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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Congrats Ine! I've really got to re-book my driving test...
  2. I go away for one week and this happens? ... Damn, better get reviewing! :p and it just so happens that Prince of Persia is one of my childhood favourites.
  3. Still no code...
  4. I suppose... but I kinda want to play it now. :p
  5. So... Dom, PSV... worth buying at European launch for just under the RRP along with Uncharted?
  6. I've been listening to the 8-Bit music channel on Last.FM recently, found quite a few tracks that I like, the best of which so far has to be this...
  7. Still no code... *sigh* now I've got to waste time e-mailing Nintendo.
  8. Anyone else think that after reading these two quotes in particular that FLink definitely missed his calling as an Estate Agent? But seriously, congrats to both you and @Eenuh I'm really happy for you!
  9. @Debug Mode thanks for the tip-off about this yesterday, fortunately I actually have a copy waiting for me when I go to visit my Gf next week - a late Christmas present of sorts - it was lucky that she was able to get a copy put back about a week or two after release as it was only one of two there when she went to buy it. Of course I'm looking forward to seeing her and getting my copy but if I happen to find any other pre-owned copies of the game anywhere such as GameStop, HMV, Cex while on my travels I'll be sure to snap them up - assuming they are below £40 - and I'll sell them back to anyone on here who still wants a copy at the price I purchased for (plus a few quid to cover insured postage) obviously this isn't a promise as I'm unlikely to find any but having said that I did find two copies of Xenoblade Chronicles pre-owned last time I went a few months ago for both less than £20 so you never know. : peace:
  10. Happy Birthday jayseven! I'll have a drink tonight in celebration of your awesomeness.
  11. Depending on how invasive a screen repair is then it might be a better idea to buy a new PSP if it's not much more than the screen plus the time it would take but if you have a cracked screen then I guess there's nothing to lose... ... as for the actual quality of the screens, I have no idea.
  12. Still no code... Nintendo, I am disappoint.
  13. I only managed to register my second code about half an hour or so ago - never did get a reply from Nintendo but at least I can enter codes now - so I'm guessing I'll have to wait a little longer for my code but at least they are onto the task at hand it would seem.
  14. Well I e-mailed them, read it if you want to know the specifics... 'RE: Not able to enter product codes Hello, I have recently been having trouble trying to register product codes from Nintendo 3DS games, I wanted to take advanatage of the free Kid Icarus 3D classic offer that you have running at the moment and so I first redeemed one code (SSFIV 3D edition) with no problem. Then I tried to redeem my code for Tetris and found that the first character on the code was incomplete, so assuming that it would be one of the letters of the alphabet I proceeded to change the first letter multiple times in the hope that it would register, this did not happen... Instead when I then tried to enter a code from another game (Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D) it simply would not accept the code at all. What happens is that I enter the code, submit it, then the page just loads again with the code still visible in the box but nothing else happens. Is it possible that it's not allwoing me to enter codes because I tried too many times on the incomplete Tetris code? if this is the case is there anything that you can do about it? Help would be appreciated as this is most frustrating and it wouldn't be the first time that I've had a problem with this site as there was a GBA game that I ordered off the Stars Catalogue many years ago and never received but that's another matter. Thanks for your time, Regards, Sam.' Either I've done something wrong or their site is just generally rubbish as I've been getting error message regardless of if I'm logged in or not...
  15. So no-one else is having problems entering codes on the site then?
  16. Happy Birthday Guys!
  17. Just a heads-up the Club Nintendo part of the site seems to be down plus the Stars Catalogue page is showing up as incomplete currently just in case there was anyone else - like myself - who hadn't redeemed their codes yet and wanted to right now, I'm guessing they must be updating the site.
  18. RE: What have you done to trend on twitter?


    Quite honestly? literally nothing, I'm as confused as you... possibly more so. :p

  19. True, but still... Baseball ... Plus I've just noticed Kirby's Air Ride is in there, clearly they can't be trusted. Oh annnnd Volleyball of all games... but then, this is Japan I suppose.
  20. While I'm pleased to see the likes of Xenoblade and The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword doing so well... ... you know there's something plainly wrong when Baseball makes it in and Super Metroid doesn't. Also Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island only just makes the list at number 50? bitch please. :p
  21. One of us! One of us!
  22. S.C.G


    I did! And echoing your post it's easily the best thing I've seen on TV all year really setting the bar quite high for 2012 as I don't expect anything else to beat it. Pure brilliance.
  23. Oh you noticed too? *Slightly stalkerish high five* [/jokez] :p
  24. One word, stunning. :wink:
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