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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. This is priceless... Has anyone tried turning down the voice of the commentator yet? As you attempt to mute him the 'conversation' goes a little like this... 'What? you're going the wrong way!' 'Shame on you!' 'Don't do this to me!' 'This is my only job!' 'Noooooooooo!' And then if/when you choose to turn the volume up again... 'Keep Going!' 'Higher!' 'Congratulations! You've turned up the awesome!' 'I'm loving the sound of my own voice!' Sega must have listened to comments about the err... commentator from the first game, I think it's a hilarious extra touch... It's great when developers have a sense of humour. : peace:
  2. My Wii U arrived around midday apparently while I was at work! I got back only a couple of hours ago so I'm currently downloading 'the update' but I can't wait to try out the console properly after I've had a few hours sleep, I should get to play with it for a good couple of hours before I have to go to work again. Oh well, I'm still lucky to have mine already. Now to stare at the screen while deciding what to play first out of New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendoland, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed or Zombi U...
  3. ... Don't ruin the dream! ;_;
  4. Regarding the processing of ShopTo orders... I wonder if membership level was taken into account? Probably not but it's just a thought, I've had gold membership on there for a while now and I got the dispatch e-mail at 8:26am today.
  5. Just curious but, why have you ordered two? Is the second one a gift or an investment perhaps...
  6. My Wii U has been shipped!
  7. True... or the Wii U version (inevitable) but in the meantime I'd love to be able to play it on the original console it was released for, with the control scheme I've become accustomed to. But yeah... in the long run I suppose the home console version will be the way to go when it eventually gets released.
  8. Oh, where from please? I have a feeling that for some bizarre reason those won't be available here for the XL until something stupid like March 2013, plus I'd like to start playing Revelations again asap.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. You're right, it was worse than I imagined... *facepalm* at the 'rap' part plus you just know that Turkey Leg (3:12) is going to be photoshopped into something else... I can't see many people giving 'thanks' for that video. :p
  11. Eh? I thought ALL games were supposed to support MiiVerse? Or at least the big first/third party games. Obviously I can see it being advantageous if they don't allow crap games to have MiiVerse support - like certain shovelware titles - but Monster Hunter 'needs' it surely?
  12. Heh, so they're just as 'informed' as most of the staff at Tesco then, I think my branch may be glad to have me back tomorrow as quite honestly I'm probably the only member of staff that will be able to answer questions about the Wii U without having to refer to some info sheet or phoning an internal number.
  13. ^ Same... hopefully they'll all get processed by today, they seem to be busy at any rate as I had a problem with an instant points card - no code - and they haven't got back to me yet, whereas usually they're very quick with their tickets so I would imagine that it's all hands on decks atm.
  14. For anyone ordering on ShopTo don't forget to click the box 'Use any available points towards this purchase?' if you wanted to use your points on your Wii U as you'll probably need to have that box checked by the end of today if they're processing tomorrow. : peace: I'm using mine anyway as it'll get me nearly £60 off the system!
  15. So... who is still playing this/planning on going back to it? I started playing it on release, loved it and then left it for Halo 4/Black Ops II but since completing the single player on those I've found myself getting really into this now. If anyone else has the Xbox 360 version then feel free to add me for multiplayer, there's a couple of online only achievements to be had as well - for one of them you need 5 friends with the game - so could be fun and worthwhile for all involved, I have a few days off work atm anyway so I'll probably be up for some online games if anyone else is. : peace: I can't wait for the DLC to start rolling in as it has the potential to be rather awesome. :awesome:
  16. Well... I don't care too much as I'm locked into getting the game at launch whatever happens - Zombi U bundle - but for what it's worth after all I've seen I think the game looks fantastic for a launch title.
  17. I wouldn't worry about the G4TV review - seriously what kind of games site has a scoring system that only goes up to 5? - as they seem to be rather flawed, for instance they give LBP Karting 4/5 - pretty sure it's down as being average elsewhere - plus they only gave the downloadable version of Jet Set Radio a 3/5... ... need I say more?
  18. It's better than previous titles but not on the same level as Metroid Prime though it does take inspiration from both.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Can't a third party or even Nintendo just make a wireless wheel - much like the Xbox 360 one - which would have analogue triggers, surely that's the best solution for those who want to play racers as other games really don't benefit from them that much.
  21. I'm getting this on release but only because I'll only be paying the equivalent of about £12.50 for it thanks to the deal that's going to be on at Tesco plus my usual staff discount plus money off vouchers. For anyone interested you can get Call of Duty : Black Ops II for £25 when you buy either a 4200 points card or a £35 PSN card which isn't bad if you were going to buy points anyway as you effectively get £20 off the game. And if you happen to be doing £40 of shopping today you can still get a £5 off £40 voucher which is valid starting tomorrow; just a heads up in case this helps anyone out. : peace: Honestly though if it wasn't for the cheap price that I'm getting it for on launch I probably wouldn't have bothered :p new COD game for me = get it cheap, play the campaign on highest difficulty, beat it, play the multiplayer a few times and then move on to much better games. :wink:
  22. Well I finally finished the campaign for the first time, solo on Legendary! I really enjoyed the game overall, the missions seemed to have a lot more thought put into them, the story was interesting enough and it's just generally fun to play - aside from when you're retrying certain parts for the tenth time over - so I'm rather pleasantly surprised. Roll on Halo 5! : peace: I'll invest tome time in Spartan Ops and the multiplayer soon when I feel inclined to do so.
  23. I'm assuming the 'less plastic' recycle boxes are for America only, I really hope so anyway... call me old fashioned but when I pay for a boxed game I want it to come in a full box, not half of one; plus what with it having chunks of plastic taken out of both sides you'll get a horrible indentation on the cover if you accidentally pick it up in the wrong place.
  24. @Iun you definitely did the right thing and are more of a man than me because quite honestly I don't know if I could do such a thing even if it was in the best 'interests' of the cat so I'm sad to hear that you had to go through that, as a fellow cat lover I know that must have been a terrible experience...
  25. Yeah that's the one, didn't say anything as I didn't know if it was considered a spoiler or anything but it is a listed achievement I suppose, it's a bit of a nightmare yeah... I think I'll go back for that one, mop up any achievements like that I missed on a lower difficulty. I must say that the level that the mission itself takes place in is absolutely fantastic though.
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