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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I think what you're trying to say is that Miiverse has lots of untapped potential perhaps? Yes, at the moment it may mostly be being used for standard 'this game is great!!11!11!' comments but I think that by the time Mario Kart 8 comes out we are sure to see things like those challenges you mentioned getting integrated into Miiverse, even before that being able to share your in-game Pikmin 3 screenshots is pretty damn awesome! So no, Miiverse isn't all it can be but give it some time and who knows?
  2. Hmm am I the only one who likes the low-res floor textures? Personally I think because the rest of the game looks so amazing in full HD, it actually creates a nice contrast... no? Besides it's not as if it's the only HD game to skimp on textures, I've seen much worse over the years and even recently. :p Either way this is a huge step-up from Pikmin 2 - as you'd expect - so I'm really happy.
  3. I've existed through the entire past/current generation on a 60GB PS3, trust me... I'll find a way to make that 500GB on the PS4 last even with PS+ and mandatory game installs.
  4. I'm still planning on playing every day at least to get my two Nintendo items a day from the fortune cookies - even though I keep getting screwed over at the moment, what am I to do with a room-full of Flag-Poles? - and also to take part in the stuff that happens each week, Redd and his paintings, Turnips, Badges, K.K etc... But yeah, other than that Animal Crossing no longer takes priority now, it's just 'there' and I'll play it just a little bit every day... ...until Animal Crossing Universe comes out anyway.
  5. Speaking of Pikmin 2 I actually started playing it tonight after finishing the original Pikmin the other night... I've literally only just started it as in I have a save file and I've got through the first day but that's it, I was too tired to continue playing but I intend to complete it before Pikmin 3 comes out and I would urge anyone else who has the game to do the same.
  6. Personally I'm just happy that we're getting another Pikmin game though I do get where you're coming from... I'm guessing - like me - you were a fan of Pikmin 2 partially because of its rather eclectic mix of items to acquire but more because of the always entertaining item descriptions. If that's the case then I totally understand but I'm still reasonably happy to be just collecting fruit/food this time around, especially as it always looks good in 'Ayyyyche Deeee!' but seriously... I genuinely can't wait for Pikmin 3! : peace:
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. And around 10 properly invested hours later... I've finished the game! :awesome: The original is utterly brilliant, so full of charm even today with so many magical moments. Short but most definitely sweet, I'll give it a few days before starting the NPC version of Pikmin 2 but as for many people opting not to replay the first two games for fear of getting tired of them... personally speaking this is not the case for me; part of me can't wait to start playing Pikmin 2 again. I'll be tackling the Pikmin Adventure mini game in Nintendoland as well before Pikmin 3 comes out if I get the time. : peace:
  10. Well I've just finished Day 17 with a total Pikmin population of 128 - ironic considering how this game originally came to be - I've got 22 ship parts so far, well on track for finishing the game within the time limit. I know that it can be done a lot quicker but I'm not going for a speed-run here, just aiming to complete the game again and have a little fun along the way.
  11. I noticed it on day one on the black loading screens on Lumines... fortunately it only really appears when there's nothing much happening on screen so you can pretty much ignore it. Speaking of which, I've pretty much been ignoring my Vita for months now, I must upgrade to that 16GB card I got ages ago and actually start using it more.
  12. Well, I've been playing Pikmin for only a few hours and I'm already halfway done. So far 15/30 ship parts with 17 days left to go, which I don't consider to be too bad taking into account the last time I played this was the best part of a decade ago... The new controls make a world of difference, really can't wait for Pikmin 3 now! : peace:
  13. Consider yourself well informed about Mega Man now Blade. Honestly though, go ahead and download one of them, you don't know what you're missing. : peace:
  14. A man... ... who is 'mega' --------------------- Serious answer - Mega Man is a well known action platforming series of games which sees you taking control of the 'blue bomber' - who was created by Dr. Light - as he goes up against the evil Dr. Wily who has built '8 robot masters to try and take over the world...' yadda-yadda-yadda... You get to choose which order you tackle the stages in, at the end of each stage you will fight one of the robot masters, defeating them upgrades your standard blaster so that you can use their power; each boss is weak against one of the others power so finding the 'perfect route' is all part of the fun. Once you beat them all, usually you will get a final stage known as 'Dr. Wily's Castle' which is one huge stage that's tougher than the rest, will usually pit you against all of the robot masters again before you do battle against the final boss. Mega Man games tend to be very challenging but due to there being save state features on the VC games you can choose to make things a little easier on yourself by reloading your save assuming that it's recent but it's still considered quite a trial no matter which way you play; but the rewarding feeling that you get from beating the games is unlike any other, which is why I would recommend playing the Mega Man games as they are fantastic. : peace:
  15. So is anyone else going to be playing through Pikmin 1 and 2 before 3 comes out? I recently picked up both New Play Control versions of the games for a good price so I'm finally going to start my play-through today. I have previously played/completed both on the GC but I hear that the NPC versions are supposed to be even better thanks to the Wii remote.
  16. I spent most of my childhood playing the good old Sega Megadrive, but then I got a GameBoy, went back and bought a NES plus a SNES, got an N64 for Christmas the year when it went down to £99.98 with Goldeneye and I have never looked back ever since.
  17. Happy Birthday! :p
  18. I've played it for a couple of hours so far... Very enjoyable if you like Japanese turn-based RPG's but normally can't be bothered to spend hours on in-depth stuff then you'll most likely love Project X Zone. It's easy to get into, the battle system is simple, like a fighting game except you don't control your characters movement in battle, just their attacks; movement is all done on the battlefield. Fan service is frequent - heck only half an hour in and there was a rather risque 'profile shot' of Morrigan - as are the character appearances, it's definitely one of those games where you just 'enjoy the ride' and keep playing to see what crazy stuff happens next. Oh and you get a pretty sweet poster in the box too... : peace:
  19. I've been on holiday too, its been nice just to have the time to get stuff sorted out and relax for a while. Plenty of Animal Crossing has been played here as well.
  20. That was actually quite interesting, topical too for me as I was playing Quake Arena Arcade last night (it was selling cheap recently) which I believe uses the same A.I from the original Quake 3... it has a 'story mode' now but it's basically just you versus the A.I and I did feel like when I was playing those few matches that the bots did at least seem to be 'thinking' and not rushing in all the time. I think the bots in the original Perfect Dark were pretty clever for their time as well... even by today's standards to an extent.
  21. I got my copy this morning! I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I shall be later, will post impressions when I do. : peace:
  22. Gotta cleave 'em all!
  23. I'm in the club for the first time... D.J KK is amazing! I'll be listening to him all night!
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