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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Well after playing this for about two and a half hours I must say that first impressions are good from the outset the presentation reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy except perhaps on a lower budget, but you can tell that's basically what Sega are aiming for, a Soniv game that borrows the basic template of SMG. All of the general Sonic staples are present including the homing attack, dash and a double jump, Sonic can also wall-jump now for some reason which is welcome, though he still can't spin-dash normally which is annoying but not game-breaking. Wisps certainly add to the experience rather than detracting from it, my favourite so far is the spikes, especially boosting along surfaces while stuck to them; the worlds seem reasonably diverse too which helps and the bosses seem reasonably original. The only negative so far is dying at certaint points... repeatedly... but it's only been two or three times in a row so far so it's no serious issue really, the story is somewhat amusing and even mocks itself in a way that fans will find entertaining, overall it's a decent Sonic game so far and the only thing it's missing obv is the Special Stage.
  2. Happy Birthday Will!
  3. Wtf... 2.0 and IGN, did they just photoshop that '10/10 Destructoid' onto the box then or... were they high when they reviewed it... I R confused, how can a game score so low in one place yet so high in another. Hmm after checking the reviews it seems it's just wildly varying opinions depedning on each site.
  4. Wow, sleeper hit of the year? I don't remember hearing much about this game and then... it just... appeared in the stores with very little fanfare and quite a cheap price in some places which I was kinda wary of, but now I'll add it to my long list of games to play lol, I can't justify purchase atm though, too much to play as it is.
  5. S.C.G

    Fable III

    I didn't know you could do that for so long... I figured that you stopped earning money the moment your controller automatically disconnects... is this not the case? If so I'll leave Fable III running while I go afk more often.
  6. ^ I enjoyed... easy to listen to, very chilled, nice build-up and an abrupt ending. 7/10 ^ Decent... there's something uniquely unsettling but simultaneously catchy about the samples used - it sounds like someone hyperventilating through most of it? - but it works well. 8/10
  7. I don't know, but they should really put up some roadworks there as it's quite hazardous I hear... littered with springs, rings and even the occasional pitfall. Oh and don't get me started on the double-loop, lord only knows how they got planning permission for that!
  8. I'd try to but I don't think I'd have the balls... ... wait, what?
  9. Da-na-na-na-na-na-BAT-LION!
  10. Incidentally I did injure one of my toes as well, minor brusing as I was wearing steel toe-capped shoes - for work - nothing compared to the chest injury but an annoyance nonetheless.
  11. I'll be ok about it... once I've healed a bit and got my bike sorted out, maybe best to give it a few weeks to maybe a month but yeah, I still plan to ride again, I'm not gonna let this put me off maybe that sounds a litle crazy and any sane person would just quit whille they're ahead so to speak but... the accident wasn't my fault so I don't see why I should 'punish' myself by not being able to ride again.
  12. ... at work or on the road? or had a trip or fall anywhere? Well... Have you? I did... yesterday infact, I was cycling home from work in busy traffic and I went down the hill like I usually do, keeping as far left as I can and two cars passed me, keeping their distance - which was fine obv - and then just as I'm going into a corner a pick-up truck overtakes me but gets too close and hits the handlebars of my bike! I had no time to do anything and I went straight into the curb landing on my chest - from what I was told - with my bike ending up in the middle of the road and myself along with it. Fortunately the traffic stopped - looking back I could have been run over quite easily - including a couple of kind holiday makers who actually helped me out a lot, taking me to the side along with my bike and calling the ambulance/polce. The driver of the truck didn't stop of course - fucker - but then I guess I didn't expect him to though it might have been the decent thing to do, also obv I didn't get the license and I don't think anyone else did either but still may have to get in contact with the police to file a report though... that may be a waste of time. Anyway, the pain at the time was near the worst I'd ever experienced, they asked me on a scale of 1-10 and I said 8 but I may have been being conservative at the time... they gave me some morphine at the scene which I guess helped but I was pretty out of it after my second or third dose I'd has by the time I was in the ambulance so it was hard to tell. My parents were called and I basically spent most of the evening in hospital, they had to leave me there for a few hours because my bike needed to be picked up from the local Spar shop yard - the only place the police could leave it - I then waited around for a while, got an X-ray, waited around for a good while more, got checked over by a Doctor and got discharged. Things could have been a lot worse if traffic hadn't stopped, looking back I feel quite lucky to be alive tbh... anyway I just thought I'd share with you! the people of N-E because you're all awesome. And so it's over to you... have any of you had any epic - or even not so epic - injuries? looking back could things have been a lot worse? any tips for recovering from certain injuries? what are the - legal etc - proceedures one should follow after an acicident? Feel free to share and thanks for your time. tl;dr - got knocked off my bike by a twat in a truck - am ok-ish - still alive - what's your 'best' injury/accident?
  13. Happy Day Birth Cake Pan... ... wait...
  14. S.C.G

