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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Still playing this, a helluvalot... and I'm still loving it one question though... The 'version1.1' update, I heard that upon downloading, it can reset your career is this true? I only ask because I've got pretty far and if this is still a possibility then I won't download it atm, if it was just an early glitch that they've now fixed though then there's no problem, just thought I'd ask just in case. *Edit* I just did some searching and apparently the patch was 'glitched' when it first became available but its been fixed since Dec 21st... hmm... this had better be the case, also it's really bad of EA to allow a patch to be released which messes up peoples career progress, but as long as it's fixed now.
  2. It wasn't fake I'm just genuinely crap at getting drunk... I started typing the post when I was just starting to feel drunk and then decided to add bits as the evening progressed, sadly though I kept sobering up and then only getting a little bit drunk so it didn't really work so well as you all witnessed. I don't drink that often hence I'm always out of practice, but being that it was New Years Eve and I seemed to be gradually getting drunk anyway I thought it'd be a laugh to have a go at posting while drunk being that not many other people seemed to be - apart from Paj his post was great - and in the absence of the forum 'greats' who are well seasoned at this kind of thing - Jay, Nolan, Dwarf, Martinist etc - I thought I'd attempt to fill the void but alas I failed. There's a lesson somewhere in all this and I believe I've learned it... basically 'leave the drunk posts to the pros' or in my case just give up on drinking, it doesn't seem to do much for me anyway... :p in any case I look forward to reading all future drunken posts in this thread as they are entertaining but I've come to learn that it's just something that I'll never be 'good' at... not that it's really something that should really be boasted about but I guess there are just those that are born drinkers and then those that are not, I fall into the latter category and so I quietly salute those that know how to drink and do it properly. *raises glass* : peace:
  3. Happy New Year!
  4. I just wanted an excuse to rate your new AV/Sig because basically I love it AV = 8/10 I love the expression on Rihanna's face Sig = 9/10 The image combined with the text works really well and just, stuns. Happy New Year! AV = 9/10 I've always loved your avatar, it's so simple yet so awesome. Sig = 8/10 Minimalist but conveys a simple yet festive message. Happy New Year!
  5. 1. Stay in 2. Play Need For Speed all night 3. ???? 4. Profit!
  6. Within the WMP11 menus? I've allready allowed the device through that... are you saying that I need to allow it elsewhere, somewhere within XP before it'll work?
  7. I used to be able to share my media with my old PC without any problems at all but for some reason it won't let me share music etc with my Netbook... It's the slim Xbox 360 and I'm running XP on the netbook, I have Windows Media Player 11 and have found and 'enabled' sharing via that but still it refuses to find it on the console, I've restarted both to ensure that it wasn't that but yeah... bit of a strange one as it should in theory just 'work' but for whatever reason it won't. So I figured I'd post here in the hope that there may be a simple solution, possibly something I've overlooked or some kind of quick fix, I don't want to download TVersity or similar unless I have to because it shouldn't be necessary as all the sharing capability needed is present in WMP. Anyway, help appreciated, thanks.
  8. This game is stunning, I love it! just surprised that I actually waited this long to buy it... at least I saved about £15 but knowing how good it is now I probably would have bought it a lot sooner.
  9. So I have the game and it's great/brilliant/amazing etc but... why oh why does it disconnect me from autolog after two races and now won't reconnect? Is this a regular occurence... *edit* restarting the game seems to fix it, still slightly annoying though, anyway, back to driving like a maniac!
  10. I saw those offers today and was 'slightly miffed' because I have them all, then I remembered that most of them have been out for absolutely ages though so it doesn't really make the slightest bit of difference. I would recommend that anyone who doesn't have any of those Sonic games pick them up at that price though.
  11. So... are our names reverting back soon or after New Years? I don't mind either way, would just like to know in any case thanks for the temporary name changes Ash, they definitely helped along the general feeling of festivity around the forum.
  12. ^ Enjoy Coolness... enjoy, Ys is one of my favourite albums by far and I'm eternally grateful for being introduced to the greatness that is Joanna Newsom as she is so unbelievably essential.
  13. I would actually quite like Nintendo to utilise solid state cartridges for their next home system, it's a good idea and considering the vast storage sizes now available space wouldn't be an issue. What would be an issue however would be Nintendo using Blu-Ray... a format essentially 'owned' by Sony... I'm sure more than a few problems would arise from that.
