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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Meh simple solution... don't lend your games out that you don't want to lose files on and put the carts in a place where they aren't likely to be found / borrowed. I haven't lost any files in that way but I have lost my original complete file for the first Zelda on the NES, just turned it on one day and found it just wasn't there, turns out the internal battery had failed, they last around 15 - 20 years then just become unreliable. :/
  2. Lol http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/438529 and Lol http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/442158 Enjoy! : peace:
  3. It's the Besssssst Dayyy Evvvvvvvvvvvver! http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/429260 Enjoy Brawl everyone. : peace:
  4. WTF ... Great... another poor quality spin-off >> sorry to be the voice of pessimism but I hold no hope for this.
  5. Thanks I sorted it earlier today, they are gonna send a courier to pick it up within the next few days, glad I kept "the coffin" now with any luck they will replace it with a new or newer 360, we shall see anyway.
  6. Yeah that'd be cool, they could bring some of the rarer titles to PSN too, those would be downloaded a lot I reckon, especially if the pricing is in line with the current PS1 games they have there, something like £3.50 per game? so maybe £5.50 per PS2 game download, that'd be good. Only problem then is filling up the HDD as you could easily do that with like about 40 - 50 games ? even less if you allready have pre installed stuff on there, I know you can put bigger HDD's in them but the average consumer just won't bother with that. :/ Still it's not all bad, at least we have the in-game XMB coming up finally so things are on the up gradually.
  7. Yes, it makes good business sense but I just think it's nice to have full BC there for the times when there aren't enough really decent games to play on the machine, thats all, it's good too cos it also means if theres a latest game in a long running series people can go back and check out / revisit the older ones and get more hyped for the newer PS3 versions, so it would be benificial to them to put full BC in all consoles for that reason alone surely?
  8. But still, it's just stupid how they included it at the start with most USA PS3's and then ditched it for the European models, it's obviously something people want too otherwise it wouldn't be an issue, they just seem to be overspending in the wrong areas. So far I've only bought three PS3 games, but I've purchased about 12 PS2 games, I think I've even ended up playing more PS2 games on it than anything else, even with the few decent titles the machine has there is still a lack and when that happens people will just play other things on it... i.e PS2 games. Anyways it looks like they aren't gonna fix the situation any time soon so it doesn't matter, it just strikes me as an odd choice. :/
  9. CliffyB Calls Metal Gear "Passive Entertainment" In a recent interview with IGN, CliffyB was quoted in saying the following: “Metal Gear Solid is our example of the game we’re not doing. Passive entertainment is on its way out.” ... What a noob >> I don't see whats wrong with MGS4? it's awesome, it has a great plot (yes some of it's far-fetched but it's original and entertaining) and a decent amount of solid (pun intended) gameplay. Gears had... that cover system thing that was cool I guess... decent online multiplayer (but MGS4 has this too) but the plot in Gears was pretty generic and dull IMO with a rubbish ending. :/ Meh... each to their own, I'll still get GoW 2 but I just lost some of the respect I might have had for it's developers thats all.
  10. There are far, far worse plots to games and at least it's original and entertaining in it's own way.
  11. Metal Gear is mostly like it or loathe, always has been really, I thought the review was funny though I don't take them seriously often he's right though but mostly his reviews are just entertaining. I'm still gonna continue playing through all the Metal Gear games but it has to be said, MGS4 is a game primarilly for those who have played the rest of the Metal Gear Solid saga, theres loads of fan service in there and despite slight gameplay niggles which have always been there in previous games anyway it's still a fantastic game. Oh and as for the tranquiliser gun, you don't have to use it, theres a myriad of weapons available so you can be as "all out action" or as stealthy as you like so it's hardly a flaw, just an option.
  12. Yeah but the loss is allready huge so it would really be a drop in the ever expansive ocean.
  13. It's just really dumb though how they implemented the complete emotion engine into 60GB NTSC PS3's, then none for Europe, then they make it for certain models but it's still not classed as "full" BC? Why not just put the emotion engine into every PS3? they are allready making a huge loss that they don't seem hugely concerned about so whats a few extra mill or w/e on top of that if it makes your consumers happy?
  14. It was made as a PS2 collection though, what would be better is they should get that BC sorted for Europe then they could release it in Europe too, personally though I like having the MGS saga on their original discs with new artwork, I had to buy a proper copy of subsistence as you only get disc 1 with the essential collection but apart from that you get everything that was in the original subsistence / substance versions for less than £20 which is awesome.
  15. QFT! I did that too lol I thought it was like the best stealth killing tactic ever and was sure others must have tried it too, it's just not worth trying to do that boss battle any other way lol
  16. While nice, pics of women taken with gaming hardware like this in order to increase sales always comes across as slightly dumb to me. ^^^ Look!!! I has PSP ... where is "On" button?
  17. Anyone know the number for Xbox 360 customer support? My Elite is fine but a mate who I sold my spare 360 to (when I got my Elite) has had his machine come up with the 3 red lights and it's still registered to me >> anyway I said I'd return it for him and I need the number to ring so if anyone knows it that'd be cool, if not I'll find it tomorrow. I'm amazed how long that 360 lasted actually as that was one I had a few months after launch... as for my Elite, I've had that since it launched alongside Bioshock, so quite a while now. ^^
  18. damn beat me to it, but yeah thats the one... enjoy!
  19. Been playing the original Metal Gear... I'm enjoying it now that I know how to save, or where rather, only in elevators apparently >> highlights so far? Aquiring the RC Missiles and of course, The Box! somehow it's even more awesome in the original. anyway, really glad I decided to play it before startin MGS TTS again, still got MG:SS to play before that too.
  20. It's well worth it, I got my copy for less than £20, cheap NTSC versions ftw ^^ started playing the MSX version of Metal Gear thats on disc 2, it's pretty good, only bad thing is the difficulty and the fact that you can save any time but it will only save your progress at certain points so you have to watch for when the time on your save file changes, cos thats when it saves. :P Still playing Portable Ops but... on and off cos for all of it's technically impressive goodness, it's a tad repetitive. :/
  21. Wait till you get to the end of Act three, thats when things start getting really epic. ^^
  22. Yes... because I completed it recently, and damn well excellent it is too ^^ I'm completing them all in chronological order and the list is of the ones I'm playing / left to play in this consecutive MGS "playlist".
  23. The Rock Band Guitar used to be able tp be used with the Guitar hero games right? Well not anymore... just had a blast on the new Coldplay track pack for GH III (the game updated before I played) used the GH controller then decided I wanted to use the RB guitar and now you just get a message that says the following... "Unsupported guitar peripheral detected, please disconnect and connect either a GH Guitar or a control pad and press start" Bastards! >< oh well looks like i won't be playing GH II and III much anymore, I prefer the RB controller and now it's unusable with all GH games (I was sure it was compatible before) the GH controller now feels just cheap and unresponsive in comparison. *sigh* oh well I guess I'll be buying the next RB game and not GH:WT then though I was considering picking up GH:Aerosmith and Metallica at some point, damn... looks like I'll have to use the GH Guitar sometimes, even though the RB one is blatantly better >< IMO. meh...
  24. Woot! MGS Orgy ftw :P I'm still playing portable ops atm, once thats done it's gonna be... MG >>> MG2 >>> MGS:TTS >>> MGS2 >>> MGS4 (on hard this time) Can't wait to finish MGS:PO and get onto the originals.
  25. I welcome the change and the game in general, the 360 needs more decent platformers (Idk if it's vehicle heavy, still a platformer) and a lot of people have wanted a new Banjo game for years so roll on November! ^^
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