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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. There fucking well should be in this day and age... we've been allowed Mew via wi-fi not to mention countless other legendaries so why not Celebi?
  2. After hearing comments like this though from people who have actually played the game, I'm still inclined to believe that it will be a decent title that's well worthy of the name; of course it won't be the same as the previous two titles, heck even the SNES and N64 versions of Pilotwings are actually drastically different in their own ways plus it has been quite a while since the N64 version so I'm not expecting it to be the same, I reckon it will deliver but in a different way. When it comes down to it though I still prefer the SNES original and I don't think Pilotwings Resort will change this but I do think it will be a worthwhile addition to the franchise rather than a rush-job with assets ripped straight from a 'larger' game. Indeed the flying in Wii Sports Resort almost acted as a test-ground for Pilotwings Resort because many people said that they enjoyed the aerial element of the game - myself included - and now here we have a presumably much deeper game based purely around flying and even if it only turns out to be only have as good as the first Pilotwings game then I can see this taking off rather well as opposed to just crashing and burning.
  3. In that case I'll hold back on downloading the v1.2 update for now as that sounds exactly like how they ended up releasing the Super Sports pack following the v1.1 update which arrived before it. Still, should be interesting to see what they add, probably just more cars and a few more events but we'll see.
  4. Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit V1.2 update is now available on Xbox Live... Although I may hold back on downloading it due to what happened with the V1.1 update - data reset glitch for some before it was sorted out - plus it doesn't even say what's been added just 'this adds the latest game-changing updates' like the previous one did. I think I'll do a bit of reasearch before downloading but it's worth noting that it's there.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Pre-ordered my copy of this today at Game for £3.00 deposit, apparently they should have a demo unit in about a week or so, I may have to pop in there and try the machine out before launch.
  7. Day... Fucking... One!
  8. That's what I like to hear! Some actual positive feedback from someone who has actually played the game, this just reinforces my decision to buy the game at launch.
  9. The amount of tasteless crap I saw going through the tills at work today was ridiculous... heart-shaped everything just because and with a high price-tag slapped on it just because people will buy it, I even heard that some supermarkets are selling heart-shapped cucumbers I mean ffs lol. You can bet that the day after it'll all be sold-off for pennies too, that's the most laughable part :p commercialisation ftl...
  10. I listened to about a minute of it and that's all I could stand I'm sorry... nobody can sing that song like Bjork, I understand the context yes it was an event celebrating her etc so inevitably there are going to be tribute acts but as Paj said her voice really doesn't suit that song, so much that I can't even listen to the whole thing. :/
  11. Happy Birthday ReZ!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday Diageo!
  14. Nice, I didn't get an e-mail yet, was kinda half-expecting to get one though... what was your best time for the second round btw? also what's the final challenge? if I don't get an e-mail within the next day or two I may have a go at it anyway just to see how I do.
  15. I think the problem here is that people are comparing this with Wii Sports Resort a bit too much and while that may have had a basic flight mode using planes, that wasn't supposed to be the main focus though as there were five other events set across the island. But with Pilotwings all of the modes are aerial-based as that's the way its always been and so I think what we'll see with Pilotwings Resort is actually a far deeper gameplay experience than Wii Sports could ever hope for as Pilotwings games have traditionally always been awesome. Now admittedly by setting the game on an island which has been used previously in Wii Sports etc this only leads to inevitable comparison but I can see why Nintendo have chosen to take this route as it's a) a familiar setting b) an exisiting area meaning most of the work is already done c) it makes the game more casual-friendly. Hopefully using the Resort Island means that it will attract a larger audience while the gameplay will hopefully remain faithful to the previous games meaning that the game should deliver an authentic Pilotwings experience. Plus being that all they've really done here is adapt a particular game franchise to an existing setting means that it hasn't taken up as much time as it would have if a new setting had been required which in turn means we get it for the launch of the 3DS and it seems to be a decent showcase title to boot. Overall I think Nintendo have done well in actually managing to bring back a classic franchise and give it to us in time for launch, we'll see if it actually turns out to be decent or not on its release but tbh I have a lot of faith in it. Do I think that the title will have long-term staying powerful? Not really but then that's not what I'm expecting from it though... if it proves me wrong on that matter then I'll be even happier.
  16. I'll be buying it on launch and hopefully reviewing the title if that helps.
  17. I did a bit of searching and this site seems to sell the kind of thing you're after, I think... http://www.ioffer.com/i/spy-watch-mp4-mp3-video-voice-camera-usb-wristwatch-4gb-95662201 That one seems to be capable of reading stuff in e-book format though I'm not sure if that's of use to you or not... ... well I tried.
  18. Seems like I beat you to it as I've finally got gold on everything including the Super Sports pack and now have every achievement. :awesome: I've enjoyed the game and I can see myself playing it some more every now and then, especially when more dlc hits but for now I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago and take an extended vacation to Paradise City... I hear that the grass there is green and that the girls are apparently pretty. : peace:
  19. Pokemon High-Five!
  20. Just finished getting mine... all 4 of them... what? I like my Pokemons damn it, is that such a crime? :p
  21. Happy Birthday Ashley I hope you have a good day and enjoy taking some time away for a bit, you do a lot for this place so it's only right that you should be taking some down-time. : peace:
  22. I don't... fucking... believe it... Pushing The Envelope Gold Time - 3:38.00 My Time - 3:38.05 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Edit - My New Time 3:37.81 Helllllls yeah!
  23. Congrats on your Platinum Cooky! as a side-note has anyone actually managed to get Gold on all of the Super Sports events? If so then would they mind telling me how the fuck to complete Pushing The Envelope as it's easilly the most frustrating challenge I've come across within the game so far.
  24. Happy Birthday Ine!
  25. God... can't Namco do anything fucking right? just release the game on all three consoles and have done with it! This shit just makes me long for the days of Tales of Symphonia again, part of me even wishes that they never made another game in the series after that point, I mean the game was just so brilliant... or maybe it's partly rose-tinted spectacles playing their part here, either way I don't really care as all I know is that I have never had so much fun and enjoyment out of a 'Tales of..' game since that point, at the time it was absolutely fucking magical and it's an experience that still stays with me to this very day... ... why the fuck don't they just re-release that in HD instead? Not that it needs HD but... just... *sigh* I give up... [/rant]
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