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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Exactly, why have so many control options that don't make any sense only forcing you to use the default while omitting the only logical alternate scheme - dual analogue - which could have actually offered a viable alternative for many.
  2. I've got to say I agree with @Cube here, unless there's a very good reason that only becomes apparent when playing the game for there not being dual analogue controls available as an option then this will definitely be mentioned in our review... it won't necessarilly bring down the score but it will be mentioned. Will have to see what the game is like when it arrives though but at the moment I get the feeling that it's something that could have been added which would have been of benefit to left-handed gamers but Nintendo have opted to omit it. The actual game still looks amazing though, I just hope that the stand/CPP will actually afford a decent level of comfort during prolonged play sessions.
  3. Music: CD's always, I never buy the MP3's directly as I love getting a new album, reading the sleeve-notes/admiring the artwork while the CD is ripping then listening to it on my PC first and then MP3 player thereafter; it's a ritual that I love even if the discs are starting to take up a lot of space. Books: I recently purchased a Kindle which I am most defintiely pleased with as before I hadn't read a book in ages but now I'm starting to get back into reading which in itself is priceless, the cost of the device will pay for itself in about a years worth of use most likely plus being that I don't have much room for books it's by far the best solution for myself even though I do enjoy the feel of actual books. Films/TV Shows: Being that I don't watch very many films I tend to just buy them on DVD when there is one that I'd like to see, the cinema lost its appeal long ago for me... as for TV shows I don't really feel the need to own any TV show that I've already watched unless it's exceptional, those however that I can't watch due to not having/wanting Sky like Game of Thrones obviously I will splash out on the boxset because it seems worthwhile so that I can actually experience it. Videogames: For the mostpart I prefer to own the physical media purely for ritualistic (the manual sniff) and materialisitc reasons (I like to see my collection on a shelf) so when there's the option to 'download' a retail game I will usually turn it down also for the other reason that they seem to cost more than the physical product which is ridiculous. The only exception is of course games which are made to be download only like the many games on XBLA for instance including the utterly brilliant Trials HD and of course the Virtual Console on the Wii/PSN on Playstation formats but I tend to only buy the rarer games that I don't already have which feels worth it to at least experience the games while not having to bare the heavy burden of a huge pricetag for buying it in it's original physical form or just for the games that I wish to experience again but either no longer have/don't have easy access to the original console.
  4. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... knew I should have cancelled my pre-order yesterday damn shopto! you're far too efficient! :p I bet they're processing all pre-orders extra early because of the lack of reviews too, still nevermind... I'm sure it won't be terrible... I hope, I don't necessarilly trust Games review in any case.
  5. Hopefully if these are successful then Sega will finally see fit to release Shenmue III - they've blatantly been working on it at some point over the past decade - and assuming it's all coded correctly you could carry your save data on from the first two games straight onto the third as I believe you could carry data over from the first to the second on the DC so I don't see why not?
  6. The demo for Rhythm Thief is simple yet stunning, I defy anyone to download it and not feel compelled to pre-order the retail game if they hadn't done so already of course. It feels like a fresh fusion of Elite Beat Agents (Main Characters) Space Channel 5 (Directional Actions) Rhythm Paradise (Visual Cues) and Feel the Magic (General Zaniness) all wrapped up in one terrific title! Day one purchase for certain, not that it was ever in doubt.
  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  8. That's a shame as surely this game would be perfectly suited to dual analogue controls? Still buying it regardless.
  9. Will decide if I'm going to keep my pre-order or not based on the nest few reviews... if they all score around 5 or 6 out of 10 with the online component then I won't bother but if it's actually an 8/10 game overall including multiplayer then it'll still be worth picking up even though I expect far better from Resident Evil titles even if this is a spin-off not developed by Capcom.
  10. I can't be bothered with the likes of Starbucks or Costalot... they have always seemed rather overpriced to me, sometimes I will buy a coffee when out but very rarely so I tend to go for an independent cafe which I find to have almost exactly the same quality of coffee for sometimes up to half the price of these overrated coffee giants. Each to their own though.
  11. Seriously... get past the opening section, the game gets so much better in such a short space of time and before you know it, you won't stop until you're at the very end, saluting the best entry in the series which will truly never be bettered by any future sequels. : peace:
  12. Interesting... if true then I think this may have a lot to do with developer RedLynx pushing the boundaries of what to expect from an arcade title with the release of Trials Evolution as from what I've seen that title is more than just a simple sequel as not only does it appear to retain all the elements that made the original Trials HD such a fantastic title but it looks like they've added a lot more. Simultaneous online multiplayer will undoubtedly be one of its main selling points but what intruiges me more is the level editor which looks to be extremely powerful and versatile especially for a downloadable game, interestingly it seems not only to allow you to create tracks but actual slef-contained mini-games within the confines of the games engine... that's what it looked like from the latest trailer anyway. June 1st would seem a likely date for it so I'm gonna call it now, if this gamerscore increase is going to happen for all/some XBLA titles then Trials Evolution will most lkely be the game that launches it, if I'm wrong then the game will just come out even earlier with less gamerscore - if the rumour is even true - but either way I can't wait for it.
  13. Yeah fuck Word, I've used Open Office for years now and I've never had a problem with it I use it every week for writing reviews but can't say I've ever used it for images.
  14. Achievement Unlocked? :p
  15. If it was coming out over here then I'd snap up Tales of Innocence without question.
  16. Could be good... might be ass, who can say? One thing's for sure, it's another game about war... so erm yay? :p [/apathy]
  17. Last night I couldn't sleep for a couple of hours so I completed the whole of Voyage mode then I was slightly miffed as the trophies didn't unlock I simply reloaded the game however and got both trophies for playing through all skins/collecting all skins and avatars. Only Mission Mode and the Credits remain! Shame there's no platinum for this though, blatantly could do with one plus more challenges etc as discussed before, still an excellent launch title though.
  18. Yessss! decided to have a 'quick go' on Lumines and finalyl got to Zone 3 on Master Mode I love how if you reach the target number of blocks it then carries on to the next zone so in theory it is possible to complete all zones in one run but I'm happy enough with just making some reasonable progress.
  19. It seems Play.com have got more stock of the N7 edition... Xbox 360 PS3 PC No idea how long they'll stay 'in stock' for though.
  20. Purchased solely on the strength of hearing only good things about this in the relevant thread. £26... hopefully it'll be worth almost every penny. I'm certainly not expecting to be disappointed at any rate. : peace:
  21. Technically it's still the right thing though because if only one person bids then it'll still go for the amount you paid, but if people decide to bid more then... that's their lookout. But yeah listing it at £69.99 buy it now would have blatantly got you +7 paragon... ... or probably just a +1 on your eBay rating, but still.
  22. Sell for £129.99 --- o --- Auction at cost Good to see you went with the Paragon option +3 for Cube.
  23. Decided to play Lumines Live! in order to compare to this latest entry and... ... I just ended up getting majorly addicted to it again. Now I remember why I stopped playing it all those years ago, too addictive!
  24. I thought about this as I was paying for my copy earlier but I have a lot of faith in ShopTo... I still get what you're saying though, in the unlikely event it'd be a bit of a hassle I suppose but it's a calculated risk I feel is worth taking. A bit paranoid about it going 'missing' in the post though so I opted to pay for recorded delivery just this once. :p
  25. Nice one Coolness! what games did you get for it in the end?
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