    Fable III

    Ah I see thanks, it seems I still can't do it though... yet... I need the spellweaver pack and then it should work, at least now I know how to combine them when the time comes.
  15. S.C.G

    Fable III

    You're welcome Wolfy I too have a question... how do you combine spells? I have both the Fire and Electricity spells but I'm guessing I can't combine them until later on in the game.
  16. S.C.G

    Fable III

    ? Anyway... Press 'A' to whistle to your dog, you should now be able to press 'Up' on the D-pad so that it can learn the book you've recently acquired.
  17. S.C.G

    Fable III

    Pretty much everything about this game is all-round awesome atm though there are a few small technical negatives such as the dog being all over the place still - as you mentioned Wolfy - I feel that could have been solved by using the 'back' button to warp your dog to your side - like in the 'bodged' Fable II co-op mode - which would have at least meant that if your dog kept falling off the edge of some land and into the water that you could quickly rectify the problem. The other thing is that the game seems to 'hiccup' rather infrequently possibly due to the immense amount of 'stuff' that it has to load, I'm installing the game now in the hope that this will lessen the problem. Other than that though, much fun is currently being had.
  18. S.C.G

    Fable III

    Fable III is awesome! I've barely played it... well a couple of hours but I'm taking my time and it's just so much better than Fable II in terms of improvements that have been made. Oh yeah... I completed Fable II - about fucking time right? - as well lol and yes... I got all three choice achievements the immoral - or should that be sensible? - way (dashboard, then rinse, repeat) as one playthrough is enough for me. Fortunately the achievements in Fable III seem to be more geared towards doing everything in one playthrough... well... one thorough playthrough, which is just how I like it, single player bliss the added decent co-op is just the cherry on an already lavishly iced cake as far as I'm concerned. ^^
  19. S.C.G

    Rock Band 3

    If anyone's having trouble finding RB3 in shops, I'd suggest ordering from Play or Shopto... specifically the latter as they seem to have everything that's currently available and at a reasonable price too.
  20. S.C.G

    Rock Band 3

    Has anyone figured out how to Export Songs yet? It mentions on the downloadbale PDF from the official site that you just need to use the code from the back of the RB2 manual, however I've tried typing it in and it exceeds the character limit. Any ideas? *Edit* nevermind... seems that you just have to type as much of the code as will fit in up to the limit - and obv without the dashes - then it just lets you download the export pack... ... after you've paid 800msp. :/ I blame EA... greedy fuckers!
  21. S.C.G

    Rock Band 3

    Is that ANY 3 Doors tracks from the pack? if so that means it'd be cheaper to get three of them and then buy the rest in the pack singally... or are these an additional 3 tracks that aren't in the pack? I only ask because I was planning on purchasing The Doors pack 1 so obv I want to get them the cheapest way I can.
  22. + + = One awesome weekend!
  23. But it's not even raining outsi... *hears the Song of Storms being played* ... never mind.
  24. Happy Birthday Martinist!
  25. S.C.G

    Fable III

    I have it... right now... but I can't play it... ... I wish I could but I failed to complete Fable II last night and I won't allow myself to play Fable III until II is finished, of course I should have finished it lonnnng before now but then I could say that about a lot of games. *stares at the ever-spiralling tower of Xbox games still to be completed* >> Ah well, guess I'll be playing it tomorrow then, at least I know that it's there waiting for me, but for now it taunts me so... argh! must finish Fable II :p oddly enough though I didn't have the same problem when Fable II came out as I never actually bothered to buy the first Fable due to not really being able to afford many games back then but now I feel strangely compelled to go back and play it someday soon... ... after completing Fable III of course ... after completing Fable II... argh! *leaves thread* [/fail]
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