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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Good going Goafer, to get a deal like that clearly you're a man who knows his markets from his meerkats.
  2. Haha, thanks Ramar. Also while I technically can't wait until I pass, I realise that when that happens that's when the real 'fun' begins... and by fun I mean wallet-crushing expense, please tell me that for the 'freedom' at least it's worth it though? it has to be surely.
  3. True, it would be better if - like a lot of other services - they just opened things up a bit more... to a degree at least, for instance in America you can download Deathsmiles 2 which I would instabuy but alas we only have the original which you can get both on disc and on-demand but yet no sequel for Europe, which sucks.
  4. Roundabouts... they are a law unto themselves it seems, I waited until a moment when it was safe to pull out and go then out of nowhere comes someone - possibly speeding - on the inside lane, apparenlty as I pulled out - in the correct lane I might add - the other driver slowed down a bit - he was going too fast anyway most likely - and the examiner took that to mean that I had caused him to slow down even though we are in opposite lanes. Now obviously if he had been approaching/visible while I was waiting then I would have just continued to wait but he literally seemed to appear from nowhere and I had checked many times before even moving off; the most annyoing thing is that the examiner didn't mark me down for it at the time only right at the end which even my instructor said was very unjust of him. But he was just doing his job I suppose, pehaps with clouded judgement due to his pissed-off mood but what's the point in arguing about it? Clearly I just have to 'try again' as metaphorically it's like a game so I'll just have to keep going until I get it right, the only difference is that there's money and lives involved - real ones - and that you don't get rewarded for any 'near misses'. :p
  5. By 'luck' I mean... I wish other 'drivers' on the road wouldn't contribute/cause me to fail, as on my last test I only had 4 minors but had one major fault caused by someone pulling out in front of me too quickly which I then got the fault for apparently. Even my instructor said that it should have been a pass, probably didn't help that the examiner was in a fucked-off mood though. So when I say 'luck' I really mean 'fairness' which I feel the driving test these days isn't entirely but then neither is life so. [/apathy] I remain undeterred and will be re-booking for some time in January with any luck. :wink:
  6. Currently in love all over again with Ceremonials by Florence + the Machine I think it just might be my favourite album of 2011... ... as for 2012, who knows? I'm looking forward to finding out but at the same time I'm not too bothered at the moment as I have plenty of music to listen/relisten to. 'Lay me down pockets full of stone let the only sound be the overflow'
  7. Happy New Year!
  8. Cornwall... you'd be most welcome if you were in the area. Also Jools Holland = Win that's exactly what I'm about to settle down to watch as it has got to be one of the best ways to see the New Year in with style.
  9. Why would I go out in the cold and wet to get ripped off for a few pints of beer and overpriced bar snacks that I don't really want? I'd much rather be at home in the warm drinking a triple measure of single malt whisky accompanied by some all-butter shortbread... ... which is exactly what I'm doing so I'll drink to that!
  10. Sonic Generations is £19.91 in-store at Tesco.
  11. The above is mostly true and is why I get more out of Nintendo games but still... I can't deny that playing Uncharted on the move is an enticing prospect.
  12. Nice pic @Hamishmash looks like it could almost be a cover to a dvd... from what series though I have no idea. :p Also with glasses on you look to me like some sort of @Dyson / @Goafer clone... ... that's meant as a complement btw it's a nice photo whichever way you look at it.
  13. I love Nintendo and I'm happy with my 3DS but even I'll admit that I'm tempted by the PSV but the price will almost certainly keep me from buying at launch and when I do presumably buy one it'll be the wi-fi version, I have no need to pay through the nose for the convenience of 3G.
  14. True, it's pretty great for a Snow Patrol album... as I said it's perfectly listenable and better than a lot of crap that's charting at the moment.
  15. That reminds me... I've got to rebook my driving test, I'm at that level where I can actually properly drive now, just need luck to pass on the day.
  16. Currently listening again to Fallen Empires by Snow Patrol which I got as a Christmas present... while it's perfectly listenable and pretty great as an album by them I no longer 'connect' with the band - they used to be one of my 'favourites' lol - indeed I wonder if I ever truly did... I can remember a time when I'd be happy that there was a new album of theirs being released but now I don't really feel a great deal for them. The tracks on their latest album are still perfectly reasonable but fairly formulaic, it's not as if I'm surprised but I just struggle to remember what I actually liked about them to begin with. I definitely feel like I've moved on a great deal from my narrow musical tastes of old which I'm glad of - the 'Trion' are my everything! - but there are always bands that it seems I'll always have a soft spot for. *plays some P.J Harvey* 'These, these, these are the words, the words that maketh murder.'
  17. Clearly something evil... ... jokes, but I agree it is kind of odd to say the least.
  18. I had a blast on the multiplayer yesterday, was pretty fun first time I'd properly spent a good few hours on it, liking the feel of it very much indeed... the tube level where you start off on top of the moving trains is a bit 'wtf' but it adds diversity I suppose and is part of what makes Uncharted 3 sufficiently different from other games.
  19. I share your pain @RedShell You see this is one of the things that annoys me, while it's true that I wasn't expecting them to announce much at all one of the things that they do announce which actually seems interesting isn't even going to get released over here... ...then again I suppose realistically it wouldn't really sell that well over here. RedShell and I would buy it though. :p
  20. I had no expectations of it other than it was going to be a perfectly watchable Christmas special, so I wasn't dissappointed by it. Quite enjoyed Bill Bailey's cameo role in it. :p
  21. Basically HDMI works on an all or nothing principle so you can buy a cheap cable no problem but a sensible compromise would be to maybe spend about £5 - £10 on one but probably no more than that seeing as it'll do the same thing as any other cable.
  22. I know, which is why I was only being half-serious I'm sure that the start of 2012 will be pretty good for Nintendo in particular for 3DS games at any rate.
  23. Everyone has at least one type of food that they don't like, this just happens to be mine... ... surely I can't be the only one who doesn't like them? :p
  24. *pre-orders*
  25. I have to get back into playing this game online... literally only played a few matches when the game first came out and I now feel like I'm missing out on something special just like I did with Uncharted 2's multi. I'll be on at some point today or tomorrow with any luck.
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