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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Whoa! to those who play Lumines, don't forget to collect your exp from the completely erased world block, I leapt from lvl 5 to lvl 29 thanks to my share of the exp.
  2. 1. 'a' as it's beneficial, it's still an extra ?1. 2. 'provide evidence' as there's no knowing that the other guy wouldn't do the same thing.
  3. Just in case anyone else has noticed while playing in the dark or on certain black loading screens that the PSVita screen looks rather 'patchy' with black in some places but not in others, apparently this is normal and is due to the OLED technology which is reassuring as I thought there was something seriously wrong with my Vita when I noticed this last night! -------------------------- Lumines is still awesome.
  4. Lumines... so good! I don't need any other Vita games at the moment... ... though I will blatantly be downloading Super Stardust Delta.
  5. My PSVita arrived today! and I absolutely love it, haven't played any real games on it yet but I'm downloading the Unch demo and can't wait to try it out properly later, checked the screen properly and there don't appear to be any dead pixels so I'm happy.
  6. No PSV yet and now I have to go to work, argh! bet it arrives just as I go out the door... [/firstworldproblems]
  7. Yep, I caved... :p
  8. Reminds me of both times when I upgraded to the latest Xbox 360, transferred everything across including my GamerTag and then had to create another one just to get past the initial menus, then sign in as normal with my exisiting GT. I'm assuming it's like that, if so then I agree, it's completely silly... a 'temp' account isn't like setting up a full PSN account though is it? I hope not as I'm sure when I get my Vita I'll want to use my PSN ID with it asap so I can get on with downloading SSDD.
  9. Basically yeah. Now all that's left is to wait and hope/pray that it doesn't have any dead pixels when it arrives, it's an almost non-existent concern though as I haven't heard of any major dead pixel problems since the original PSP days.
  10. I'm on the page but there's no video... odd.
  11. Fuck it... I caved! : peace: Ordered with ShopTo so should have it by tomorrow.
  12. Daft, stupid question but should I cave right now and buy one? It's worth it just for SSDD surely...
  13. So is that an actual 'Yes' then H-o-T?
  14. K... one more Yes and I'll cave, but three No's and I'd still put off ordering it.
  15. Anyone got a direct link to the US stream? might as well watch that one if it's gonna be different.
  16. Considering caving even though I said I wouldn't... :p I'll let the next five people who post decide my fate, so do I buy one? Yes or No. If I do then I'll get the ?269.99 bundle on ShopTo that has Lumines, Rayman, Dungeon Hunter plus a 4GB card and welcome pack, then I would sell both Dungeon Hunter and Rayman - already have it on the Xbox 360 - and blatantly use the download code towards SSDD. There are only a few left though.
  17. Wait... the European stream has started but am I right in thinking that it's just the same conference except translated?
  18. Ah makes more sense now :p wish I could speak Japanese.
  19. Tingle Wannabe RPG?
  20. Dragon Quest Monsters!
  21. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance looks to be shaping up nicely.
  22. Weird Board Game : Japanese Only Edition? Looks odd...
  23. Mario Tennis Open! Seems you can play as your Mii...
  24. Fire Emblem... so beautiful. :')
  25. If this happens, I will buy a PSVita instantly :p having said that I don't expect it to happen not merely a year after launch... ... in the unlikely event that it does happen though I will stick to my word because it'd just feel like a slap in the face after buying the system at launch and purchasing a Circle Pad Pro. :/
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