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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Welcome to the Hotel N-Europe! You can check out any time you like... but you can never leave!
  2. *Awaits Fused King's inevitable jizzing at the prospect of a new Kirby title*
  3. This seems genuinely interesting but what's potentially more useful is the actual peripheral itself, perhaps it will be used in many future games that rely on communication to some extent? Either way... Pokemons + Keyboard = Day 1 purchase!
  4. True but it seems to be what many currently want, 3D has been introduced into a good few home console games though you can only take advantage of this if you have either a 3DTV, 3D glasses or both while the 3DS is able to create 3D images without the need to buy special glasses or spend £800? + on a new TV so in many ways it's pioneering the way on a smaller scale for what may well become the technology that we take for granted on a larger scale on TV's a few years or so down the line. But yes, it's still just a neat extra, nothing truely game-changing though I look forward to the extra level of depth that it's bound to add to certain games.
  5. It was probably the taste of your cherry ChapStick.
  6. Of course it's preference and I do think that all three companies have a lot to offer in their own way, Sony have done well in these past couple of years... for me though I only purchase exclusive titles for my PS3 as that's all I'm interested in and I can't see the PSP2 having more titles on it that I want to buy than on the PS3 and being that my collection on that only consists of seven games I just can't see myself buying a PSP2. I have a PSP and its remained untouched for months as in it's nice... and it complements the PS3 but that's about it, sure the PSP2 will be better but I just can't justify purchasing it as it's just not for me atm.
  7. Which one though? The touch-screen? DS had that years ago or the touch-pads? they're basically just replacements for triggers I'd imagine or the motion sensor? the 3DS has this... Yes the PSP2 may have superior visuals but that's really all it seems to have over the 3DS as a game system now yes I'm sure the PSP2 will do more but then you could just argue that if you want to do more then there are other devices that already do what it does and more. The visuals on the 3DS still look impressive even against the PSP2 plus they'll have added depth thanks to the 3D surely? Anyway I'm sticking with the 3DS because I believe that it'll actually be better as a games console.
  8. After seeing the 3DS this just seems pretty underwhelming to me in comparison, the only thing that may eventually sell it to me is Uncharted and a price of significantly less whatever it ends up being which will probably be £280... I hope they realise that they will at least need to have a price-point of £250 or lower to even stand a chance of being competitively priced.
  9. Yesterday I put down a pre-order for one of these... Bought some more of these... And discovered these... Which are basically win if you like Jelly Beans as they are similar to those 'Jelly Belly' branded beans you used to be able to buy - and probably still can - for an extortionate amount except these are reasonably priced at less than £2, contain a few hundred beans and features 36 different flavours. They've probably been around for ages and I've just never noticed but still they're pretty nice and I figured they may be of interest to some - ReZ - oh plus they're free from Gluten Gelatine, GMO and Nuts in case that's relevant to anyone's interests.
  10. Happy Birthday Sprout!
  11. I R happy for you. [/ReZ]
  12. For me music = soul... and a game that doesn't have one will never be destined for greatness, so yes I would say that music is the single most important thing that really makes a game. Of course you can have engaging gameplay, stunning visuals and addictive elements but even a fundamentally decent game can be considered flawed if the music isn't any good because it's what adds that extra level of immersion to the experience that's so important. It's essentially the glue that holds all of the other parts together and without it even the most skillfully crafted game in other areas will start to fall apart; on the flipside though amazing music won't make a poor game good, it's just essentially a waste of a good soundtrack that may have worked with another similar but superior game. Music is mindblowing even on its own but within an amazing game a decent quality soundtrack can be immensely powerful.
  13. Happy Birthday Flinky! I hope you're having an awesome day and if not then why not? Do Eeeeeeet Naaaaaaaw! enjoy your day. : peace:
  14. ^ I managed about 1:13:86 I think... but I know that I can do better, anyway may give it a few tries but I'm not all that fussed, I read up and there are three stages to the competition and only the first 5000 PSN's and 5000 GT's to register will be counted with the fastest 50% going through to the next round etc. Still it's a fun little competition I suppose.
