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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Currently £32.86... :/ I could swear it was cheaper a month ago but... I opted to pay with points so naturally their 'price promise' or whatever it is probably only applies if you were paying cash, still... gonna keep the order.
  2. So... am I the only one re-buying this game on release then?* I was mainly getting it for the sake of being able to play Raid Mode online with other people on the Wii U as it has a better online infrastructure but if no one else is buying then... :p *actually getting it for 'free' with ShopTo site credit
  3. I'll just leave this wonderful piece of artwork here...
  4. Being that the source is 'Cubed3' I'm going to take these rumours with a DK Barrel sized serving of salt for now... :wink: ... but who knows? Some of it at least sounds half plausible. : peace:
  5. Either it simply won't be possible (kind of what I'm hoping for as I believe that less is more with Pokemon) or it will be possible but it will obviously be a one-time transfer being that the Pokemon will then have it's type altered. Or so I'm guessing anyway...
  6. Personally I think having DBZ characters in a SSB game would be a step too far, for that reason I hope it doesn't happen but then I've never really watched any of them though I get the feeling that even if I was a fan that I still wouldn't want it to happen as there are far worthier videogame characters that would be deserving of a spot on the roster. I know there have been many DBZ games based on the series but it's still not the same, I mean if they are going down that route, why stop there? Stick some One Piece characters in there too...
  7. As much as I would like every VC game released on the Wii U to be 60Hz as standard, for certain games it really isn't going to be a problem... for anyone who played the original PAL SNES version of Super Metroid there's nothing wrong with it, in fact it's still a masterpiece regardless. Besides the difference I believe would be very minimal here, so I'm not about to worry over it but instead I'm more excited at the prospect of being able to play it on the gamepad because it's as close to a portable version of the game as we're ever likely to see! :p Bring on Thursday! : peace:
  8. Oh god... if that's true, then just take my money now! Tales of Symphonia in HD would be glorious, obviously being that the games were on Nintendo consoles first I'd prefer the option to buy it on Wii U but being that the PS3 already has the decent Tales of Graces f plus the soon to be released Tales of Xillia... it would seem to make sense. Either way, whichever console it comes out on, this will be a day 1 purchase as I love the original.
  9. There's no way I'd put any of my own money down to fund it, but really... if Nintendo wanted to make this a reality they would be funding it themselves surely? If it's meant to be then Nintendo will make a deal with them, it's as simple as that surely?
  10. Yep, that pretty much sounds like a Sony advert, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if that turned out to be the official advert for it... I do 'sort of want' a PS4 at the moment but I still need to see what the console looks like, games actually definitely running in real-time on the hardware, oh and some other games besides inFamous Second Son that I actually want for the console as I certainly won't be buying it just for one game, no matter how good it is.
  11. This is why I still prefer to buy retail titles for the games that I really want/care about my progress on, fair enough... when Nintendo are giving away free games like for instance their recent promotion of course I'll take them up on it but otherwise I still much prefer physical media, especially when the price difference between the two really isn't that much. I'm more than happy to download titles which don't get a retail release though such as Virtual Console games, as who wouldn't want to pay a mere few pounds to experience many all time classic titles?
  12. Must... get... back into... this... game! I really do love it but... Monster Hunter. :/
  13. Probably the game I've played most of during my childhood, completed too many times than is deemed healthy, bought on nearly every single worthwhile compilation/arcade release since and can speed-run in no time at all. Will I be buying it again to play it in 3D? I'd be mad not to. 2bethisgoodtakesAGES!
  14. Monster Hunt... *reads the thread properly* 'No Wii U just 3DS' Mario Kart! Glad to see you made the right choice, definitely get Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate if you get a Wii U though and if not, then get Monster Hunter 4 when it comes out as that version will surely have online multiplayer even on the 3DS.
  15. That's all I needed to know.
  16. Hmm now that I know the ending to InFamous 2 is it still worth playing? i.e is the ending so obvious or is there some kind of 'shock' to it? I should have known better than to look in a thread about the latest game in the series I suppose, then again I really should have played both InFamous games by now... ah well, I will before this one comes out, probably.
  17. Ok well I'll put it this way... because I'm an absolute heathen for not having seen any of the Iron Man films, would it still be worth my while buying the inevitable 'trilogy' box set when it comes out providing it's reasonably priced? i.e... £15 or under.
  18. No cross buy... yet, it might happen but don't hold your breath. Either way, these are Nintendo games so many of them are a complete steal for the price - Earthbound will be when it's released - so I've kind of learned to deal with the fact that some games are for the home console VC while others are for the portable and some are on both but not as 'one purchase' which is a tad irksome but the situation is something of a trade-off at the moment as you can't get these games on any other current console. We'll see what happens closer to E3, if everything ends up at least getting tied to an account with or without 'cross buy' I'll be happy.
  19. So... the general consensus of opinion tends to be that this is another film that's probably worth picking up on DVD when it's really cheap/in a charity shop for £2? :p Surely it must have some really good bits in it?
  20. If only the range was that good, I can only just about play it outside of my room. I could transfer my save file to the 3DS and then take it outside but I think I'll leave it.
  21. *looks out of window* 'Wow it's really nice weather!' ... *goes back to playing Monster Hunter*
  22. Wallet, Keys, Phone... in that order. My stuff for work is usually already in my work uniform pockets, if I know I'll have a bit of time waiting around I'll take my GBA Micro to work, portable ALTTP is the way to go! If I know I'll be traveling anywhere else though and will have an hour or so to spare then I'll take my 3DS XL which just about fits in my pocket - which is much more than I can say for the Vita - naturally the game card that's in it at the moment is Fire Emblem but I also have plenty of downloadable titles on it to keep me busy.
  23. This is Nintendo, they march to the beat of their own DK bongos... Everyone else just has to deal with it, but really I think that this will actually turn out to be one of the company's best moves in a long time as it will really distance them even more from the other consoles in a good way. Providing the games are there on the show floor then Nintendo won't need to do any more talking, their sure to be stellar line-up will do that for them. ...besides, I rather like their tune as much like many of the classic tracks that are featured in their games, it's what keeps them marching and I have every faith that they will be putting their best foot forward this year.
  24. *checks* 'Open Blocks 221,264' *Laughs* [/iwata]
  25. Only got around to watching it last night, another enjoyable episode, a little predictable in places but what really made it for me was just that we got to learn a little bit more about the Tardis... which I suppose was the whole point of it all. Next weeks looks promising...
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