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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I definitely agree with this, it certainly served its purpose but even at the time it all felt like a bit of an underwhelming moment like 'really... is that how a castle collapses?' I mean it was semi-convincing at the time I suppose when you were caught up in the moment and the epic battle that would ensue afterwards but now... no way would that hold up.
  2. R.I.P Bunny... sad to hear about, I'd be inclined to believe it was a Fox but that still obviously doesn't take away the feeling of loss, so my condolences to you both.
  3. ^ The 'Mojo Tree'? wow the French version of the Deku Tree sounds retarded... Surely it would have been better to keep the name 'Deku' in all versions being that it refers to something that exists within the game, does that mean that in the French version you have such things as 'Mojo Sticks' and 'Mojo Scrubs' oh and lets not forget 'Mojo Nuts' :p plus your faithful 'Mojo Shield' ... I'm surprised that such a translation that makes stuff in the game sound worse actually exists. I could be missing something here but... Deku > Mojo so...
  4. I'm glad we agree... : peace: also any luck on finding the official video to it? I had to make do with the static - yet still sublime - coverart to the album. As a sidenote did you happen to catch their latest - self titled - album? It seems to have some decent tracks on it but it still doesn't touch the greatness of Our Love to Admire but then, I didn't exactly expect it to.
  5. We shall see, I'm not convinced just yet - and wanted an excuse to post that 'classic' clip - plus due to it being downloadable I keep questioning Telltales reluctance to release it on XBLA... first Back to the Future and now seemingly this too, though I suppose it could be down to Sam & Max not doing that well on XBLA.
  6. Current? I work for The Evil Supermarket Chain Overlords Dream? Working for a reputable games company doing something game related and getting paid would be awesome. Doing? Reviewing for N-Europe, though when it comes down to it I actually wonder if I would take a 'greater' paid opportunity if offered it, because yes money for doing gaming stuff = great but I often wonder if being paid for it would then mean I'd start to lose interest/enthusiasm for it, whereas atm I'm writing reviews on a voluntary basis but doing it because I want to. Spider's Curse? Kill it with fire?
  7. Interpol - Pioneer to the Falls One of the best opening tracks I've heard in a long time from what's considered to be the best album that Interpol have prodcued to date - Our Love To Admire - and is a decent track in its own right which sets the scene for the start of the album perfectly. The whole album flows really well generally but the first track in particular stands out for its all-round excellence, I'd highly recommend it to anyone even a little bit curious about the band as it's the first album that actually got me into them. I've had it since its release in 2007 and its never disappointed in the many times that I've listened to it.
  8. Well I decided to view the scene on YouTube out of curiosity to see what all the fuss was about and my first thought? Somebody needs to Guile's theme this... :wink: ... what? It goes with everything!
  9. Fixed for accuracy, grammar and exclamation limitation... ... welcum 2 tha forumz!!!
  10. Happy Birthday N-Europe!
  11. *reads thread title* 'The Death of DVD & Blu-ray' *reads first line of press release* "Complementing the physical DVD and Blu-ray home entertainment markets..." Somehow I doubt this'll be the end for disc-based media...
  12. So I went to work and by the end of my shift I felt about ten times worse... aches have set in as has the obligatory pouding headache and sore throat seems to have intensified. :/ I had some paracetamol a few hours ago which helped immensely, now I think I'm just gonna try and get a good nights sleep and hopefully feel slightly better in the morning... ...bet I end up feeling worse though lol.
  13. Happy Birthday lostmario!
  14. This game is amazingly good and addictive I've had it almost a full week - I bought it last Thursday evening - and I've played it every day since, without fail, purely because I enjoy it that much. Everything just feels 'right' about the game, the turning, drifting, vehicle weight etc... it all feels well-tuned and is exactly the kind of game I'd expect from Criterion who have done a fantastic job on it; it feels like the perfect hybrid as it's in the same leauge as the Burnout titles but has a new level of detail and refinement put into it which the older Need for Speed games were famous for I believe. It's also made Need for Speed good again but that's just down to the developer, I found it almost insulting that they put a trailer for NFS:Shift2Unleashed (title lol) in the game before you even get to play it because as far as I'm aware they will be going back to their original development team I assume so... no Criterion probably = no buy from me. Guessing it's purely a one-off as Criterion no doubt will want to get back to making more Burnout titles but what they have created here will probably be fondly remembered for a long time to come. In other news my - very late - copy from Play actually arrived today (lol) so I'm glad I bought a second copy as I've had a hell of a good weeks worth of play out of it already, think I may trade the extra copy in at my local independent game retailer as I can almost certainly get back what I paid for it.
  15. I must have missed this, well, I was feeling better thanks Grazza - still have a slight cough but - until last night when I started to get a sore throat and this morning it seems to have got worse plus feeling achey again, which isn't a good sign. Had some paracetamol though, gargled with it for a bit and that seems to have eased the feeling - for now - I just hope that I don't end up feeling worse at work later, which ironically I think is where I must have picked up the sore throat from possibly due to others not washing their hands properly - I always wash mine at work/home etc - as I had something to eat in the canteen and I'm sure that it was after that I started to feel slightly rough, so I could have picked up something from touching the cutlery or maybe it was just something airborne. Anyway, glad to hear that you're feeling better and I wish good health to anyone who is feeling sick atm.
  16. Happy Birthday Jay!
  17. Well if they will overprice their stock and generally rip people off then... The only time I've ever bought from HMV is when they have a sale on and even then it only really brought the prices down to more like what they already are elsewhere, I get that they have a large selection of music but when you can buy it elsewhere for - in some cases - a lot cheaper then it's kind of a no-brainer isn't it?
  18. Not quite the same but, I'm back to work today after having an awesome four days off where I basically played Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit and didn't do much else... :p - I've been making up for the past couple of weeks where I've been ill and barely played anything - but it was good and I know I shouldn't complain but going back to work does indeed suck. However I do count myself lucky that I even have a job atm, it may be part-time but it's something even with its low-points - which all jobs have - so no... I'm not looking forward to going back but at the same time it'll be 'good' for me to get back in touch with reality for a bit I suppose.
  19. Happy Birthday Mike1988uk!
  20. I have and I am indeed myself one, I first got to play Ikaruga from a Dreamcast 'backup' disc... I've since actually bought the game though, twice... but at the time the game was difficult/expensive to get. I thought this situation with the PS3 was somehow different to that of the DC, if not though then I guess it will probably mean an increase in piracy though I won't be partaking in it as I literally don't buy that many PS3 games in the first place, homebrew however with no mods necessary does interest me.
  21. R.I.P Pete Postlethwaite
  22. Happy New Year Sony! In all seriousness though, yes this may be bad but is it really gonna affect Sony that much? Even if I knew there was a way that I could run pirated games on my PS3 with little hassle, I still wouldn't do it and so would continue to buy retail games to support the industry and I'm sure that the majority of PS3 owners feel the same way no? Surely the only thing that this would do - if it did have a huge impact on sales - is fast-forward the release of the PS4... but really, can anyone see that happening realistically when the PS3 still has many years left in it, as does the Xbox 360. This could change things but personally, I just can't see it happening... yet.
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