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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Three words... Day Fucking One!
  2. ^ A step in the right direction towards account unification and games/content recovery? I sure hope so.
  3. ALL of the above... ... but only after the announcement of a unified account system.
  4. :zzz: Wake me up when the MS conference is over.
  5. Don't worry, there will be plenty of Virtual Console games announced tomorrow for sure, besides I'm not too fussed so long as Nintendo announces a unified account system tomorrow. Proper accounts with some form of recovery before more games get released please.
  6. Only if Nintendo is paying... ... in other words, no. But I shall be watching the Nintendo Direct at 3PM tomorrow for certain and we have a good few extra site staff for E3 so we have it covered. : peace:
  7. Regarding the food zones, I get the feeling that they are mainly there because food = looks good in HD. I don't mind food zones personally but they are by no means my favourite, I hope we see a chemical plant style zone in this but it probably won't happen due to being used in Generations recently.
  8. I sure am, so I look forward to seeing you on AC but yes you should definitely get back into the hunt as well, I'm working on getting the final piece I need to make full Alatreon armour - need a DevilJho Crook, will probably take me forever - but I'd be happy to help you in Monster Hunter when you're on again. :)


    I've now added you back on my 3DS. :D


    Oh and congrats on becoming staff, Idk if it's just for E3 - hopefully for longer - but it's good to see you with a green name.

  9. Added back @Kaepora_Gaebora , @Aneres11 and I've also added @Daft so if you could add me back please when you're next on that would be awesome.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Looking good so far, apart from the special stage being exclusive to the 3DS version... Why can't the Wii U have its own special stage? I can only assume that we'll be given the 'Chaos Emeralds' or their equivalent at certain points during the home console adventure. Feels wrong... I'd rather 'earn' them the proper way.
  12. Presumably that's a limited time offer though? In any case @Josh64 you'd be better off going with the Tesco deal, the best I could do in an attempt to match it is to throw in one of the retail games into the package at no extra cost.
  13. From me! I still have two 3DS XL consoles boxed from when the console was first released - we had a lot of 3DS original consoles in the house so we traded them in at game when they had the deal on - so if you like I can sell you one for £155 including Special Delivery, obviously there are no full retail games on the systems plus the actual console codes have been registered elsewhere - only really a concern if you're concerned about stars or want to take part in the Monster Hunter promotion - but the lower than most retail outlets price-point should reflect this. Anyway, no pressure but if you're interested then you'd have a choice of either Blue or Silver and if you were looking to buy a retail game with it I could sell you either Zelda and/or Tales of the Abyss with it at a reduced price. Send me a PM if you're interested but feel free to shop around first but I think most people would probably agree that it's a fair price. : peace:
  14. I'm 99.99% sure that I won't be getting an XBone now, the 00.01% is purely because of E3 but I don't think even that will save them or change peoples minds, I really don't think it'll change mine anyway. If Sony are going to do exactly the same thing then I won't be buying from them either, however if they can at least assure me that I'll be able to play my games offline in single player without restriction then I'd still definitely consider getting a PS4, it looks like the better out of the 'two' consoles anyway. :p As for the Wii U? i.e the console that's available right now I really think that this will be Nintendo's year, conversely though the main thing I want to see from them is a simple unified account system along with a load of game announcements, if they give us that then they really can't go far wrong. : peace:
  15. Did you find out what Rare's latest game is? (I'll take 'no comment' to mean 'no') I don't even know why I'm asking...
  16. I really don't like Fable... it feels like a game that should be better but just isn't so once bitten, twice shy and all that, three times? No way! I originally bought Fable II which I half-enjoyed, then Fable III was meant to improve things but it had game-breaking glitches in it, one that caused me to lose all my progress when I was just over a third into the game - when it starts to get semi-interesting - so no, I don't see any point in buying a HD re-release of the original at the moment, perhaps Lionhead can convince me otherwise now that smug git Peter Molyneux is no longer associated with them but I highly doubt it. Tl;Dr... fuck Fable, I have better games to play.
  17. If they change the original voices for Tales of Symphonia in the HD re-release then I'll be playing it with Japanese voice instead, some things they should just leave well alone!
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. No need to be sorry! It's the thread for Metroid Prime Trilogy which will always be a welcome sight on these boards! I'm not aware of there being any changes made to the original Prime as I played through it in its entirety when I reviewed it for the site - best review copy I ever received! - it's simply that the Wiimote and Nunchuk control scheme is just that good, so good in fact that if they ever make another Metroid game in similar vein for Wii U then I hope that they include a way to play it with those controls in a similar way to how you can play Pikmin 3 while using the gamepad as a map/inventory... though having the option to pick up the pad and 'scan' the environments could be amazing. : peace:
  20. You can get a flute from the 'dancing mini-game' in Seasons, I won't say anything else in case of spoilers, not sure if it's the one you're after though, but the mini-game is a hell of a lot of fun!
  21. Add me to the list of people who are only now starting to watch BSG as I found the entire collection - Seasons 1-4 plus final and Razor - in a charity shop for £19.99 seemed like a good price, I watched the mini-series the other night, liking what I've seen so far so I'll start on season 1 over the weekend with any luck.
  22. Wow... then what exactly was the point in them hyping it up in the previous months issue if they 'knew' it wasn't going to even score 80%? :/ Surely the faults can't be too damning... this isn't what I wanted to hear as I've been kind of looking forward to this, I'm still planning on getting it really so... we need @RedShell in here to get the hype rolling again!
  23. So this is on at 12PM our time then? How long is it going to be? I'm toying with the idea of watching it before I have to go to work, if it's only half an hour. -------------------------------------------------------- No one else saw it then? Ok well here's a summary... *Ace Attorney 5 looks awesome if you're into it as a series, so no worries there. *Monster Hunter 4 looks amazing! *Tons of new Monsters *New weapons/moves *Hub area looks different, Desert Island type place *No Wii U version announced, maybe at E3? or later on... *Monster Hunter Online Community thing? *JP release date, 14/09/13 (so Europe will get it in about a year, maybe) Either way, MH4 is shaping up nicely, day 1 purchase for me even if it's just on 3DS.
  24. Hmmm still deciding which I'm gonna play first... probably Seasons, but then Ages... they're both so damn good!
  25. Unfortunately it's a bit more 'low-tech' than that, it's an already composed post saved in notepad which is then lovingly cut 'n pasted whenever there's a birthday thread. ;_; But hey, it's the sentiment that counts right? I hope you both had a great day @canand and @Ellmeister!
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