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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Happy Birthday Guys! ^^
  2. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps wait... they don't love you like I love you The only song that I really 'know' by them but still great.
  3. Her proper songs may be much better but it's still a damn good cover.
  4. Do you know what I really need? Do you know what I really need? Hounds of Love without hesitation.
  5. Florence... I know why MK Ultra was picked and I knew this would happen, there were far better Muse songs that could have gone further but the track in question isn't that strong whereas Drumming Song is.
  6. S.C.G

    5.1 Sound

    Yes... dramatically.
  7. 2010 the last year for Wii? I lol'd...
  8. Jimi Hendrix...
  9. If there's any Justice in the world then Phantom Pt.2 will win.
  10. ... Screw that, it looks awesome! It was never gonna be the most visually striking title but it still has some nice touches and effects not to mention looking reasonably crisp overall, I fail to see why some are dissapointed?
  11. Nashville enough said.
  12. I resisted the urge for all of half a second... and then I massacred them ALL... brutally... no one survived... NO ONE! and I loved every second of it... every... damned... second... Mwahahaha... yes I R Evil, what of it? :p
  13. So... did anyone else enjoy the airport level a bit too much? because I sure did :p lol at the whole warning/skipping thing, why would anyone want to skip it? I mean yeah I can see why it might 'shock' some but generally anyone buying this kind of game should know what to expect and won't care about being 'offended' or whatnot.
  14. I just got home from work to find my copy of the game, Hardened Edition fuck yeah! gonna go play it now, obv...
  15. Hmm it looks... good for a Wii game, lacking the polish and clarity from the 360 version but everything is still clearly defined, I'd love to play it to see how the versions compare but I'm not gonna rush out and buy it again. Probably/possibly... they have been known to and this is the first MW and not MW2 so I don't see why not, they might even put it up 'early' tbh.
  16. I wonder where/how they obtained copies of the game to sell them that cheaply? Seriously... they either got them dirt cheap somehow or they are making a mahoosive loss on them. Still a good deal if you have one of those stores near you, personally I'd never heard of 'em. Edit - lol no wonder... their nearest store to me is Exeter which isn't exactly 'local'.
  17. Because supermarkets don't always guarantee you a copy on/before release, yes I know they will order loads of copies but imagine going to a supermarket expecting to get it cheap 'n all and then finding out that they'd just sold out... that'd just plain suck. :/ Tbf though I would have picked it up at work if my local branch even stocked 360 games, sadly they don't though, just Nintendo stuff... 'tis a small store, so yeah, that's why I decided to just go ahead and get the hardened edition from Play.com lol, there is a small chance I'll get it today as well as it's coming via courier and not Royal Fail. Edit- actually there is also a chance that it could get 'lost' in transit but, I guess it's a risk that's gotta be taken when you order online.
  18. Following on from completing the first MW the night before, last night I played WAW from start to finish and I actually really enjoyed it MW is still better of course but what I did like about WAW was the lack of laser sights... y'know on the rifle where you have to line up the actual sights and BAM! there it is, a perfect headshot, very satisfying indeed; I also rather enjoyed the Flamethrower. Plus the final level... it just felt more 'epic' I guess, I mean yeah disarming nukes in MW did seem like a more serious threat but just the way that everything was 'built-up' more in WAW made it seem like a more satisfying final level. Oh well, roll on MW2!
  19. Frou Frou because I just enjoyed her song more... simples?
  20. Hmm I think that's the first time I've given them a proper listen... and I like, quite a bit, the build up is indeed good though Idk... there's something about their voices... partly sounds lovely but grates in places :/ I'm just not used to their sound I guess but I could see myself listening to more.
  21. I just think it'd maybe be nice to have one big online achievement for getting the highest rank or something... Idk, it doesn't bother me that much though... either way I'm looking forward to playing this.
  22. Well... as an online game it is fun to play, huge fun at times, though it can be annoying too, it's just that sometimes it's nice to have a handful of online achievements to go for that's all.
  23. Oh... well that's kinda fail, I mean I can see it's for 'the good of the game' etc but it is still only a game and generally all games have Party Chat so for this to not have it for parts of the game kind of sucks really, plus there is nothing to stop people using private chat instead if they were really determined to 'cheat' right? Anyway... I'm sure it won't 'kill' the game for me but alas it is annoying as I'd just started using party chat more regularly. In other news I actually only just finished the original MW last night! I really enjoyed it though and I now see what I've been 'missing out' on... as far as the multiplayer goes though, it's good... but... Idk... there just doesn't seem to be much incentive to play apart from ranks, which is a good system but maybe a few online achievements wouldn't have hurt, but then again the better ones to get are single player achievements I guess, I'm not knocking the online multiplayer but I just don't feel that I've missed out so much on that as I had with the single player.
  24. The hell? can't you use Party Chat with MW2 for some reason? It's supposed to work with all games...
  25. Yeah, White Stripes ftw tbh... some good tracks there.
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