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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. QFT! : peace: for now though I'm just glad we are getting steady DLC for this each Tuesday, on the whole the packs have been pretty good too, I'm really enjoying this weeks Nine Inch Nails pack. ^^ A lot of fun to sing along to.
  2. QFT! : peace: "la-la la-la la-la-la-la-la-la la-la la-la la" damn that theme is still ingrained in my mind.
  3. Why not have Activision oversee development, co-publish it and take a cut for themseleves? problem solved, everyone happy... surely it's as simple as that? Maybe it isn't but Idk, I'd just like to play Goldeneye on XBLA.
  4. It would be nice but I wouldn't hold your breath, I heard that they have messed with the characters a bit too much, tried to balance out the overpowered ones and made them worse, I'm still buying it though and I reserve actual judgement until I play it. But yeah, SCII was epic and a game that can somehow recreate that same feeling but better would be a stunning achievement for the series, so here hoping. ^^
  5. Happy Birthday to N-E's very own Mark Cullinane! Hope your enjoying your day. ^^
  6. Ripping people off... because they can... the shaaaaaame of it all.
  7. Super Mario Bros - the hardest level http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6204903272262158881 Quite long (over 20 mins) but so worth it.
  8. Used to be N64 (17 games) Then it was GC (76 games) Now it's Xbox 360 (79 games) 36 retail - 42 arcade
  9. I remember my Monday timetable from my first year at secondary school instantly for some reason... English > Maths > ICT > PSE > Histroy > Geography > French
  10. from something near... Happy Birthday NearCry! have a great day. ^^
  11. ^^^ It's the guitar riff from The Killers "When You Were Young" from Guitar Hero III / Rock Band... *one soul please mwahahaha!* Ahem! when I was young I always wanted to be involved in the games industry in some way / shape / form... I have fulfilled that in part by becoming staff at N-E so I'm relatively happy.
  12. now they can all sleep soundly and everything is all right... Happy Birthday to The Pig Marcher! hope you have a great day. ^^
  13. For now... If FFXIII can run on 360 then so can it's versus variant and I wouldn't be surprised if we see that too, timed exclusive or not, anyways 360 owners are now getting the main game as well as PS3 owners, thats the real dealbreaker.
  14. QFT, how many times did they say "just like on the Wii but..." lol still this new guide should be good but I wouldn't be surprised if this mystery motion sensing controller gets announced by M$ before the show is over at this rate.
  15. Really? :/ after what... 2, 3 years of development? thats dissappointing and aren't they making a whole trilogy out of it? not much point bothering is the first one is shit. :S Maybe they should have chosen to make an Eternal Darkness sequel instead.
  16. I lol'd... the PS3 is more "niche" than the Wii, neither are truely though, but if one out of the three was, it'd be the PS3 when you compare it to the 360 / Wii.
  17. Yes, in retrospect if it was 800 I wouldn't have bought it, tis a good game n' all but it's just y'know... soul destroyingly hard at times. >>
  18. Is that custom soundtrack thing available on all PS3 games now?
  19. Ah well thats fair enough all FPS' should at least give you that option for such a setup, if not then phail... :/
  20. Doesn't that defeat the object of it? in offline multiplayer you "have" to have split screen but in online you don't, unless you mean cos then you could see what sneaky tactics the other players are employing online, in which case yeah that'd be cool but still... being forced to view 1/4 of the screen when you don't have to is just pointless Imo. Save it for offline multiplayer.
  21. Because Rare decided to fuck about with the formula :/ I would have preferred them to keep the old stuff too but was just stating what they've done and that they should hurry up and release it allready, it could still be amazing but parts of it could still suck, but this debate has gone on for long enough about "will it or won't it" hence people just want to play the game and see for themseleves. Oh well not long to go now I guess...
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