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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Perhaps now - for I feel it would be for the best - we should finally lay this thread to rest, it has long since drawn its final breath and now it seems to have died a death.... R.I.P 'Your dead body'
  2. This basically sums up how I feel now, loads better than I have been but still got an irritating cough to content with so keeping warm is a must as it's still pretty cold here atm.
  3. Donkey Kong Country Returns is basically a completely different pedigree of platforming than something like Sonic and so there is no way that I'd even attempt to compare the two because they quite simply aren't on the same kind of level. For the most part DKCR represents platforming perfection because there is simply nothing quite like it available in this day and age just like the original DKC series remains untouchable for the era that it was produced in; obviously for DKCR to be better than those orgiinal games is impossible because so much time has passed and it's a completely different developer handling it. But that doesn't stop it from being one of the finest platforming games ever conceived since the original series because it quite honestly is at least that good and even that is giving it a tremendous amount of credit, whatever happens to the series now Retro Studios should be proud of what they have achieved with this quite frankly fantastic game because while it may not be the best platforming game ever made it still goes down in my books as being one of the most enjoyable titles I've played in about a decade and that definitely deserves some credit.
  4. I got a Muse T-shirt from my bro, specifically this one... And that's basically it but being that the whole family - including myself - has been ill since before Christmas I wasn't really expecting anything so anyway I'm just happy that I got to unwrap something which basically made my day. I got more out of giving presents tbh, I did all my shopping online so it wasn't exactly a large amount of hassle, anyway I got one of my bros Dead Rising 2 (was selling off pretty cheap and it's a good game ) my other bro I got a really nice scarf from M&S (It was what he wanted so...) my Dad I got 'A Hard Days Night' by 'The Beatles' (he likes them and has some of the remasters already but not that one) and my Mum I got 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' by 'Kanye West' (she likes Kanye plus I basically got her all of his other albums as Christmas presents in years gone by... and then listened to them myself at some point...) :p So yeah... not so much about 'what I got' for me but more 'what I gave' to others, either way I'm happy.
  5. Merry Christmas!
  6. If you only have time to play one version, make it the Wii.
  7. Happy Birthday Guys!
  8. True... I feel better than I did this morning but on the other hand I'm feeling so damn rough but just gotta try and look at it all objectively I suppose as things could be a lot worse even though it might not seem like it right now.
  9. Glad to hear that you're on the mend dude : peace: I'd like to think that I'm getting there but I keep waking up and feeling pretty rough, I'm not too bad atm but will see what tomorrow brings.
  10. Gamestation, clearly trying to rob people blind as you can get both games combined for that price if not a lot less.
  11. My... dead... body? ... Over my dead body! :p
  12. I felt even worse this morning as I think I've caught a bit of what the rest of the family have - chest infection - but I think it's more of a bad cough atm, just got to keep on top of it; not feeling as bad atm though as I'm dosed up on painkillers plus some homemade soup earlier made all the difference.
  13. Caffiene... I'm used to drinking several cups of tea a day and going from that many straight down to zero causes me to get an epic headache which doesn't help matters at all. I managed to drink my first cup of tea today though which helped a bit and sleeping for 2 and a half hours in the afternoon seemed to help somewhat though the feeling of pins and needles/aches seems more constant now. Also I can't believe it took me half an hour to type this simple post, being ill = fail. Damn I'm sorry to hear that I hope you feel better soon dude.
  14. More settled now but i've been told to keep off dairy products and to increase water intake but hopefully *touch wood* things are sorting themselves out in that department; now all I have to worry about is the constant aching throughout my body and making sure I take in a little bit of caffeine so that this oncoming headache will subside as I'm starting to suffer from slight withdrawal symptoms.
  15. Just got back from the Doc's and apparently 'I has Norovirus' which is apprently pretty contageous :/ I didn't know I had it obv otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone in there because I'm supposed to stay away from people to prevent it from spreading further. So basically I'm not going into work until after Christmas but then again, it's not as if I felt capable enough to go in anyway - even without the spreading problem - so I'm not gonna be doing a lot other than staying at home, getting better and most likely reviewing, afterall at least I can still type. The rest of my family have a rather nasty chest infection, though I'm the more contageous apparently but it seems like we'll be avoiding each other - eithin reason - until we start to feel batter.
  16. Right... of to the Doc's for me, probably gonna tell me what I allready know - flu or something - I don't really want to even set foot outside but a family appointment has been made so gonna just go and get it over with.
  17. No this isn't a thread about 'Disturbed' unfortunately... :p It's actually about genuine sickness what with it being that time of years again when flu etc is most common; it would seem that my feeling 'iffy' last night wasn't due to alcohol at all as I've basically caught the start of what the rest of the family have got, which sucks. Basically couldn't stop throwing up at least once an hour since 12am this morning and can't seem to keep anything down - not even water - my mum seemed to suggest that a small amount of lemon juice plus carbonated water helps to settle the stomach, I'm trying it out of desparation atm and it seems to be working but I shan't hold my breath just yet. So yeah, has anyone else fallen ill this season and do you have any tips for overcoming such illnesses that we could all learn something from? Thanks for reading.
  18. Truth... I've been sick on Vodka several times before, I don't know what it is that makes it such a potentially potent puke-inducer but often it can make you feel sick even if you haven't had that much of it; for instance tonight I've had just a few double measures of it - mixed - and I'm feeling a bit 'iffy' but then again it has been a while since I last drank it... mainly because I've been sick off of it before... ...seems I never learn! :p ------------------------- Today hasn't been too bad but I just don't seem to be able to focus for long periods of time, which isn't good when you're trying to get stuff done... :/ I've been writing some reviews today but it's a slow process because of this; I'm getting there though.
  19. Happy Birthday Noodleman!
  20. Oh I see, I'll be downloading that then I can't wait to actually play this when it arrives, I feel like I should have bought it on release but I'm now kind of glad I decided to give it a few weeks for the price to drop but I've been tempted to just buy it for full price many times up until recently.
  21. I've noticed there's 'DLC' for this on the marketplace... 'NFS:HP ver1.1' apparently the latest game-changing update for it, I thought something like this though would be a mandatory update when you start up the game? It's free in any case, just thought I'd clarify what it is exactly being as I should have the game in a day or two.
  22. Good to see Sega aren't pissing their profits away...
  23. I couldn't log into my account last night, after a few attempts I soon found out why though... :p I'm more than happy to enter into the spirit of things with a festive name change just so long as my name reverts back to 'S.C.G' as it was before, with no extra full stop on the end. This is all I ask, other than that... Noelllll noellllll...
  24. HDMI works on an 'all or nothing' principle, so yes just buying any cable will suffice, the only thing that does seem to change is the amount of bandwith as they keep revising it to make certain things possible like sending a 3D signal from a PS3 to a 3DTV - using HDMI ver 1.4 - on certain games, but for just connecting an Xbox 360 to a standard HDTV you shouldn't have to worry about such needless nonsense. :p By the time 3D in gaming becomes 'standard' - if it does - all HDMI cables manufactured from that point will more than likely carry those kinds of capabilities, regardless of price as I'm sure it makes sense to keep making the latest version of the cable, heck it might even be the 'standard' cable that you find almost anywhere now as version 1.4 has been around since early 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hdmi#Connectors
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