the PS1, and I thought hmm thats kinda awesome, then I read it again... Soul Calibur? from the Dreamcast on XBLA? thats even better ^^ I owned the original but never really got to play it because the disc wouldn't always read. :/ But cool ^^ now I'll get to play it added online vs would be a nice touch as well.
  8. Sort of... that links to Eternal Sonata and I'm playing Blue Dragon but thanks anyway yeah I could just look at the secret achievements on there, the lack of them is starting to get to me again anyway so it's time I unlocked some more.
  9. Hmm is there any way to transfer saved Ikaruga replays so they are viewable on a PC?
  10. Woot! A rank 1st chapter achievement get! took about a solid hour of tries today but I finally did it! ^^ Now for the second chapter... >>' *dies a little inside*
  11. Random MK Observation #2 - Ever have a manic second lap on a long trap, think it's the last lap, let go of the accelerate button and think oh well 5th place... and then realise it's not the end of the race a few seconds after crossing the finishing line? Thats happened like twice to me today...
  12. Random MK Observation #1 - Anyone else noticed how the Blue Shell is effectively like the police item of Mario Kart? cos if your in first place with an item and you hear one coming it always seems to be like "Zomg it's teh blue shell! get rid of the goods!" nope? just me... ok then... *goes back to finishing off the single player mode*
  13. Nah the game is just like that I'm about the same maybe a little further in, mind you it doesn't help that half the achievements (near enough) are kept secret. ><
  14. 4 titles I want from that 360 list... 1 from PS3... still it's more than anything that I want thats coming out on Wii, there probably will be stuff I want on it, I just don't know what it is yet because Nintendo haven't announced it >< frustrating... In the meantime before Nintendo even announce what they have in store (if anything) I'll be allready playing games like GTA IV, Ninja Gaiden II and MGS4... Oh well, at least I have Brawl and MK to sort of tide me over...
  15. Gone are the days where core gamers could rely on just one console to satisfy their gaming needs... Nintendo still make their handful of outstanding games a year but the rest of the release schedule is populated by mostly half decent titles, the odd outstanding third party effort and the rest which is sadly ported or poorly put together rubbish. :/ If you want to be truly and honestly satisfied as a gamer, you'll allready have or will be considering owning two or three of this generations home consoles as they all have decent games to offer.
  16. I'm lovong the Wii Wheel again now, it's finally clicked for me I just had a 2 player race online on Bowsers Castle and I didn't just win... I lapped him! it was lol :P loving this game
  17. Probably soley down to the cost of additional Wii-motes... plus if this is up to 4 players then the idea of having 8 Wii-motes for one game does sound a bit overkill but yeah I'd like the support there as it would make the game more playable with 2 remotes.
  18. Thats true but this is Sega so they may choose to support the remote / nunchuck and balance board (if that would even work) or just release a dance mat of their own and a couple of Maraca shells for the controllers. Maybe they will do neither... but yeah as long as the tracklist is good and they improve the controls (previous reports suggested it needed work) then I'll get it as I never got to play the original but I really wanted to. >>
  19. Yeah and it will look a lot better when the images are fixed I still prefer Marketplace though but as long as shop channels have the content I want and I can get to them without too much hassle I really don't mind.
  20. There aren't many games per page on the PSN either though :/ yes the load times are better than the Wii's shop channel but the broken images on the PSN just make it feel incomplete... Also I like the minimalism of the Wii shop channel and I'm not sure but I think there is actually an option to display more results per page, anyways the new PSN is an improvement on the old, I just think the broken images look shoddy and they maybe went a bit overkill with the blue. :S
  21. Quoted for truth, I wish they would just stick a Megadrive / SNES d-pad on every consoles controller from now on, it would solve a lot of problems as those were two of the best d-pads imo.
  22. New store = better than before, broken images = fail (they should have had these working for the amount of time they took to change it) but otherwise it's yeah... better. But XBLM and even the Wii shop channel (in terms of design not load times) pwns it imo.
  23. Downloading the new update now hope it's worth switching my PS3 on for... >>
  24. Quoted for win, and agreed. Hmm if they kept the same name for "most" of the Japanese versions then why didn't they keep them for "all"? it's completely nonsensical to change one of the most famous attacks just as it is not to code the game in Japanese voice with UK Subs, it just pisses fans off. :/
  25. The thing is, I only had these problems when playing online so maybe it was just the difference between racing online and offline and the fact that a lot of players seemed to be using uber cheap / hax / annoying tactics >< but lol that is what MK is about I guess as well as the "skillz" I'll just put in a bit ore practice, I'm sure I'll be "pwning" again in no time.
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