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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Good news I think... I must have been one of the few people who actually enjoyed the original Castlevania : Lords of Shadow as despite its decidedly dodgy plot it had high production values and some genuinely stunning gameplay. While it's true that in many ways it didn't feel like a true Castlevania title it was more of a reboot so in that sense at least it did very well, I half expected a sequel tbh so it's good news either way but interaction between Wii U and 3DS won't be enough to make me buy it on the console as I'd much prefer to just buy it on the Xbox 360 but we shall see what happens.
  2. Still getting it for Xbox 360 when they get around to finally releasing it... :wink: The only game for Vita that I'm genuinely looking forward to right now is Gravity Rush as it looks amazingly fresh.
  3. Just get it, you know it'll be worth it plus what other retail titles are coming out on the 3DS within the next few weeks? : peace: Anyway, I've just paid for my copy in advance on ShopTo so here's hoping I get it on Thursday.
  4. R.I.P Robin Gibb...
  5. Played a little bit of the story so far, never played the previous two games but I don't feel like I've missed out on much tbh I get that the character is clearly scarred from his past and that's all that matters really as it's just there to provide an excuse for the explosive gameplay which is very enjoyable indeed. Liking this a hell of a lot more than any of Rock Stars sandbox games.
  6. Exactly... Tails is already available... for msp, as is Metal Sonic except only the helmet, which makes me think they must be saving the rest of the costume as an unlockable for another game which is ok I guess but also a shame as it would have fitted in much better with this.
  7. Welcome to the club! The modern Robotnik - Eggman w/e - costume is pretty cool, I changed my avatar to look like him for a laugh :p must say I'm a little disappointed though as I was expecting the unlockable costume to be a Metal Sonic one, especially as you can buy the helmet for msp but oh well, it's still awesome.
  8. lol this was me on Wednesday just in case anyone doesn't know if you're retrying any Special Stage, you're near the end of it and you 'know' that you haven't got enough rings you can pause the game and select 'retry' which at least eliminates having to redo a whole level just to get a chance at maybe beating the stage.
  9. Completed this yesterday, spent the best part of the day earning most of the achievements, it's every bit as awesome as I expected it to be sure it's not perfect but I wasn't expecting perfection, just fun so I wasn't let down.
  10. I'm sorry to hear that life isn't working out for you @Iun I hope you manage to find a way through all this as it sounds like you're in need of an overdue break as you deserve much better than this.
  11. Yep, just checked and it's finally up! Downloading it now.
  12. Microsoft are terrible for getting their new XBLA games up on Wednesdays... I don't get what the problem is, Nintendo manage to have their VC games usually up by the early hours of Thursday morning but with XBLA games we seem to be 'lucky' if we get them by Mid-Day often having to wait until the afternoon, I just don't understand it. Oh well, back to waiting.
  13. Nope, I just seemed to remember that the game was supposedly due to be released sometime this month so I checked, saw that the date had been changed and figured I might as well post in this thread about its delay. I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game so I guess this isn't something I should be buying though I do still have an interest in it.
  14. I don't know if this is accurate or not but it seems the game has been delayed and will now release on 08/09/2012 according to ShopTo atm.
  15. Buying it, you know it's still gonna be a whole lot of fun regardless of a few minor issues.
  16. "Use the boost to get through!"
  17. I thought they originally planned it as three episodes... I'm clearly hugely misinformed, either that or I just naturally assumed this would be the case, e.g ep 1 - just Sonic, ep 2 - Sonic & Tails, ep 3 - Sonic, Tails & Knuckles. Oh well, at least this means they can move on quicker I suppose but I'm still certain that I'm going to very much enjoy episode II anyway.
  18. I'm sure I'll take issue with the physics from episode II just like I did with episode I but I'll also just 'adjust' to it and enjoy the game for what it is, another decent entry in the Sonic series... of course I'm under no illusions, I know it won't be in the same league as the original games but there's just something in me that'll ensure I purchase it for 1200msp on day of release and most likely won't stop playing it until I get every achievement. Sonic 4 is still great despite its flaws but I can only hope that after the third episode they just stick to generations type gameplay for the disc-based games and go about remaking the original games for the downloadable titles, heck if Sega were sensible they would have already cut a deal with several of the makers of the fan-made games like Sonic 2 HD so that they could release those instead, they already did something similar with Sonic CD which turned out really well I thought.
  19. My thoughts exactly, can't wait!
  20. Awesome news I'd rather they take their time on it to make it even more memorable hopefully resulting in a stunning game rather than just settling for something amazing which it almost certainly was set to be anyway.
  21. Perhaps the biggest gripe I have with this is that the Xbox 360 has had online enabled versions of pretty much all variations of SFII including a HD remake, all with stat-tracking etc... these have been available for years and yet the Wii only gets this now. I really hope downloadable games for the Wii U won't have a really harsh 40MB limit slapped on them again, I know... seperate issues as the majority of VC games have been fantastic but Wii-Ware? Some Wii owners don't even know that it exists.
  22. Once again I almost hate to do this but XBLA is getting a Monster World compilation which includes Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Monster World AND Monster World IV all for only 800 MSP... It's still a joy that that the games are getting released of course but assuming that the collection gets released in the same week - which may happen - then I'll be going for the collection, I'll still be reviewing the games either way but when its a choice between getting one game for 800 and all three it almost seems like a no-brainer especially if you want them all.
  23. This is most probably to do with the imminent release of 'Rock Band Blitz' which is set to be an arcade title very similar to the IOS version in that afaik it just uses the controller as the main input but it utilises almost the entire library of DLC from the disc-based games within it, this is why all dlc for Rock Band 3 has the 'RBB' logo instead as you can use it with both... ... when it comes out. I have to admit while I don't necessarilly agree with the way EA is ultimately just 'eliminating' the competition they do still reserve the right to do so I believe? I'm sure it's written somewhere in the small-print of most games - particularly downloadable IOS games - that the company reserves the rights to blah blah etc... still doesn't really make it right especially when there's tonnes of dlc involved but there you go. Now the flip-sde of it might be that they may be planning to release Rock Band Blitz on IOS as well, in which case perhaps you'll be able to exchange your virtual copy of Rock Band IOS for the new title complete with all your dlc but then again it might be XBLA exclusive and if so then yes this is indeed very sneaky to say the least, but what can you do?
  24. Super Hang-On for the Wii is great news especially as it's the arcade version but Hang-On a minute... 900 Wii points? When you consider that there's a three game collection just around the corner for XBLA entitled 'Alex Kid & Co' which includes Alex Kid, Revenge of Shinobi AND Super Hang-On all of which have been redone with new features all for what will certainly be no more than 1200 msp I can't help but feel that we're getting a little bit of a raw deal there. :wink:
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