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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I should have had this by now but it would seem that my copy from ShopTo ha run into a delay with the post or its 'disappeared' so now I have to wait the allotted 15 days. :/ Gonna just get a refund assuming it doesn't turn up after that period of time because if you've had to wait that long for a new game release - no matter the circumstance - it doesn't really feel right having another one sent two weeks late, would just feel utterly pointless to me. I might just buy this again whenever I see it cheap if that's the case, but I will be going for insured postage for Pikmin 3 now, no way I'm risking that not getting to me on release! :p
  2. Heh, looks like I chose the perfect night - last night - to do a marathon fishing session then.
  3. Thanks for the thread @Coolness Bears I honestly couldn't have imagined having such an original birthday celebration post such as this, it's appreciated. And thank you to everyone else for the various birthday wishes. It's been a good day so far, I had a few nice bits and pieces, bought myself a nice Zelda T-shirt, got a few game related bargains in the the charity shops plus a few dvd's. All in all not bad, should be having a nice meal later too... simple things really but it's just nice to have the time to relax for a change. : peace:
  4. Thanks -Dem0- :D its been a great day so far and I'm sure it'll get even better later. :)

  5. I got a Samus Helmet and a Luigi cap today! 'Happy Birthday to me... Happy Birthday to me...'
  6. Heh, that reminds me, I found a film a few months back that she would have probably liked... ^ Read the quote at the bottom of the front cover.
  7. Thank you! :D


    Should be a good day with any luck :) and yes, definitely... I've been meaning to get into the online in Animal Crossing but there's just so much to do as it is in the single player.

  8. Cheers for that Blade. :)


    I'm sure it'll be a great birthday, just gonna chill and play some games; just for a change! ;)

  9. I'm sorry to hear that Grunch... I remember when my three year relationship - at the time - ended, I wasn't really sure where to put myself :/ we did end up getting back together after a little while but still, I can understand to a degree how you must be feeling but I just hope that something good comes out of it for you. It might not seem like it now but hopefully things will get better over time. : peace:
  10. Fuck no... ... that 'achievement' goes to Microsoft.
  11. But... it's Sonic, in Thrrrreeeeee Deeeeeeeee! Still a day 1 purchase.
  12. If they'd given us Pilotwings this week it would have made more sense as then the releases would be rather suited to region... Europe: Pilotwings feels like a very UK/European game what with all the flight, 'chocks away! 'n all that. America: Vegas Stakes... need I say more? Japan: Final Fantasy VI/Secret of Mana both classic Japanse 'ARR PEE GEEEE'S!' Of course it would have been better for everyone if we'd got all of these releases in all regions... well better for everyone except me, I'm still playing catch up with the VC reviews. :p But I'd still welcome them of course. : peace:
  13. Check you're local CEX or independent videogame retailer, I found one in a Computer Exchange for around £30... it was worth it as I didn't have enough stars to get it on the website at the time plus it was 'there' so I had to buy it really and I'm really glad I did. This is of course if you don't mind paying money for it... there's a chance that it will come back to the stars catalogue I would say but who knows?
  14. Well, my ShopTo order has been posted so I should be playing this tomorrow with any luck. I decided to keep the pre-order as the release date is pretty damn close to my birthday and it seems like a real party type game, so it should be enjoyable at least.
  15. Wow... way to shaft consumers MS, I don't see why the wireless 360 headsets wouldn't work though? I'm hoping to use my existing headset from my PS3 when PS4 comes out, I reckon there's more chance of this than using existing hardware with the XBone! :p
  16. I can't wait personally, I've loved NIN for a long time now, seen them live as part of their 'farewell tour' a few years back, Trent's music just really 'resonates' with me... I'll be buying Hesitation Marks for certain as I own all other Nine Inch Nails albums, for better or worse but even though I'll always love Pretty Hate Machine and Downward Spiral I can always find something to love about each album. Oh and The Slip definitely counts as a release, they may have initially given it out for free but I bought the limited edition CD to support them - plus I wanted it, blatantly - but yes, it's good to see another NIN album on the horizon, my money is as good as spent on this already.
  17. ^ Dat sword-spin... :awesome:
  18. I'm just happy that we're getting some games to play this side of Christmas... >.>
  19. I got a Mario Kart today as my item, finally!
  20. At the announcement of Megaman in Super Smash Bros? Some people have no fucking soul!
  21. My main problem is that the new Kinect is inflating the price of the console by probably up to £100... when you consider how little many gamers will probably be using it, aside from the odd gesture or voice command, it doesn't seem like value for money. It might prove its worth in the future, that's not entirely in dispute but for now, PS4/Wii U seems the way to go this generation with Xbone being bought as a third console only if/when it becomes worth for the games and Kinect.
  22. I'm still not buying one at launch on principle... In fact, I'm pretty much convinced that I won't need one once I have a PS4 as Microsoft will have to pull some pretty damn good exclusives out of the bag for me to even consider it and that would only be when the stupidly high price of the console drops to match that of the PS4. 'Kinect two-point-oh!' should not justify an extra £100 not when they are practically giving away the current model.
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