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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Physical or digital, I would buy it again on Wii U so long as it comes out a good half a year before Bayonetta 2 and so long as it's no more than £14.99... if it's priced at anything above that then it's just not worth it.
  2. Similar to how you can shoot presents attached to balloons with a slingshot in Animal Crossing... ...except potentially more fun/rewarding!*:p *and possibly illegal but... free stuff! From the sky!
  3. Mario, Zelda, Resogun... all on rotation with some Killzone thrown in every now and then :p busy time for games!
  4. Got Killzone all installed and updated. Ready for some multiplayer with whoever is on and wants to play. -------------------------------- Cheers for showing me the ropes Cookyman, I can definitely see myself playing more of the multiplayer, I should probably spend some time training against bots so I can get used to the maps etc as I really don't seem to be very good at it. Really liking the mechanics though, weighty but with enough precision so that the action doesn't feel sluggish, it all plays out at a manageable enough pace which I like.
  5. I've 100% cleared everything up to the game credits, wow 'dat final boss!' Now setting to work on the amazing - but brutal - post-game.
  6. I've got it but have yet to even put the disc in the PS4 yet - due to Resogun being so brilliant :p - but I was possibly planning on at least trying it out later tonight so I woild be up for some multiplayer on it some time this week, most nights are good for me, particularly Tues/Wed/Thur/Sun but any other nights and I'm either too tired from work or it's too late by the time I get on. But yes I would love to play some multiplayer Killzone at some point soon.
  7. @Jamba I suppose you're right, the show was never going to please everyone but it was still very good and for what it's worth I did enjoy it. I was also pleased to see that there was some Super Mario 3D World footage in there too which was nice.
  8. It was an interesting show if you took it based on its title 'How Videogames Changed the World' as some of the entries were undeniable like Pong, Super Mario Bros, Tetris, GTA, Minecraft... all of those titles have changed the world significantly. But to then just conveniently skip over Zelda while following on from Mario in the section about Shigeru Miyamoto didn't seem right at all, yes it got a mention but it deserved more than that surely? I mean... I was 'playing' Zelda on and off through most of the show :p so its clearly had an impact on the world because it's still both a popular and amazing series. There should have definitely been more Nintendo in there, for instance where they talked seemingly too much about other titles which personally I don't think made quite as much of an impact, they (Brooker & Co) could have talked less about those and had room for a lot more entries. Also no Sega games in that list... I don't remember seeing Sonic in there - perhaps wasn't considered that crucial in comparison to Mario - but even then what about the Phantasy Star series? The first Phantasy Star game - if I'm correct - was the first proper sci-fi themed RPG plus Phantasy Star Online... first console MMO, Shenmue etc... perhaps they weren't deemed to have had that much of an impact with the masses. Still there were some good bits in there too, for instance Street Fighter II was heavily featured and rightly so, plus it was interesting looking back at Tomb Raider even if in the back of my mind I was thinking 'First female to be portrayed in a game? What about Samus Aran!!!' but again this list was probably made with mostly the masses in mind as a lot of TV programmes seem to be these days, well I suppose they have to be in order to justify making them but you get my point I'm sure. Anyway, it was interesting but there was still too much 'filler' and not enough 'killer' in that list for my liking and don't get me started on classing Twitter etc as a game I get that people get addicted to those sites in a similar way to games but if that's what some people class as a videogame these days then clearly something has gone very wrong indeed. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play some Super Mario 3D World, now there's a REAL game! : peace:
  9. I think I'm going to have to get in on this Killzone action later tonight, does it take long to install both the game and the patch? (I'm only on a 2MB/s connection) :/
  10. Wii U/PS4 for me. I very rarely properly 'game' on my PC... I use it to play Phantasy Star Online 2 sometimes (translated JP version) and some older but decent PC games that I missed out on over the years but can now easily enjoy thanks to Steam.
  11. I haven't got so far as to actually put Killzone in the disc drive yet! Resogun... is just glorious. Anyway it has been an excellent launch day but for now, I'll let my new PS4 sleep for I'm sure I'll be waking it up early tomorrow for just 'one more go' on my new favourite arcade shooter. I might finally try out Killzone tomorrow, we'll see.
  12. S.C.G


  13. With regards to PS store, just keep trying, I did and now I'm playing Resogun which is fantastic so it's worth persevering with the store - unless the volume of errors has increased since earlier - only took me a few tries, then once you have Resogun you'll need to 'activate as main PS4' console, or something to that effect, it should prompt you if you try to go back to the store after downloading but it can be found in the menu's as well somewhere. Might install Killzone later but I think I might take a break for a bit after I finish the arcade mode on Resogun. Loving the console so far though. : peace:
  14. S.C.G


    I've been playing Resogun for the first time today, and while I knew it would be amazing I didn't think that it would exceed my expectations - which were considerable to begin with - by far. PS4 purchase justified.
  15. It's Here! :yay::yay: :bouncy::bouncy: :D:D:D bye... :wink:
  16. I haven't got my PS4 yet but as ever my PSN is... Metal-Mutiny
  17. Got my text with time slot... 11:44am - 12:44pm for me.
  18. I think, @Hero\-of\-Time just really loves games... it's that simple. : peace: When it comes to games, I can understand to an extent people wanting to 'make it last' especially when you consider the huge gap there is between releases of certain titles; but equally when a game really draws you in to the point which you keep playing and playing, then before you know it... you've finished it. That to me is the mark of a really amazing game, regardless of whether you complete it in one long sitting or several small ones... the quality of the game is the same; finishing it on the same day you started it or spreading it out over equal play-sessions over a space of a week or more, that's just preference. : peace: Personally I have played Super Mario 3D World for a solid eight hours today... in that time I've probably finished around 80% of the game and I've finally reached my 'fill' point for now, so I stopped. I tend not to limit myself when I don't have to... I'm on holiday from work currently so I just played until I felt satisfied with the progress I had made and with the amount of joy that the game has given me - which I really can't even begin to measure in this case - but I think that Hero is a fantastic guy with an amazing amount of enthusiasm for games which he expresses by completing them in a manner which might seem 'quick' to us but to him I think it's just his natural pace. Ultimately it doesn't matter, but what does is that we all enjoy these games and that the fact that we get to enjoy such brilliant titles as this for however long or short a time... regardless it's both a joy and a privilege for gamers alike.
  19. Christmas has come early for me where this game is concerned!
  20. Mostly Mario but I've tried out all four characters so far, they all have their merits.
  21. Actually properly dispatched now as of !4:12 today.
  22. Oh yeah... mine arrived this morning but I was so hyped to play it I completely forgot to post in here at the time. Was just taking a quick break, back to it now though.
  23. Oh well... *goes back to normal everyday life*
  24. I had 'the text' this morning at 7:01am saying that it will be delivered today. So until then...
  25. Hmmm... I would advise everyone who has ordered with ShopTo to check their inbox because, I just got an e-mail from DPD confirming that my PS4 will be being delivered on 28/11/13 so it seems that at least some - if not all - of the consoles have been passed on to the courier a day early by ShopTo! I'll keep you updated if I get any more info but for now it would seem likely that I will be receiving my PS4 tomorrow with any luck.
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