  15. Im looking forward to repeat viewings of Scott Pilgrim, I'm guessing it's one of those films that remains enjoyable after a good few viewings - maybe even better the second or third time - and then gets shelved for a while and pulled out again at random but less frequent intervals.
  16. Congrats Ganepark! You must be pretty pleased with those results, I know I would be if I was in a similar position.
  17. Dodgy sync switch inside the remote possibly as this same thing happens to me as I use third party rechargable batteries which stay in the remote and have an extender button on the outside so that you can sync without opening the battery compartment. Occaisionally I accidentally push the button without meaning to though and it basically does what you've just described to me however I assume that you are just using normal batteries which would seem to point towards the sync button inside being defective. Solution? quite honestly just take the remote back to where you bought it, assuming it's recent you should still have the reciept, if it was the one that came with your Wii then don't worry about it, take just the remote to wherever you bought it from - with the receipt if possible - explain what the problem is - dodgy sync switch - if you bought it from a non-games shop then they probably won't have a clue what you're on about so you may need to explain this to them but if it was bought from a Game shop then should be nps. Anyway I hope this helps, this is basically the only advice I can offer as it really doesn't sound like a problem that's worth fixing if it is the sync button and I would say that you are fully entitled to a replacement, it's not like there's a shortage of Wii remotes in shops.
  18. I agree with this... mainly because I'm sure I mentioned it months ago when the 3DS was first announced :p but yes, Super Mario Galaxy 3D it's not hard to picture it happening as the system is basically powerful enough and it would no doubt look and play amazingly well. It wouldn't even need motion control either, you have the 3D stick for movement and everything else can be mapped to the buttons but best of all you wouldn't have to lose the 'ball rolling' stages because you could just tilt the 3DS and it would actually work a hell of a lot better than having to hold a remote in your hand like a gear-stick. Don't misunderstand me, Super Mario Galaxy/2 did everything right when they were released but by bringing the next installment to the 3DS it could be improved upon tenfold due to the fantastic features that the platform offers that are just waiting to be exploited.
  19. I'm really sorry to hear that I have nothing else to offer you apart from my deepest condolences as I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now. R.I.P
  20. I felt uneasy just watching that footage, I don't know what's worse... the fact that Capcom blatantly ripped off 'Splosion Man or that they did such a bad job of it that it has zero of the aesthetical, aural or even animated qualities that the original game has in abundance. MaXplosion is nothing but a terrible attempt at CAPitalising on a COMputer game for the sake of wanting a piece of its well deserved success enjoyed by talented developer Twisted Pixel and I think it's a great shame that such a large company responsible for some of the most memorable game series ever created have seen fit to sink to plagiarism which they'll probably get away with. Lol que? Where did they steal the idea from? *confused*
  21. Happy Birthday Iun! I'm sorry to hear that your birthday hasn't been that great thus far - going by your posts - but if it's any consolation you're still a fucking legend in my eyes and I raise a glass to you good sir! : peace:
  22. Nice one Eddage, also reminds me that I need to get my hair cut... badly, which I'll be doing soon; its just got so out of control that I need to do something to make it more managable.
  23. Nooo! don't stop trying, I basically assumed that it was a joke but I just wanted to make sure. Anyway, the header is excellent and I think I speak for everyone who 'adopted' one of your celebratory signatures - some multiple times - that the effort you put into it all is very much appreciated.
  24. When I first saw the site header my initial reaction was... 'Woah! that's some awesome design work, and is that? *double-take* Yes it is, NE13, that's pretty damn good!' I still had to do a double-take but I could tell almost straight away what it was, that's not a comment against your design skills Eddage because as I stated before I appreciate your work just as I appreciate that everyone on the GFX team is very skilled at what they do, but just because not everyone 'got it' immediately or saw 'ReZ' instead doesn't mean that they're 'thick' surely? Everyone perceives things differently and it would seem to me that's all this is, a question of perception. : peace:
  25. Why don't they just face up to the fact that they will never make another decent Silent Hill game, re-release Silent Hill 2 in HD either on XBLA or on disc... whatever... and then just move on to making something else instead of continually dragging the name of this once decent series through seven layers of shit.
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