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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Wii U version for Europe to be announced at E3, believe!
  2. I'd be interested. As I mentioned before I enjoyed your Wii U games in 2014 thread because it had videos in there which are useful to have in one place as it reminds everyone just why they are waiting for those games, it's nice that you have that bit of background information to go with them too, so yes I'd love to see a 3DS thread in similar vein.
  3. There's room for both threads I think, Ike's thread has lots of videos in it for each title which serves to remind us why we are waiting for these great games whereas Red's thread is useful for keeping track of the releases being that it's purely text. As long as neither of the threads get de-railed then I see no reason why we shouldn't have both. : peace:
  4. It's not really a 'game' by definition though is it? The article mentions that it's something related to 'red button' services on the tv but then it also says that you'll be able to access this information on your Wii, the article then goes on to say that they are trying to reach the 7 million people in the UK without internet access. Am I missing something here? How are they going to get this information onto peoples Wii consoles if they don't have internet access... unless they really are going to put this information onto a game disc which seems unlikely. This news seems terribly inconsistent to me. :p
  5. I bought the original on the 360 when it was around £20... it's still sealed on my shelf. :p Tempted to instead sell that copy and buy the definitive version on PS4 but obviously I wouldn't want to pay full price for it but damn that difference in detail is undeniable.
  6. There were no glitches, apart from one which was actually a game-breaking one. :p I never encountered it myself possibly because I revisited the three main quest areas in the most standard way possible - the order you first visit them in - when I was given the choice, but apparently if you visit one of them in particular first - not sure which one - then you encounter a glitch which means you can't progress any further. Thankfully you can download a patch for it but if they were ever to remake the game then clearly this would be the first thing for them to change. Here's an article on how to avoid the glitch though... http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2011/12/skyward-sword-bug/
  7. The tech demo was interesting, if it could be incorporated into a proper game somehow then there could be a lot of potential for this. As a game though just being able to pick up objects regardless of size or distance doesn't really sit right with me though it is quite impressive as a demonstration.
  8. Happy Birthday! Iun I hope you have an absolutely smashing day old chap. We must have a good old game of Animal Crossing whenever we get the time next.
  9. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword A truly fantastic entry in the series which fully deserves to be played/enjoyed from start to finish as simply put it's a masterpiece even if it falls short of being breath-taking due to certain design choices and the limitations of the Wii at the time. In the future I would very much hope that Skyward Sword gets a budget HD re-release keeping the original control scheme while at the same time adding in the ability to use the Pro Controller - so as to please everyone - plus fixing that glitch so that the gameplay experience is unhindered. While it may lack a substantial overworld falling somewhere between Wind Waker's 'free' exploration style except having less actual 'openness' while managing to capture some of the better elements from the N64 Zelda games within the few environments it actually had. Personally I enjoyed the story even though some elements felt out of place - certain Fi cut-scenes spring to mind - but this was made up for with the excellent items added into the series such as the mechanical flying beetle and of course the superb boss battles which were genuinely spectacular at times. Overall I'd say that Skyward Sword is one of the greatest Zelda games as we know it, representing some significant steps forward alongside a couple of jarring mis-steps which could be corrected if they decided to re-release the game at a later date on the Wii U but ultimately I have to say that in terms of sheer enjoyment this is one title in the series which certainly delivered for me and I will still remember fondly in years to come even in its original form as it was a fitting swan-song for the Wii in addition to celebrating the series significant twenty-fifth anniversary in style. 94/100
  10. It doesn't no but then that's the trade-off with it, as it's perfect for storing the pad when not in use so it doesn't get so much dust on the screen and enables you to store something else on top. I've no idea if they have very many in the stores - seem to be sold out on the website - originally they were a rip-off (£19.99) but I managed to get one in the sale for around £5.99 which seemed more reasonable, its proved very useful though. : peace:
  11. Regarding the size of the Gamepad, its never been an issue for me, it just stays in the centre of my desk with one of these over the top when its not in use... Being that this makes it flat when in storage my Pro controller then rests neatly on the top.
  12. I can picture it now... *Goes into Game and walks up to the counter, whispering to the shop assistant* 'Psst! Hey... you got some of the "good stuff" you know, the ones that come in a shade of "light blue" and goes by the name of...' *looks around the store shiftily before whispering even more quietly* '...Wii U!?!' *twitches nervously* :p
  13. It is but I'm just not used to doing it, also with it being late at night when I sent the message which Moogle mentioned never seems to be an optimum time for such things but oh well, I've got to start again at some point I suppose so this is probably a good thing, I'm just a little bit apprehensive towards the whole thing due to lack of practice.
  14. I knew browsing OKcupid at this time wasn't a good idea, I've only gone and sent someone on there a message. Oh well, I'll report back if I actually get a response. *Going to sleep now, will pretend none of this happened.*
  15. There has got to be some kind of middle-ground though? If each game takes time then at least give us one amazing game a month that people actually want, fair enough we've had Super Mario Bros. 3 on both formats recently, Mario Tennis on 3DS VC was definitely welcome as is today's main release Contra III: The Alien Wars but they really need to keep up the momentum to keep things interesting. More of the Mega Man X games wouldn't go amiss - I realise that's Capcom but they are games which are wanted on the VC - plus some more of those classic SNES games like StarFox or the original Super Mario Kart! They started off so well with the 30p game promotion and then things started to slow down, there are currently just over sixty VC games out on the Wii U VC in just over a year, personally I would have at least hoped that we'd be at least into the triple figures by now. At the very least it could be ensured that there aren't any weeks where we don't get any VC games which has happened more than once, I don't mind having a break from writing VC weekly but quite honestly I would rather be swamped with reviews to write and know that the Wii U is potentially doing better as a platform for having a wealth of digitally downloadable classics. : peace:
  16. While there might be some truth to be found in this rather long-winded article and in comparison to Nintendo's situation today there are definitely certain parallels which can be drawn from it, I also agree that a lot of it is massively out of context so I certainly don't agree with it completely but then I can't deny that it does raise some interesting points even just scanning through but I certainly won't be reading it from start to finish. I have no problem with the article existing but probably only 20% of it is worth reading so just so long as it's not taken as 'gospel' then that's fine. : peace: But I'll definitely be popping back into this thread to read any more choice quotes that anyone happens to repost, I love the Gamecube a great deal as it's a fantastic console but it certainly had more than its fair share of problems despite it having a fantastic library of first and limited third-party titles.
  17. I recently re-watched all of the Alien films on Blu-Ray, from viewing just that announcement trailer this game gives off that important feeling of being within that same universe, something which doesn't seem to have been properly achieved or realised in any Alien game until now. Naturally it would be best to remain cautiously optimistic but personally I have high hope for this. Alien Isolation is now very much on my motion tracker.
  18. Sixteen years... ...to think I've been a staff member for over half that amount of time! I must say though it has been both a pleasure and a privilege to both work alongside so many amazing staff members plus to have been a member of such a fantastic forum community. Here's to another sixteen! : peace: *gets back to writing reviews*
  19. Happy Birthday! @jayseven & @lostmario I hope you both have a fantastic day.
  20. Congrats Mokong!
  21. I put on a small amount - was trying to - but will probably have lost it again within the next few days.
  22. S.C.G


    Here's a link to the 7 minute mini-episode on iPlayer in case anyone else hasn't seen it before series 3 starts properly in less than an hour. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p01np1b8/Sherlock_Series_3_Sherlock_Mini_Episode_Many_Happy_Returns/
  23. R.I.P James Avery (aka Uncle Phil) May he live on forever in YouTube form! : peace:
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