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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. 9.5 from IGN for the PC version? Even if it's not as good as they say, surely that'd mean worst-case scenario it's more of an 8.5... but review scores are only a rough guide in any case, ShopTo have taken the money for my 360 version so I can't wait to play it for myself.
  3. Just make sure you have a pick-axe on you - can buy from the shop if you don't have it for whatever reason - there should be one in the blue chest at the start of the quest, then just go up to any rock deposit that you can mine - a pick axe icon will appear above your head - and just mine it until it disappears, if you didn't get Iron Ore then repeat with another rock deposit.
  4. Just transferred my Wii U save file to the 3DS version and back again using the transfer tool, it works a treat, now I have no excuse not to be playing Monster Hunter in my spare time.
  5. Thanks for the games tonight @Hero\-of\-Time and @lostmario, it was a lot of fun.
  6. I know I already have a review copy of the game but it still doesn't stop me from being excited for my Wii U copy - sending my fiance the retail copy minus the case/manual but will scan the box art as I have some empty Wii U cases on the way :wink: - and my 3DS copy being posted from ShopTo! Time to get hyped for the hunt! :awesome:
  7. Yep, as Mokong has already stated N-Europe's review is now live! http://www.n-europe.com/reviews/monster-hunter-3-ultimate-wii-u Enjoy! : peace:
  8. Probably not, but you never know... so I'd rather just leave things as they are.
  9. There's no way that I'm messing with the clock on my Wii U for the sake of these 'Charm Charts' maybe I don't quite fully understand their importance yet but I got by quite happily for sixty-plus hours without using them, I'll most likely start using them soon though but it doesn't sound like not using them is exactly game-breaking at this point.
  10. Nice of Eurogamer to break the European embargo... ... N-europe's review will be up tomorrow. Still, nice to see that it's getting decent scores everywhere, it surely deserves it.
  11. @Debug Mode that Spice Orange Gamecube is lovely oh and it's good to see PSO still getting some love too, I still play it from time to time. : peace:
  12. Ahahahaha! brilliant, Majora's Mask will never be the same again now.
  13. I'm passing on this until it's cheaper for two reasons, one being Monster Hunter as I'm really starting to get into it now and two I've never ended up playing the Gears games much beyond the first month that they come out, I still enjoy them but I believe that they are grossly overhyped - as are Epic games - but I'm also aware that this is one of the few 'exclusives' that the Xbox 360 has left so I'm interested, just not right now and certainly not at full price. :wink:
  14. Zombi U is great, I don't think you'll be disappointed by eet but it doesn't have the longevity of Monster Hunter as I'm sure you're more than aware, didn't you play Tri online I seem to recall? So all I'm saying is, once you're looking for something else to play assuming you're getting the bundle then you really can't go far wrong with MH3U.
  15. Dooooo eeeeet! Well, if you can afford eeet anyway, seriously though Flink if you have the money then it's definitely worth it! Then all you'd need to do is get Monster Hunter and you'd be set!
  16. In the Wii U version the Right Shoulder button is used to run, so assuming this is the same in the 3DS version it's a pretty important function.
  17. Well I've learned something new today, thanks @RedShell my thoughts on it? This reminds me of Section ID's on Phantasy Star Online except those were determined by what name you gave to your character but it would mean that only certain items/weapons etc would drop for you or that you'd get more of a particular item. Charms are important in Monster Hunter from what I have gathered but not important enough for me to even consider starting over again now that I'm around 64 hours into the game but it is something that I might take into consideration if I make another character but realistically this won't bother me that much but it is certainly an interesting topic.
  18. No Dice, I'm busy! :p
  19. It works with the Mic on the gamepad, if you plug in a headset to it this seems to work as well, there are options in-game online for changing the volume etc, I'll try and get another online session going between now and tomorrow to confirm that it works properly - I've mainly played with other Europeans so far - but there's no reason why it shouldn't. : peace:
  20. I really can't be bothered with Saints Row any more, in a way I'm kind of glad it's not coming to the Wii U as it seems like a waste of time - to me - I get that it's outlandish, hilarious etc but it relies too much on its initial 'shock' value rather than being substantial. [/rant] Oh and with regard to Nintendo dropping out of the hardware business... No... just no. The Wii U might not be selling as well as it should be right now but I'm still glad that I have one.
  21. ShopTo are shipping those right now! I got an e-mail/text about it today, it's just a shame that they won't be shipping the 3DS game that early too but yeah, just in case you wanted your Circle Pad Pro XL extra early.
  22. I played both games on XBLA, they would have to include all the dlc with it for the entry price for it to be worth my while even considering double-dipping, oh plus a load of new features of course.
  23. An excellent thread indeed, well said H-o-T and a nice job on the GFX as usual Red I must admit that the first time I played Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii I either didn't 'get' it or I didn't put the effort in and it has been one of those things that has saddened me over the last couple of years, perhaps there were other factors too, the Wii's online wasn't great in general but it was still functional but mainly I suppose I just didn't put in the time for whatever reason, yet I did want to but something stopped me. Now though, I've found myself playing the definitive version of the game weeks before release and I don't know what to say, everything finally 'clicked' for me, as I've put in a play time of around 55 hours so far and I can't see myself stopping any time soon. I should have the review written today - so look out for that when the embargo lifts on the 19th of March - but once that's done I'm free to continue playing this wonderful game; that isn't to say that I feel the review is a 'chore' far from it in fact it's an honour to be writing it and though if I was asked to review the original I would have thought that I wasn't 'worthy' enough to, now I feel like I've been properly initiated in the wonderful world of Monster Hunter, which to me is a privilege, so I feel the same about writing the review, also you won't need to worry about the score, of course it will score highly but not just because 'it's Monster Hunter' but because I feel that it truly deserves it, just how highly though? You'll have to wait and see. Anyway I really do look forward to playing with you all when the game launches on the 22nd of March - or before for those of you who order from ShopTo - I've actually kept my pre-order for both versions of the games - even though I have a review copy - as I intend to give my Fiance mine - we're back together again - so that hopefully she'll get hooked on it too in the hope that it'll bring us closer, naturally when I go to see her I'll at least be able to take the hunt with me on the 3DS version so that I can ensure that I always have 'my daily fix' of the game because now I genuinely 'need' it in my life. :p So hopefully I'll be seeing a lot of you all online one way or another being that I intend to put many, many more hours into this fantastic game that I've already invested over fifty in but can easily see myself sinking around ten times that amount into it, in fact I will make it my goal to at least make it to five hundred hours and that's a promise that I'm sure both 'you' and my Wii U will be happy to hear. *blows horn* 'Let the real hunt begin!' : peace:
  24. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Supper
  25. Hmm I'm sure I can share details about that... I have been trying to use a headset but a lot of the time some of the other hunters I have played with who had headsets or at least who I could hear in mine didn't speak English so I haven't been able to yet ascertain whether my *cough*Xbox*cough* headset - with adapter - is actually fully working with the game yet but I'm assuming it is, though it hasn't really been an issue as text chat seems to actually be the preferred method of communication at the moment which doesn't bother me so much as I spent most of my teenage years playing PSO on the DC & GC, but I do look forward to hopefully being able to use voice chat with you all when it launches. : peace: I'll hold you to that.
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