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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Legendary or it doesn't count.
  2. NFS Beta thoughts... Live-action video is crap-tastic but it works with the theme of the game. Upgrading is nicely handled. Map seems reasonably well designed. Handling is reasonable. Nice amount of things to find. Cop chases are fun. Servers are ropey as fuck at the moment. So far, enjoyable! : peace: Needs more work doing to it though.
  3. Downloaded the Beta last night, too tired to play, will be on it tonight though! : peace:
  4. That's more like it Nintendo... Mewtwo is Up! Gogogo!
  5. Nintendo sound selection get... damaged in the post. It's mainly the front part of the case that's smashed so I can replace that, but there is a dent in the book and the outer-box, I know it's not Nintendo's fault as it likely got damaged somewhere in transit but still, I don't understand how the CD which would have been the most protected from the box etc is the one to get smashed. Anyway, collection complete, good riddance to the star catalogue as while the items were lovely the redemption system is arguably archaic at best. I hope you have better luck receiving yours @yesteryeargames. : peace:
  6. Nintendo, why you choose to put Mewtwo up just as I'd gone to work? :/ Only just got back, had no chance... *sigh* I suppose I'll keep my fall-back order with ShopTo then.
  7. The 1 year Birthday Deal on Rakuten just got even better, now you not only get 25X Rakuten Points until 5th October but also 10% off when you use the code BDAY10 which is usable today and tomorrow. To put it into perspective for anyone looking to buy a console... Xbox One 1TB - £310 -£31.00 = £279.00 plus £77.50 to spend on Rakuten PS4 Bundle - £330 -£33.00 = £297.00 plus £82.25 to spend on Rakuten As I said before normally I don't use them much these days but that does seem like a good deal. : peace:
  8. Inverted controls? Sod that! I always choose Normal controls for anything other than games which are flight-based. Can't imagine playing an FPS with inverted sticks, not that I play that many but still.
  9. Best of luck MadDog.
  10. If anyone has any unused codes that they are just going to let expire, I wouldn't mind them please. I know it's a long shot but I thought it worth asking in Club Nintendo's final hours. : peace: And if anyone is redeeming their codes - or trying to - don't forget to check old console codes, you can register at least two Wii's, loads of DS systems... etc. As an aside I also haven't received my final soundtrack yet...
  11. It seems Rakuten are having a 1 year birthday event which gets you 25X Superpoints on everything. I only bought something small which was Wofenstein: the Old Blood on PS4 for £9.85 but crazier still, it's via ShopTo who currently have it for over £12 on their site and I got something daft like 225 points on the order which equates to £2.25 to spend next time. Now just think how much you'd get if you were buying something substantial on there, probably worth it if the price if already cheap. I don't tend to use them much these days but I figured it was worth it for that price. : peace:
  12. Will buy it when it's patched and half price then, still looks fun. Although... find the Hidden DVD? Should be Blu-Ray at least by now!
  13. Who knows though, if this sells well then perhaps Nintendo might make a HD remake of the Gamecube version of Four Swords Adventures!
