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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. This one seems to be the same stick but the same manufacturer so I guess it should be OK? I'm just looking for it to improve performance a little bit and also to make the next three years using it a bit more comfortable. I didn't know this, so it would seem that if I buy the new one which is the same frequency as the original one then that will effectively be a pair I'd have thought? Just that it's over £30 for the 4GB I need so I figure that the one will do hopefully. Thank you both for the information, I'll go ahead and order it now, will of course report back once I've fitted it, I've upgraded RAM before but that was many years ago so I figured a few things may have changed since then. : peace:
  2. Well said Shorty! Too much time is often spent dwelling on the inevitable while we should be more optimistic and grateful for all the things we still have to look forward to, I have no doubts that the new Zelda will be utterly fantastic when it's finally released but I'm also aware that we have plenty of other titles to look forward to between now and then whenever it may be including another portable multiplayer Zelda title which looks fantastic! I'm sure that an open world Zelda title created in Nintendo's unique style will turn out to be amazing in ways that we can't even possibly imagine at this point but by the time of E3 2016 we'll all surely be blown away. Personally I don't expect it to be comparable to any other recent open-world game either such as The Witcher III which I have yet to experience all the way through but am looking forward to doing so, I'm sure I won't be comparing the two either because while there seem to be a lot of things which certain open-world games get right there's always things which I think to myself... "this is nice but... it doesn't quite feel right" whereas with Zelda I expect to feel like... "this feels amazing! Not quite how I imagined it but excellent all the same" as it really looks like it's shaping up to be something special indeed. : peace: While there are certain areas in which I feel Zelda could definitely take a bit of inspiration, there are other elements featured in other "open world" titles which I don't want to see; also lest we forget that almost all 3D videogames of today take inspiration from Zelda: Ocarina of Time in some small way. Let's just let the innovators do what they do best and in the mean time appreciate what we have as in the time between now and the release of this game which will surely be monumental I intend to sample the innovation within other titles on other platforms which all have something worthwhile to offer; even if it's not quite Zelda.
  3. Great update but... still no option to set your status? I'm surprised that none of the current consoles seem to have that option even though it seems to be often requested. Not that it's a big deal but still, it's the small things.
  4. It's time to upgrade my ailing PC again which I purchased three years ago and I've decided that because I'm sticking with Windows 7 for as long as it humanly possible that it would be a good idea to upgrade my RAM so I can hopefully keep it going for another 3 years ideally. Here are the tech-specs... After doing a bit of research I think this is what I want... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00QM8VJ0O?keywords=RAM%20Nanya%204gb&qid=1443525181&ref_=sr_1_6&sr=8-6 It's a 4GB stick of RAM which is made by the same company as the one which is in my machine, though this one is 1333Mhz whereas my current one is 665.2Mhz. On the description is says that the new RAM is "100% downwardly compatible to 1066 mhz (PC3 - 8500U)" but that's still faster than my original RAM. My main question is, would I be better off buying two of the newer RAM and replacing the existing stick? I ask this because at least then they would both be running at the same speed which my PC could then take advantage of presumably because how I understand it is that the RAM with the lowest speed will be the one which is accessed first - if I've got this right - so if I just had the one new stick which is capable of running at a higher speed then I'd be essentially limiting its capabilities by around half. If anyone could help me make some sense of this please then that would be greatly appreciated, I think I'm on the right track but I only want to do this once and do it properly so I thought it best to ask as I know many of you are far more knowledgeable about these things. : peace: I'm definitely not looking to upgrade my PC for another three years, all I intend to use it for is writing reviews, some light graphics work using GIMP 2.0 and playing some older games on steam which are typically 5-10 years old or more.
  5. One for next years thread... Mighty No. 9 February 12th 2016 With portable versions to release at a later date. : peace:
  6. Quite a long way to go for water. Probably quicker to get it from the tap.
  7. One exclusive game, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D... which I bought... and then went and purchased the digital version of the Wii game on the Wii U so that I could finish my original file which I started years ago. I don't understand my purchase decisions either sometimes, but it's nice to know I have a portable version of it for if I ever choose to take it with me and be forced to listen to English voice acting only, even if it is very good it's still alien to me after playing over fifty hours with the Japanese voices but I suppose at least now I know what they are all saying in battle. But erm yeah... as for the New 3DS XL itself, well... I use miiverse a lot for getting my screens of 3DS games into my reviews so it has at least proved invaluable for that, definitely for the MH4U review.
  8. Those would be the most recent examples... I'm not complaining, it's just an observation. : peace: But anyway, Chibi Robo... definitely getting it, more than likely just for the amiibo figure as well if I'm honest... ...well he is a badass.
  9. As am I but still... It's all worth it... *Also as an aside, are you contractually obligated to use the term "badass" more ever since a certain game revolving around an elephant of that particular nature came out? I'm just curious as you seem to have used the term rather a lot recently...
  10. But you're still buying the amiibo right? R-r-right?
  11. Or that yes... The game does look conceptually interesting though, also that amiibo is amazing.
  12. It's cheaper AND you get a free box! I love how I was just able to pre-order this without worrying about it being sold out, stock levels must have been sorted out finally.
