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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Happy Birthday Canand! ^^ like every one of your posts, I hope that your day is legendary.
  2. Oh hang on a sec... so I have the mic connected to USB, then I just connect a 360 controller (with no headset) and then I select Mic option that way? Thanks I didn't actually know that, I thought it was just plug in and it either works or doesn't... but yeah obviously it doesn't have a ring of light so yeah. Anyway I get it now, thanks! ^^
  3. Hmm I think the mic that came with it is faulty, it doesn't show up on the selection screen... phail... gonna buy another mic I guess can use headset for now though :P but omg teh drumz r awesum!!!11!
  4. Just recieved my instruments, question... the USB hub, it's tiny and yet it says it needs to run off the adaptor that comes with it? surely it works fine without...
  5. When the original came out it was first on PS2 and Xbox, it was later ported to the GC as it didn't sell to well and they obviously wanted to recoup development costs. It then sold more on the GC due to a lack of anything else that was third party and decent at the time, the thing is all three consoles of this generations were close in technical capabilities. This generation, they are not, so Ubisoft are just doing the same thing as what they did with the first and thats releasing it on all platforms that can run it, the Wii quite simply can't. Regardless of where the fanbase of the original is Ubi are still gonna only release it on PS3 / 360 but it doesn't matter so much as a large proportion of gamers who only owned a GC in the previous generation or that played the GC as their platform as choice over the others now own either a 360 or a PS3 or both. Why? because quite simply you need either two or all consoles if you want to be able to play all of the decent games, a sad fact but also a true one. The Wii may have amazing first party games but they are too few and far between and so people want to play the other big exclusives on the other platforms too. The bottom line? if people really want to play BG&E2 that badly they will allready have the console to play it on, those that either aren't that bothered or who refuse to swallow their "pride" will soley own a Wii and no other console of this generation. It's your choice, make it... but all I know is that I'll be playing the sequel to one of the best games of the last generation, on a console thats not Nintendo and it doesn't bother me one bit. I bought a Wii for Nintendo games, there currently isn't much in terms of retail games from them on the horizon and I refuse to play nothing while I wait as thats completely nonsensical.
  6. Quick question : - does the GH III controller work with Rock Band? just wondered cos it's wireless n all and all the Rock Band instruments are USB...
  7. I'm so hoping it comes either tomorrow or Friday, hopefully both the game and band in box on Friday, besides I've still got to make room for it all. *goes off to rearrange, chuck rubbish and organise stuff to sell just to make room for Rock Band*
  8. >> I would have got them all I tell you, if it wasn't for that meddling time limit!
  9. >< not "that" kind of wooden object >> if you must know it was my bed, but yeah lol I always feel it necessary to touch wood when talking about console reliability, especially where the 360 is concerned, I'm happy that mine has lasted so long but I too am wondering when it's gonna go even though it seems perfectly fine *touches wood* (again) meh it better not go any time soon as I just ordered Rock Band lol.
  10. Woot! my game and band in a box have been posted ^^ I ordered them around 6PM ish yesterday so I reckon I may have them tomorrow. Is it really, truly as fun and awesome as everyone says it is? I can't wait to try it out.
  11. I also don't know what I'm gonna do with the box... the Drums Box alone was pretty massive, I usually stick big boxes in the loft but I bet it won't even fit through the hatch XD we shall see. On second thoughts, if the box is a big as I think it is, I may use it as a second home. ^^'
  12. I caved in and bought it too XD I was in town today and was considering getting it then but the shop only had the drums... then I looked at the size of the box... thought nah... besides I wanted the whole damn thing, so I ordered it off Play.com earlier today, should have it by Thursday / Friday with any luck. ^^ Now to make space for it... :S
  13. The Gameware one is (surprsingly) good, lasts about as long as normal batteries (sometimes longer) stores your Wii-mote nice and vertically next to your Wii and is generally good.
  14. My Elite : has worked fine since I got one when it launched. *touches wooden object* It's just down to luck I guess but M$ really needs to get their console failure rate down drastically still. :/
  15. Themes and Gamerpics are up on XBLM now, the clan theme is nice, also it shouldn't be long until the demo now, being as the game is out on June 6th! Not long now...
  16. There are already some C64 games on the VC so it's surely only a matter of time.
  17. Played this for another hour today... and thats all it will be! hour long sessions... no more >> definitely not getting addicted to Burnout again... << but it's so fun... *slaps self* Nope, no more Burnout for me tonight. (I got really addicted to Revenge a while back and I'm determined the same isn't gonna happen again)
  18. So the buttons arent on the neck of the guitar? Having only played Guitar Hero I can't see how you'd be able to play it if thats true.
  19. At least the Wii-Mote had "some" thought put into it, that X-Mote looks terrible, I hope they don't go ahead with a Remote either, I bought the 360 to play games with a pad and the Wii to play Nintendo games in whatever shape or form they appear.
  20. Wii gamers... 360 gamers... PS3 gamers... All have different tastes but are still essentially gamers. *goes back to playing games as opposed to posting about labels which can be argued to the death and essentially don't matter*
  21. My copy which I recently paid only £15 for arrived today... I used to play Burnout Revenge obseesively for months on and off and I truly loved it, so when I heard mixed reports about the open world aspect I decided it wasn't worth the full asking price so I waited until now to purchase it. Played it for an hour and so far I quite like it, it has a lot of elements from Revenge, the crappy loading times taken out and it feels a lot more open atm the Open aspect is better than the loading screens of old, criticisms cited by people about there being no quick restart for events all correct but I suppose it's due to the open worl nature of the game. I.e you fail a race, then you just drive around and find some other challenge along the way so the lack of a quick restart option doesn't bother me but it probably will when I only have a few challenges to go. For now though I really do like it and it's a game I will play little and often but not obsessively like with Revenge, I'm also glad I waited and only paid £15 for it as I reckon thats all it's really worth but for it's ambition alone it's probably worth a bit more, I'm just glad I didn't pay the full asking price.
  22. Most likely it's get posted tomorrow and you'll have it by Friday if your lucky or Monday if your unlucky... orders from Play don't often seem to arrive on a Saturday for some reason :/ sometimes though but not always.
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