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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I'm sticking with ShopTo... Nintendo Wii U ZombiU Bundle - £324.85 Nintendoland - £39.85 New Super Mario Bros U - £39.85 Rayman Legends - £39.85 So all of that will come to... £444.04 though because I'm a Gold member I'll get £16.24 back on the console and £1.99 back per game so that'll be £22.21 credited back to me at least plus I may decide to use whatever credit I have accumulated against the bundle which will be at least £40 so one way or another I should be paying around £400 for all of the above. Not bad... ...best start saving! :p
  2. Welcome back to the forums! I had no idea that you run Shinesparkers.net... that's an excellent site you have there! Wasn't sure who was trying to add me at first but now I know, I guess you must have picked up from my Avatar/Sig/Title that I'm quite the Metroid fan... Any fan of Metroid is a friend of mine. : peace:
  3. The release dates will - probably - be... North America 2nd November Japan 9th November Europe 16th November This is surely more realistic? Nintendo won't want to miss those vital Thanksgiving Day sales in America, then Japan get it soon after as they are ready for it any time, then finally we get it in Europe a good month and a bit before Christmas. As for the price? ShopTo price = £229.99 with Nintendoland. (add *any extra game for £24.99) GAME price = £269.99 with Nintendoland + the worst possible third-party title. *From a list of reasonably decent titles. I'm sure the latter part at least will come true...
  4. Because I bought one off ShopTo, transferred everything off my 3DS onto the Red XL, traded my existing 3DS in for a Silver XL at Game when they were doing the trade-in deal which was such a good offer that I decided to get another 3DS off eBay for a reasonably cheap price which I traded in and got the Blue XL which I will be system transferring to soon. And that is why I have two 3DS XL's for sale!
  5. I actually happen to have two 3DS XL consoles for sale... One in Silver for £155 which includes Special Delivery. @Caris can have first refusal on that one. and One in Red for £150 which includes Special Delivery. The reason why the red XL is cheaper is that it's my console that I'm currently using but I will be transferring to a Blue one that I also have once I get a buyer so if anyone is interested in that one then there may be a 'waiting period' before I can actually sell it due to the limitations of system transfer. If anyone is interested in the red one then let me know and Caris if you want the silver one I have (brand new only opened to test and update firmware) then please PM me.
  6. Games I really need to play/finish... Xenoblade Chronicles The Last Story Pandora's Tower Little King's Story Muramasa Those are my top 5 that I shall make an effort to finish between now and November.
  7. My top 10 complete with psuedo VC Weekly style verdicts. 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 Verdict: Mario at his most spectacular. 2. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Verdict: The single most immersive and impressive game on the Wii. 3. Metroid Prime Trilogy Verdict: Exploration and excitement distilled to its purest form. 4. Super Smash Bros Brawl Verdict: All that makes Nintendo great on one disc. 5. Kirby's Epic Yarn Verdict: It's not the greatest Kirby game but it IS the Wii's greatest 2D platformer. 6. Metroid: Other M Verdict: More 'classic' Metroid than Prime and definitely tragically misunderstood. 7. Little King's Story Verdict: Possibly the greatest game I've never played yet I still own it. 8. Monster Hunter Tri Verdict: Though I didn't venture far into it, the scope for epicness is undeniable. 9. Xenoblade Chronicles Verdict: Good enough to keep me playing for fifty hours, it will drag me back someday. 10. Muramasa: The Demon Blade Verdict: I have only recently purchased this but I am assured of its quality from its reputation alone.
  8. I enjoyed it... of course it could have been better but it's Doctor Who so what do you expect? Providing each episode is relatively entertaining in some way then I'm reasonably content but I don't really expect much more from it, that would just seem like asking too much I suppose. Not trying to seem like I'm 'hating' on the show because I do enjoy elements of it, I just have realistic expectations.
  9. R.I.P Terry.
  10. I'm more amazed at the fact that someone actually bought New Super Mario Bros 2 digitally! :p
  11. My copy arrived yesterday, sealed and unblemished... I could play it later but I'm really bad with Tales of... games as Tales of Symphonia is the only one that I've properly finished. Perhaps it's because every other game in the franchise pales in comparison... - except for Phantasia of course - but I digress. Tales of Vesperia is very good for what it is, I recently started playing it again and am just under seventy hours in, still really enjoying it so my question is this... Should I complete Vesperia first or just jump straight into Tales of Graces? Take into consideration the fact that I need a reason to play on my PS3 more anyway.
  12. I think it's a good thing that they changed the plot significantly since that initial video because looking back if it had turned out that way, it would have been pretty bad tbh whereas as it stands the plot is actually fairly reasonable for a Resi game.
  13. A New Challenger Appears!?! Congratulations! A winner is you!
  14. Informative post of the day.
  15. Am I right in thinking that because most of these titles were already available on the PSN - but only playable on PS3/PSP - that if you've already downloaded any of them previously then you will now be able to just transfer them to your vita and play them? Or are these Vita only conversions that we need to pay extra for? For example... I already have Kula World - bought it years ago - I don't need to buy it again surely? If this costs extra for the games I've already bought them I'm out but if not then... HELLS YEAH!
  16. Only if it's this taxi... ...the driver tends to be a little crazy.
  17. R.I.P Neil Armstrong... *wonders if they will give him one of those space funerals that you often see in sci-fi shows/films*
  18. A free XBLA game that actually looks decent... ...what's the catch? I bet it'll have 'optional' paid-for extras at least. :wink: still... free is free.
  19. Oh I already have the game but I wanted to get a copy for my brothers birthday as I'd been looking for a reasonably priced copy of the games with the CPP for a while so thank you. :)


    I'm sure he'll be more than happy with it. :D

  20. I scored 31 but I can't really say I'm surprised as I know that I have aspergers syndrome. It doesn't stop me from doing things in day to day life but it certainly does make things rather interesting. Personally I tend to think of it as a positive thing and wouldn't wish things to be any different, though I suppose given my response to the questions in the test that's hardly a big shock.
  21. ... Metal Gear?!? [/snaaaaaaake!]
  22. Honestly? I'd probably just carry on as normal...
  23. Indeed I suppose it's understandable given those circumstances, perhaps knowing this makes it dare I say easier for us as fans of his work to come to terms with it all but I still feel for his family and as you say it's still a tragic loss. I've started my own tribute to him by watching Enemy of the State once again which is a really fantastic film. I suspect I'll continue this by watching Man On Fire tomorrow night with possibly more rewatching of his greatest works to follow.
  24. What a tragic loss for the film industry and indeed in general... R.I.P Tony Scott
  25. While I agree that NSMB2 does subscribe to a certain template with regards to world structure it's not as if they didn't try anything new for the whole game, there are several moments of 'oh that's pretty awesome!' regularly spread throughout the game. It kind of feels to me like a lot of people are being 'down' on Mario for being a platformer that subscribes to a certain age-old template, much like Sonic really... ... yes I went there.
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