  14. They will, the mail is tracked... somehow... either way I'm not looking to defraud anyone but I will get a refund out of them once it's gone past the 21 day time-frame, in the meantime though I want to actually be playing the damn game so I'm gonna pick up a copy of it tonight after work.
  15. It was good that they left the party scene to your imagination, you know that it's bad by the way that even Superhans - the crack addled maniac - is shying away from it but when Jez ventures in there - for all of five seconds - and then emerges the expression on his face just says it all, priceless!
  16. I should have had this about a week ago, seems that Play.com fucked up yet again though... >.> I only ordered off them because they had the game at £24.99 for a week, but now that seems to have become the 'regular' price for it everywhere so sod 'em! gonna pick it up off the shelf from my workplace for the same price plus an additional 10% off, Play can then issue me a refund in the New Year assuming the copy doesn't arrive.
  17. inbefore12amtoolateohnoes! Happy Birthday JonSt!
  18. While I won't go out of my way to purchase the two disc version - unless it's something particularly stunning - sometimes two-disc versions of films are brought out seemingly by default, for instance Scott Pilgrim which I bought last night, they only had the two disc version in stock seemingly signifying that it's basically the 'standard' version. So sometimes there's no real choice in the matter...
  19. I'm currently listening to the album, it's been pretty decent so far but now I'm just listening to Monster and... it's stunning.
  20. For what it's worth - probably very little - I enjoyed it.
  21. And... I've finally completed it! got 100% but I don't think I'll be going for the 200%+ anytime soon, though it is a nice bonus for completing the game I think it could prove to be just too hardcore a challenge maybe so I think I'll leave it and just be content that I've played one of the best platformers ever to be made in recent years rather than play on 'just because' and probably end up spoiling my memories of it due to the game probably boiling down to becoming mega frustrating all for the sake of extra challenge. :p
  22. The original Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64 was legendary for its time and actually featured a superior multiplayer to the one featured in the Xbox remake Conker : Live and Reloaded in fact I was pretty disgusted to find what they'd done to the multiplayer tbh, it just didn't have the charm of the original and wasn't nearly as playable. When it came to the Single Player however the game shone through pretty much brighter than ever as everything looked nicer with redone graphics although I do recall them having to 'bleep' out nearly all of the swearing which was present in the N64 original, which made it less funny. I would actually love it if they were to bring the original game to Xbox Live with the sole enhancements being slightly upscaled visuals and of course the original multiplayer over Xbox Live, reinstating the Fire Imp would be a step forward too but if Rare were really that 'scared' of putting all of the orgiinal 'naughty' passwords back in the game - for example 'beefcurtains' which unlocks the Zombie Squirrel in multiplayer lol - then they could just have a menu instead for turning on cheats. But yeah, the original CBFD on XBLA would no doubt prove to be a huge hit so I really hope that it does happen somewhere down the line.
  23. ... Did it first time with the juice... But the thing is, that's the first ever time I've used 'Banana Juice' in the game, basically because every time I'd go to the shop to buy it after hearing it being talked about all I 'saw' was a parrot, heart, and a jar with different numbers of balloons attached to them... ... it never once occurred to me that I could press 'Up' or 'Down' while in the shop. So yes... every single level in the game, every tricky part that I cursed at before, I managed to get past it all up until this point without using 'Banana Juice' now admittedly this was because I didn't know how to select it but still that must be some kind of achievement... ... even if it does make me feel a tad dumb.
  24. Migraines can make you feel really sick even if you weren't feeling even slightly iffy before having one because it's constant, with a headache it's just 'pain' and it's 'there' as you can frequently feel it but from what I understand Migraine pain is literally constant as in you don't really get a break from the pain at all plus things like noise and strong lights - especially sunlight - can make things even worse. Effectively, because the pain is so bad and because the root of the pain it in the head it starts to affect your entire body, why it makes you feel sick etc... they are particularly nasty and so much worse than a headache.
  25. Five Monkey Trial... Why can there not be a DK barrel at the start of the stage just to ease the pain a little bit? It's one of those stages that you basically need Diddy for or at least most of it... though I did manage to make it to the very end as DK on one heart and then got killed on that last 'bit' :/ so annoying. It would just feel so much more doable if there was a DK barrel at the start though, it's as if they don't want me to properly complete this game but instead come agonisingly close and to stare at the screen with rage. ... Fucking awesome game though!
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