  14. I watched 15 minutes of this video, I now actually want to experience the whole series. I've recently been buying them up whenever I manage to get a good deal on them, it's just getting around to playing the games. If not by the end of this year then at the start of 2016 for certain, it seems I have a lot to catch up on! : peace:
  15. This one seems to be the same stick but the same manufacturer so I guess it should be OK? I'm just looking for it to improve performance a little bit and also to make the next three years using it a bit more comfortable. I didn't know this, so it would seem that if I buy the new one which is the same frequency as the original one then that will effectively be a pair I'd have thought? Just that it's over £30 for the 4GB I need so I figure that the one will do hopefully. Thank you both for the information, I'll go ahead and order it now, will of course report back once I've fitted it, I've upgraded RAM before but that was many years ago so I figured a few things may have changed since then. : peace:
  16. Well said Shorty! Too much time is often spent dwelling on the inevitable while we should be more optimistic and grateful for all the things we still have to look forward to, I have no doubts that the new Zelda will be utterly fantastic when it's finally released but I'm also aware that we have plenty of other titles to look forward to between now and then whenever it may be including another portable multiplayer Zelda title which looks fantastic! I'm sure that an open world Zelda title created in Nintendo's unique style will turn out to be amazing in ways that we can't even possibly imagine at this point but by the time of E3 2016 we'll all surely be blown away. Personally I don't expect it to be comparable to any other recent open-world game either such as The Witcher III which I have yet to experience all the way through but am looking forward to doing so, I'm sure I won't be comparing the two either because while there seem to be a lot of things which certain open-world games get right there's always things which I think to myself... "this is nice but... it doesn't quite feel right" whereas with Zelda I expect to feel like... "this feels amazing! Not quite how I imagined it but excellent all the same" as it really looks like it's shaping up to be something special indeed. : peace: While there are certain areas in which I feel Zelda could definitely take a bit of inspiration, there are other elements featured in other "open world" titles which I don't want to see; also lest we forget that almost all 3D videogames of today take inspiration from Zelda: Ocarina of Time in some small way. Let's just let the innovators do what they do best and in the mean time appreciate what we have as in the time between now and the release of this game which will surely be monumental I intend to sample the innovation within other titles on other platforms which all have something worthwhile to offer; even if it's not quite Zelda.
  17. Great update but... still no option to set your status? I'm surprised that none of the current consoles seem to have that option even though it seems to be often requested. Not that it's a big deal but still, it's the small things.
  18. It's time to upgrade my ailing PC again which I purchased three years ago and I've decided that because I'm sticking with Windows 7 for as long as it humanly possible that it would be a good idea to upgrade my RAM so I can hopefully keep it going for another 3 years ideally. Here are the tech-specs... After doing a bit of research I think this is what I want... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00QM8VJ0O?keywords=RAM%20Nanya%204gb&qid=1443525181&ref_=sr_1_6&sr=8-6 It's a 4GB stick of RAM which is made by the same company as the one which is in my machine, though this one is 1333Mhz whereas my current one is 665.2Mhz. On the description is says that the new RAM is "100% downwardly compatible to 1066 mhz (PC3 - 8500U)" but that's still faster than my original RAM. My main question is, would I be better off buying two of the newer RAM and replacing the existing stick? I ask this because at least then they would both be running at the same speed which my PC could then take advantage of presumably because how I understand it is that the RAM with the lowest speed will be the one which is accessed first - if I've got this right - so if I just had the one new stick which is capable of running at a higher speed then I'd be essentially limiting its capabilities by around half. If anyone could help me make some sense of this please then that would be greatly appreciated, I think I'm on the right track but I only want to do this once and do it properly so I thought it best to ask as I know many of you are far more knowledgeable about these things. : peace: I'm definitely not looking to upgrade my PC for another three years, all I intend to use it for is writing reviews, some light graphics work using GIMP 2.0 and playing some older games on steam which are typically 5-10 years old or more.
  19. One for next years thread... Mighty No. 9 February 12th 2016 With portable versions to release at a later date. : peace:
  20. Quite a long way to go for water. Probably quicker to get it from the tap.
  21. One exclusive game, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D... which I bought... and then went and purchased the digital version of the Wii game on the Wii U so that I could finish my original file which I started years ago. I don't understand my purchase decisions either sometimes, but it's nice to know I have a portable version of it for if I ever choose to take it with me and be forced to listen to English voice acting only, even if it is very good it's still alien to me after playing over fifty hours with the Japanese voices but I suppose at least now I know what they are all saying in battle. But erm yeah... as for the New 3DS XL itself, well... I use miiverse a lot for getting my screens of 3DS games into my reviews so it has at least proved invaluable for that, definitely for the MH4U review.
  22. Those would be the most recent examples... I'm not complaining, it's just an observation. : peace: But anyway, Chibi Robo... definitely getting it, more than likely just for the amiibo figure as well if I'm honest... ...well he is a badass.
  23. As am I but still... It's all worth it... *Also as an aside, are you contractually obligated to use the term "badass" more ever since a certain game revolving around an elephant of that particular nature came out? I'm just curious as you seem to have used the term rather a lot recently...
  24. But you're still buying the amiibo right? R-r-right?
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