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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. The drop to 30fps is most likely necessary in order to keep things running smoothly while in 3D... is it a decent trade-off? Most definitely.
  3. Good news if true, another game I have zero interest in, making it even easier to forget about even thinking about considering maybe buying the console, even though it's still unlikely. :p
  4. Well... an hour later, I'm back... a little confused, a bit mentally bruised but I'm back. :p So yeah... Wii Music, I sort of 'get' where Nintendo were going with it but in reality some of it is rather clumsily put together, honestly the best part of the 'game' for me? Getting to conduct an orchestral version of The Legend of Zelda theme, just like Shigsy did at E3 many years back, I think that was the main selling point of the title really, so I give it credit for that. But will I play it again? Probably not... unless there are a good few more Nintendo tunes buried in there which don't take too long to unlock, otherwise I can just leave it there, but if they were to try something similar but with the gamepad instead then I'd actually be interested in that, maybe not a full retail offering but perhaps an eShop Wii mUsic? I don't know.
  5. Microsoft have already been doing that for years, its all been building up to the recent 'horror show' which was the XBone unveiling, even the abbreviation of the consoles name is disturbingly apt. E3 is going to be a car crash for Microsoft, not even one that EA will try and rescue them from.
  6. You know what... sod it! Wii Music here I come! (I'll report back later assuming I survive the ordeal)
  7. I certainly wouldn't pay more than £250 for it, quite honestly even then, the Wii U offers greater value for money - for me - but then I really don't think I'll end up wanting a XBone... I'm more interested in the PS4 which I would more 'gladly' pay up to £349.99 for (with a game) providing it has enough games that I actually want on it AND assuming that they aren't going to go for the shitty always online, DRM on disc, no backwards compatibility AT ALL, + 'let's majorly fist EA because they are soooo great! route that MS have taken.
  8. I will have it noted though that I did actually buy Wii Music... for my brother... who never played it and now I have it back. So I could play it... I'll wait until E3 to see if we're getting a sequel first. :p
  9. Dreamcast 2!!!! Be Leaf! :p Nah but seriously, this will likely be arcade related and will end up bringing more Sega arcade goodness to consoles with any luck.
  10. Oh god... tell me it isn't true... just... TELL ME IT ISN'T TRUUUUUE!* *I've never actually played Wii Music before.:p
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. This... looks... decent. But the enemies look like Skylanders rejects. :/
  13. It'll be no more than £379.99... If they want it to be competitively priced then it will be less than £324.99 possibly even reaching as 'low' as £299.99 with a game, if it's to be sold at a 'loss' I would guess.
  14. Wow... I'd forgotten just how evil those extra levels are, no checkpoints just pure platforming hell from start to finish. Gotta love the challenge though. :p
  15. Yes, it's definitely a fantastic deal... the only real reason I mention the SD card is the the 'average' consumer might not realise that the card which comes with the 3DS is very small so it was just from Game's point of view, the deal would look better if they threw in one of their 8GB cards, that's all. : peace: Otherwise you could see people returning the console with the line 'the games don't work!' or something equally as silly, because they simply didn't have enough storage space, which they perhaps wouldn't have been aware of. Then again, Game never miss a trick these days so they are probably trained to ask 'Would you like to buy a larger capacity SD card with your console?' upon purchase. :wink:
  16. And here's part 2! Genuinely fascinating videos, I'll be tuning in for the rest also its made me want to dig out my N64 and set it up more permanently.
  17. Of course it is, but it's more the principle of Game can easily afford to throw one in as part of the bundle... ... so long as they don't bump the price up by another £20 because of it. I'm so glad that I decided to invest in a 32GB card for mine, anything less would be unthinkable now, I could have gone with a 64GB card but I figured that would be overkill being that I only intend to download retail titles if they are free and decent, like in the recent deal.
  18. Mandatory repost... That's a brilliant deal... ... if you don't mind owning most of your 3DS games digitally. :p It's a good price anyway... well, reasonable... they have slapped an extra £20 on top of the RRP but as you get so many - digital - games with it, not too bad I suppose. Just a thought... I hope they also bundle in at least an 8GB SD card, otherwise the deal is useless.
  19. Brilliant!
  20. I won't be able to watch this - work - but I'll still be 'hyped' for it! Hopefully we get an epic MH4 Wii U announcement.
  21. They might do, they did stop your Play Coins 'expiring' after a day or something in one of the updates, and quite honestly I only really started using them properly recently when I found that I had reached the 'limit' of 100 rather than only getting to use a couple at a time.
  22. Well, I got Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D as my free game and I can safely say that it's at least 64% better thanks to the D-pad control, so definitely get that... maybe get Fire Emblem? It is amazing, providing you can get into it but once you do, you'll be hooked. Also I'm sure you really do want Animal Crossing, I know I do! you just don't realise it yet. :wink:
  23. After seeing your video @RedShell I think many will agree that the Wii U doesn't 'really' need GTA anyway. I've got to play some more of this game. : peace:
  24. Hardly surprising, but it's not exactly a 'selling point' region-locking never has been, we'll see how E3 goes but I don't think Microsoft are going to do very well at all in Europe - most people in America are clearly going to buy it mainly for its 'TV' capabilities - because if it doesn't have any decent games announced, then it most likely won't sell.
  25. What about this... I realise 'Project Dream' then went on to become Banjo-Kazooie but what if? Though I don't know how this would fall in-line with 'Historic Franchise' I'd still much prefer it to be something to do with Sabre Wulf.
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