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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I'm sorry to hear that Martin.
  2. Oh right, that explains it then thanks, I was just taking into consideration when I'd be able to review it for VC Weekly. --------------------------------------- I'm going to have another blast on NES Remix - given it a break for a day or two - expect a review soon.
  3. I've been trying to figure this out, has everyone got their codes for this? Or is this just Japan only at the moment, because I linked my accounts on day 1 and I still haven't had a code for Super Mario Bros DX yet, but if it's JP only for the moment then that would explain it.
  4. I suppose... I bought it for less than £2 I think in the Steam Summer Sale with free dlc added after though, also got it for free with PS+ so I won't be buying it on Wii U as well, the worst bit? I haven't even played it yet :p too many other games of much greater priority. NES Remix is well worth £8.99 if that helps at all though.
  5. Well I've been playing this for 4 hours today and I can safely say that I'm loving it. Yes it features many classic NES titles which we are more than familiar with, but if more people actually gave it a fair chance then I think that they would definitely enjoy it. On the one hand it's accessible so anyone can jump right in and play it, just like Wario Ware but there is actually hidden depth to things as you progress, some of the challenges get more difficult later on; it's this element which will appeal more to the long-term gamer. :wink: Interestingly even I have learned a trick or two from these titles, many of which I've played extensively due to reviewing them - some multiple times - for VC Weekly so if I can pick up a bit of knowledge from this then surely that's a good endorsement? I say that without trying to sound arrogant, the majority of us are long-term gamers here so it's probably rare that we can learn things from games which we previously thought we knew inside-out, I'm merely trying to put some perspective on this excellent but seemingly misunderstood title. : peace: Many may have had their fill of 8-bit titles, that I can understand but when you have many of these classic games put together in one sizeable celebratory experience it actually makes you see them in a different light, breaking things down to the level of many challenges being put in front of you as a gamer. It's up to you whether you take up the gauntlet or not but I reckon that if you sat anyone down with this who has even a drop of gaming nostalgia in their blood, they would find it impossible to walk away from this after having just 'one quick go' as I've actually had to tear myself away from this after acquiring half of the Miiverse stamps that you can collect in addition to going for those three stars on each challenge, it's that much fun. It might not be the game any of us bought a Wii U for, it's more a game that I didn't even realise I wanted until it was announced today, personally for me it's the best thing to come out of the Nintendo Direct, all that's left for me to say is that if you liked the classic Wario Ware games and have a particular fondness for that pure gameplay from the 8-bit era, mixed in with a healthy dose of friendly competition via one of the fastest growing gaming social networks around then look no further, go forth and play as you won't regret it.
  6. Downloaded, installed and am about to give it a go, looks awesome!
  7. Time for a last minute unrealistic expectation... Metal Gear: Ultimate Collection Every single Metal Gear game from the very first NES/MSX titles, right through to present day, plus Metal Gear Solid V confirmed for Wii U all with off-tv play plus new features. Oh and Snake in Smash Bros again...
  8. :p They could have had any name for their warring factions and they went with those?* *Disclaimer - My brother is also called Lawrence, while I personally like the name I don't see why it's so fitting in a mainline Tales game.
  9. Aww that sucks, so it is as I feared, no way to post screens without the proper, localised community. That's a shame, I was hoping to add some unique screens to my review, oh well. *goes back to the deepest depths of Dark Water in Ecco*
  10. I wish there were communities for the Sega 3D classics, I want to post some screenshots from Ecco! :p
  11. Might as well pre-order anyway before the price goes up, that way you can get it and if you really only wanted the novel then you could probably sell the set on even minus the book for a profit I expect or just make your money back. 10,000 in Europe, that's the same amount as Panzer Dragoon Saga so this is surely a collectable of the future.
  12. I'd be getting the PS3 version purely because both games are on one disc, buying the Vita version, only getting one game on the card and then having to download the other - on a console where storage space costs a premium! - feels really wrong to me. Plus I've never played them so naturally I'd want to experience these titles on the big screen, but for others who have played them before and want the convenience of having them on the Vita I can still see why you'd go that route even if the setup seems a little odd. : peace: Surely they could have just put the games on two game cards or I don't know... manufactured a larger card? Perhaps that'd not possible though but it just seems like Sony is trying to keep costs down on the Vita version to me.
