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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Guess I'll be needing a bigger memory card then. :P
  2. For a downloadable game seven levels isn't bad, plus there will be more made available as dlc, no you can't create your own skater but they did implement the ability to play as your avatar... which does look a little odd but it's not a bad alternative. No level creator... you have a point there because if games like Trials Evolution can have such advanced editors these days then this could have at least had a basic one, speaking of which did anyone try the Tony Hawk's themed Trials level? I thought it was pretty enjoyable. Ugly visuals though? compared to the original games it's a vast imrprovement, it might not be the best looking arcade game granted and if I was to remake it I think cel-shading could have worked better - JSR style perhaps - but still, I've quite honestly seen worse looking retail games and for 1200 points I still think that Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD is well worth it.
  3. Damn this thread... ... now I want to play Banjo Kazooie! (again) :p
  4. I actually decided to just buy this as an impulse purchase tonight at work - last copy on the shelf plus staff discount etc - and I'm really glad that I did. Never played a Kingdom Hearts game before but I have always been intruiged by them so I decided to take the plunge with this latest entry; absolutely loved the intro and the way everything feels so nicely put together within the game universe. I also don't really feel like I've missed out on much with regards to the story thanks to being given loads of info to read through from the start, it all feels pretty easy to get into as well which is nice. An hour and a half in and I feel like I'm ready to start enjoying the game as it definitely feels like something special that's worth investing time in, so definitely a worthy purchase.
  5. Happy Birthday mr-paul!
  6. S.C.G

    3DS XL

    So after I get my 3DS XL and transfer everything over to it, am I still going to get assigned a new friend code or will it let me keep my existing one? It's not a deal-breaker, I'm just curious.
  7. Oh it's fine now... well since around 1PM anyway but at the time it wasn't possible to download. Anyway, I've been playing it for a good few hours now and I can honestly say that it's well worth the points, I'm just surprised that its taken them this long to come up with a HD remake as it's fantastic. I didn't know that you could skate as your avatar as well, nice little bonus. : peace:
  8. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD is up on Xbox Live... ... but when you go to purchase it you get 'cannot retrieve information' etc. It has only just been put up there though, still... hope they fix it soon, I want to play it naow!
  9. S.C.G

    3DS XL

    Quick question regarding SD cards... I know that the SD cards that come with 3DS console are pre-formatted but I was thinking about forgetting the 4GB card that comes with the 3DS XL and just using an 8GB SDHC card that I purchased new a while ago. My question is this... do I need to format it on a PC before use or will it automatically become formatted for use with the console by simply inserting it into the SD card slot?
  10. S.C.G

    3DS XL

    Pre-ordered a 3DS XL in Red... ... excited!
  11. Happy Birthday The fish!
  12. I go away for a week and you have a birthday? What's that about... :p Happy Birthday Hannah! I hope you had a great day because you definitely deserve it.
  13. Thanks for the thread @Cube! And thank you to everyone for your Spectacularly Creative Greetings which I find genuinely heart-warming each year, particularly this time around what with everything thats been going on in my life recently... so it's appreciated. : peace: Didn't really get up to much today as I was working for most of it, got a few cards though, a couple of CD's and some cash but best of all I got one of these... A massive Sonic 2 embroidered patch, like the ones you'd tend to see on those Sega jackets back in the day... it's a cool gift as I wasn't expecting it plus I figure there can't be too many of them around these days so it's a nice collectable. So yeah, not a bad day I guess... currently just relaxing with a nice glass of Kopparberg after having a nice meal, might watch a decent film before going to bed. Anyway, thanks N-E!
  14. I tend to make my tea rather strong, it has to have brewed for a good few minutes before I even consider adding milk and even then it's literally... 'A thimble's worth of milk can touch beverages larger than a thimble.' [/JoannaNewsominspiredreference] But seriously, I really like the taste of tea as it is and I find that just a splash of milk is enough because if you add too much that it tends to taint the whole cup and as for adding sugar... it just feels unnecessary to me.
  15. It may have felt more like a Kirby game but Epic Yarn was definitely fresh and actually felt genuinely exciting to play I felt, something that more recent Kirby games have been lacking in Imo. But all that matters really is that they are all fun to play. : peace: As for Monster Hunter Tri... I never really got on with it, I'd like to play one of the earlier titles though or even the next entry just to see if it was that one game that felt 'off' as I have heard quite a few MH purists complaining that Tri wasn't as good... it's still a series I hope to get into.
  16. I definitely agree that Excite Truck should be there instead, as for Kirby's Return to Dreamland... that spot definitely should have gone to Kirby's Epic Yarn as quite simply it's one of the best platformers on the Wii and it's certainly the best retail Kirby title for it. Sin and Punishment 2 should have been where NMH2 is as well.
  17. Fixed! It's much more appropriate to say it that way I feel, especially with your recent name change to 'Animal' :p Anyway, fuck what they all think! You're a decent guy so just enjoy your birthday and celebrate it by simply being you... do what makes you happy and not what others might expect you to. : peace:
  18. Happy Birthday you Animal! :p
  19. Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot. Slowly building up, I don't really have much time to explain right now but the long and short of it is... long distance relationship, neither me or her could commit to moving to either country permanently, we both haven't been truly 'happy' for a while... It's ok though as we will remain friends - I know for some that's the worst idea but not in this instance - which I honestly think will work out better for everyone... it just kind of sucks right now is all. Anyway, I'll be fine in time I'm sure.
  20. I can't really go into it right now but let's just say 'it was for the best' even though it doesn't feel like it right now... Anyway thank you for your concern, no killing is necessary... I had a talk with @Supergrunch though in the chatroom which has helped put things into perspective, right now though I need to sleep as I feel both physically and emotionally exhausted.
  21. My relationship of nearly three years and engagement of just over a year has just come to an end so I'm sat here alone drinking vodka... *raises glass* Here's to being single again... I guess. ... What the fuck am I doing?
  22. Namco Bandai are co-devloping the next Super Smash Bros games? You know what this means right? Pacman Kirby! :p It'll also hopefully mean that we will get... Lloyd Irving! He'd be such a great fit for the game, I wouldn't be against other Tales of... characters being in it too which leads me to an interesting point... If there are two Super Smash Bros games being developed for 3DS and Wii U then there has to be some form of cross-platform functionality... what if Nintendo decide to have either one exclusive character per version, then when you link the two you get both characters to use in both games or if they added in a secret character which only unlocks by linking both versions? It would divide opinion I'm sure but I wouldn't necessarilly put it past either Nintendo or Namco especially given the attitude towards dlc of the latter company... we might even have downloadable characters at a later date, which is both an exciting and slightly unnerving prospect. Either way we certainly have some rather interesting times ahead! : peace:
  23. I know, it's getting wheelie old now.
  24. Client: "What's your favourite film?" Hairdresser: "Reservoir Dogs" Client: "..." *'Stuck in the middle' starts playing on the radio* Hairdresser: "Oh my god I love this song!"
  25. Controller support confirmed! Check near the end of the reveal trailer. : peace:
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