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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. It actually reminds me more of the on-foot sections to Kid Icarus : Uprising but yes there is a definite DMC vibe present as well... ... I'm intrigued, if it's a PS3/PSV game then I may download it on my Vita as it'll give me a good excuse to move everything off my 4GB card and start using my 16GB one.
  2. So I finally started playing this excellent game, regarding the update though... is that now Live? I only ask because I'd love to be able to play it with the classic controller but there's no option to yet so I'm guessing they didn't roll out the promised update yet, I originally downloaded the game within the first week or so of owning my Wii U; naturally I checked the eShop and the in-game menus but alas no mention of it. Oh well, I guess I'll just continue to play it with the GamePad for now... no real hardship. : peace: [/firstworldproblems]
  3. Ahhh... Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, such a tragically misunderstood yet brilliant game. It may not have been 'Banjo-Threeie' but the music was indeed sooo good. Let's keep those Christmas bells ringing now! :yay:
  4. And to keep the festive mood rolling along nicely... I'm currently wrapping presents to this music..
  5. Sooo... no one else unlocked Alex Kidd yet then? I'm racing as him now, it's good to have the little fella back!
  6. Merrrrrry Chrrrrristmas N-E!
  7. I hear what you're saying but I still don't like the fact that once you buy Plus you are effectively roped into keeping it if you want to play the majority of the games that you get for 'Free' with it... ... I know that you effectively 'save' loads but in reality for me I know that if I bought plus and started downloading all these games for 'free' I wouldn't actually be playing them as much as I think I will so it would be a bit of a waste for me. I'll just pencil in Knytt Underground as another game that I'll get for half price or less if it's ever slashed in the sales, because it is a 'nice' game but it's by no means a 'must have' really... unless you're an avid Plus subscriber of course.
  8. Wow I must admit that Knytt Underground does looks pretty cool, the main character reminds me of Alex Kiidd while the whole 'Morph-Ball' and exploration element reminds me of Metroid. I'm not on Plus though - limited space on both systems and I'm not interested in upgrading my PS3 hard-drive or redownloading any games - so I take it the game is available to buy normally? If so I may buy it on my PS3 and download it on my Vita too as it'll provide a good enough excuse to move everything from my full 4GB card to my -slightly better - 16GB one that I got for a decent price a few months back.
  9. Each to their own I suppose I think the vehicle forms have a certain 'charm' especially the jet, by 'all-star' mode all I meant was when you get the star power up it turns you back to your more 'regular' self, I know it's only for about twenty seconds but still. : peace:
  10. But... that's kind of the whole point NiGHTS is the car/boat/jet which actually works really well, the fact that there is also a Nightopian 'driving' is a pretty hilarious bonus I thought. Anyway, you can still play as 'NiGHTS' in its original form too... just only when in All-Star mode.
  11. I haven't played this since the first week of getting my Wii U... I left it exactly halfway through, perhaps I will finish it off when I have less reviews to write and it'll be closer to Christmas! I do love the game though but I've been putting most of my time into Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed.
  12. Interesting... I've always found the frame-rate to be consistent though one negative I will mention is that sometimes it's easy to get 'stuck' on parts of the track, especially while flying or doing 'flips' at certain parts. Otherwise though it's a really solid game, I can only hope that it gets patched though to sort out a few issues like the rumble not working for the Pro Controller and the occasional freeze upon loading though that could be down to hardware or software. Rest assured that I'm still writing the review btw, I haven't forgotten I've just spent that much time playing it when I have the chance.
  13. My copy just arrived in the post... is there any point in me trying to register the code now for the sticker book? I'm not too fussed either way, just curious as really I'm more excited at the prospect of playing the game later today. Btw, thanks for the excellent review @Cube I enjoyed reading it.
  14. canand the unboxing pro! nice video. 'Yeah, it's upside-down though...' Priceless. Lovely console btw... I kind of want one now.
  15. For me it's simple, I still intend to purchase 'Retail' games on disc because there's something that's just better about owning the physical copies especially as downloads are still tied to the console you buy them on but for downloadable titles I see this incentive as just that, a nice bonus for Wii U owners who download a lot of games. Granted yes I suppose retail titles would be worth quite a bit in points but being as the amount that Nintendo actually give back to you only really comes to about 5% I'd rather just have my token £5 for buying around 40 - 50 downloadable titles in a year and just accept the scheme for what it is... a very nice token gesture from Nintendo, it's nice of them but it is still merely token I feel. : peace:
  16. Well last night I downloaded... Mighty Switch Force HD Nano Assault Neo Trine 2 Should have netted me a few points I'd have thought I finally redeemed the two remaining Zelda 25th Anniversary points cards that I bought a few months back too, glad I saved them now.
  17. Just tried to log in but it wouldn't let me as I don't have any eShop games yet... ... so let me get this straight, if I download some eShop games tonight, I'll be able to log in tomorrow night? I've been meaning to get a couple of eShop games anyway, just seemed like a kind of odd way to have things set up but I suppose it makes sense really seeing as the website is only really of any use to those who have actually purchased downloadable games.
  18. @V\. Amoleo , @Dog\-amoto , Thanks for the replies! My Wii U has just updated so I will give this a try in a little bit.
  19. So... I'm finally gonna give this a go today - Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed has been eating up all my Wii U time - but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me plus I also have a few questions. How do you save in the game? Is it an auto-save each time you reach a safe house perhaps. Is the combat a huge part of the game? Will I be spending more time sneaking around or are there quite a few encounters early on. Should I expect to die a lot? I'm aware that when your 'survivor' dies you lose everything but just how much of a 'big deal' is it, can you quite easily just 'move on' if/when it happens or do you actually become attached to the characters? The survivor you start off with... is he/she the same each time you load a new game or is it always completely random? If anyone could answer my questions please then I'd be grateful as I'd love to have a go at this today as it looks fantastic, thanks.
  20. Absolutely no difference apart from the price.
  21. I'll be happy if all they show is a bit more of Pikmin 3 and the few third party titles that are set for release soon like Lego City Undercover which looks fantastic!
  22. Data management is under system settings, it's one of the long string of small icons that you should see in there, I've had a look in there and it appears as if you can delete the apps from there. I haven't tried to delete them yet so can't say for sure, annoyingly you can't seem to get rid of the icons for 'Health and Safety' and 'Parental Controls' so I've resorted to moving them across as far right as they will currently go. :p
  23. Hmm has anyone else tried to play this game with a Pro controller? Because whenever I do for some reason there doesn't seem to be any rumble coming from the pad and I don't mean that it's just weak I mean none at all. I know the controller is fine as it does rumble when it connects to the console via the home menu but just not while playing... it's by no means a deal-breaker as I'll quite often just be using the gamepad anyway but I was just curious if it's a known problem or not. Aside from that, the game is awesome!
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