  13. @edza by all means, sell the majority as lots but if it were me, I would be selling Conker's Bad Fur Day separately from the N64 lot at least as you could get up to £100+ for that if it's boxed and in really good condition, heck the cart alone recently went for around £80+ on eBay. It's your collection though but I just thought that at least was worth pointing out seeing as you're wanting to get the best price for your games. : peace:
  14. :p Seriously though, a new game similar to Ecco made by both the remaining development team and some of the team who made Endless Ocean... Nintendo plus Sega teaming up to create an amazing underwater experience unlike any other but with elements of past titles, all fused into one glorious HD amalgamation on the Wii U. I'd buy it!
  15. Limited Collector's Edition... ShopTo - £69.95 Less than 10,000 in Europe Day 1 purchase.
  16. This... very much so! Life Force is a superb shmup which is well worthy of anyone's time if they are invested in the genre, it's good to see it again being that it last appeared on the Wii VC in other regions a few years back but never made it to Europe bizarrely; so this is a very welcome addition. Don't worry, Nintendo won't let us down on Christmas but remember that it's on a Wednesday this year so they are probably gearing up to either release the VC games extra early in that week, so give them a chance. :p Also... Dem 3D Classics!
  17. Surely SEGA now have to include this in the inevitable 3D Classics version that will come out somewhere down the line on the 3DS? They certainly have enough time to do it anyway I'm sure. I don't mind if it takes AGES... :p
  18. I think the important thing to remember about Sonic Lost World is actually how it shares similarities with the very first game in terms of it not all being purely about speed but with a light focus on platforming based puzzles as well. At least that's how I see it but I am in no way saying that it's as good as the Megadrive originals, just merely trying to put some perspective on things. : peace:
  19. I'm actually in a similar situation to you Ash, I've been trying to put on a little bit of weight for a while now... only really got properly in the habit of it since using Wii Fit U but other than that I haven't really been doing much that's different apart from well... eating more. :p Not to excess but just snacking more on stuff that's borderline healthy I suppose but that has a reasonable amount of fat content too. Things I would recommend are pre-portioning things like cheese for when you feel like snacking, I think peanuts, cashews etc are supposed to be quite good. In fairness though I could probably do with some guidance myself but I just thought I'd share my limited experience, as for actually putting on the weight, well... I've just had to adjust my Wii Fit U goal from two weeks to two months but I have a feeling that Christmas will probably help things along if all else fails. Getting that balance is the tricky part though, putting on weight in a way that's healthy.
  20. As I mentioned last night on MH3U I too will definitely be waiting until Christmas Day to play this sure to be amazing title. I stuck with the deluxe edition in the end too so it's currently sitting on display sealed, begging to be carefully unpacked and played but I must be strong... ...I must be brave! :p For December 25th is now my default day to enjoy.
  21. Calling it now... June 27th 2014 which would be the six year anniversary of Super Smash Bros Brawl's release in Europe. : peace:
  22. Hmm I just had a thought, if you leave your PS4 for a certain period of time does it go into standby automatically? I only ask because I turned all power-saving features off... I was just thinking when you said that Killzone was paused, could it have been long enough for it to go into standby mode? It could be the standby mode that's causing the issues perhaps. If so why not try turning off all power saving options and see how things go from there? : peace:
  23. Hmm that doesn't sound good @Happenstance have you googled to see if anyone else has had similar problems since the update? I haven't switched my PS4 on in a few days, I think I'll wait until the next update if things aren't very stable currently.
  24. I say free Vita's for all from Zavvi :p they might as well just re-issue a statement saying that they will not be asking for the mistakenly sent goods back so customers can think of them as an early Christmas present from Zavvi, surely that's the best cause of action? It's relatively cheap good PR for them instead of them getting yet more bad press, personally the last time I ordered from Zavvi recently I received a pre-ordered Blu Ray boxset from them on the morning of its day of release so I don't have a problem with them but I know that in the past they haven't exactly been renown for being the best online retailer.
  25. So I've updated my 3DS, linked my NNID, Miiverse works well but I've now lost access to the eShop. Doesn't feel like a fair trade somehow. I'm sure Nintendo is working on the issue but still, I was possibly planning on buying some more 3D Sega classics, oh well, I can wait.
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