  13. I was just thinking the other day when I was checking my profile to find that I'd now passed the 10 year mark as of 17/09/15 and while I was always aware that it had been that long it's still a sobering thought so see it there, set in the digital equivalent of stone as it were. Originally I only ever signed up when I was fortunate enough to be offered a place on the site as a staff writer for "p/reviews" - as it was known back in the day - by @Jav following the "N-Europe NEeds YOU!" recruitment drive that year, I had been following the site before that, just never signed up to the forums until then; I seem to recall writing a piece about Star Fox which included various comparisons to Star Wars at the time as this was the piece which got me the position - I'll see if I can dig it up from an old file backup at some point - needless to say I was very happy to join the team. Then after a couple of years writing previews & reviews I was passed the VC Weekly torch from Jordan and the rest is history. : peace: As for favourite forum moments, I seem to recall a lot of hype around all of the rumours before the Wii was announced, I can remember a lot of positivity centred around the system which was refreshing at the time. In more recent times it has been really good to see how the 3DS went from being a rather highly priced "gimmick" to being one of the best portable systems in recent years, especially when us early adopters were compensated with those Ambassador titles; also as an aside it was fun having to write ten reviews in one week twice over for VC Weekly for those. Plenty of other memories I'm sure but that's what springs to mind at the moment, great thread though Josh, let's fill it with memories!
  14. I've got to admit, I'll feel sorry for you if there does turn out to be a Pokkén collection containing at least one for every Pokémon in the game - what's it going to be? 20? 30 maybe??? - but I for one shall definitely be done with amiibo after Smash... ...probably. I hope they don't bundle one amiibo in with Pokkén, that'll be one case where I'll deliberately buy the standard edition in that instance. Currently I barely have enough room for the amiibo I already have, let alone any more! Now I have actually enjoyed collecting them thus far and I suppose that at least it's revenue for Nintendo - I've never overpaid for a single figure either, all £10.99 rrp so far I think - but they should definitely lay off on making many more figures for a while. OK... you can make a Star Fox set but that's all! To be fair I'm happy enough with just Fox and Falco though, who WILL be bundled with the game, when it comes out.
  15. Mine should arrive sometime tomorrow then, they frequently seem to come on a Thursday around Midday or just before so here's hoping. : peace:
  16. Ordered! I love how quickly they send the e-mails out to let you know when something has gone up on the store. I'd advise anyone who wants the limited edition to pre-order quickly if the stock levels are anything like as low as Project Zero was... Probably not but you never know. : peace:
  17. Battalion Wars 3? :p
  18. It's not too much of a blow for me personally, I'll have Xenoblade Chronicles X to play in addition to finishing Xenoblade Chronicles before that - halfway done - then there's the new Project Zero for Wii U and even before that I've still got Project Zero 2 to play - recently acquired - plus I'm sure that Super Mario Maker has plenty of mileage left as I've barely touched the creation side and already lost countless hours - and lives - to other peoples courses. This is before even considering other non-Nintendo platforms of which I'm also invested in... I'm good until early 2016 at least! : peace: However I do get what you're saying about Nintendo games at Christmas, for me I still have fond memories of the Christmas in the late-nineties when we had an N64 with Goldeneye! Ahhh memories.
  19. I was hoping for 3.2" Floppy Disk drive personally, complete with an Amstrad 6128+ emulator added to the Virtual Console complete with the ability to play games from the original physical media. But alas, it will never happen. In all seriousness though I would love to see some Amstrad games come to the VC even though licensing would be a nightmare.
  20. Hmm let's see... While I don't like the idea of New Years Resolutions I suppose there's a few things I'll be working towards this year... I suppose I've been doing things for myself more which has helped in some small way. Driving... not so much, the more I see of people driving like idiots on the road and the thought of the astronomic costs, - the negative effect on the environment to an extent as well - the less I want to drive any more and I'm honestly fine with that for now. I definitely feel as if I've been more helpful, at home it's all those small things which are now just part of my routine, on the site I have tried to be more active - still catching up with my reviews though - and will continue with this, I've definitely been more helpful at work plus I've also been helping my brother recently in his pursuit of making a short film which is an on-going project I'm enjoying being a part of. : peace: As for games and films... I have at least finished a few games, of course not as many as I'd have liked but it's a difficult balancing act, I've definitely watched a few decent films this year though again largely thanks to my younger brother who is very much as into films as I'm into games; I'm definitely aiming to finish at least a handful of games before the year is out in addition to a good few films plus a load of comedy box-sets of that Mitchell and Webb look plus the Mighty Boosh that I'm watching regularly. So I feel fine with how this year has gone so far, as for additional goals if I can get a second part-time job and have a decent clear-out of games which I no longer want - not all my games obviously but I have a ridiculous amount of PS2 games, seriously... PM me if there's a PS2 title you're after - then I'll be pretty happy. With regard to perhaps setting a target for getting into a relationship, I don't see the point in setting a goal for that, if anything happens then great but if not then that's fine also, I've got more than enough to keep me occupied well into 2016 in any case just with trying to sort my life out a bit. Anyway N-E, we shall see!
  21. I happened to click on the spoiler box and I'm only halfway through Xenoblade Chronicles but interestingly it has been so long since playing it that I don't really feel it's a spoiler for me - just so long as nobody explains it to me - but it's actually spurred me on to want to finish the game so this afternoon I have copied across my original Xenoblade Chronicles file from my Wii which I will copy across to my Wii U just as soon as I have installed the digital version which I'm downloading now. : peace: It's funny how these things work out. Oh yeah and Projext X Zone 2 looks... reasonable, I don't know if I'll pick it up when it first comes out though, I never finished the first; do you think it will come with a poster again? That's honestly a deal-breaker for me.
  22. Well I've at least spent a few hours playing Star Fox Assault and looking at it now I'd have to say that on reflection it is a good game but some parts are still painful just as I remember them to be, obviously the Arwing sections are great but the on-foot areas just kill it for me sometimes; it's not the controls as they are fine but the fact that there seem to be so many enemies and the gameplay revolves around "destroy X amount of things" then you make so much progress, having say two things left to destroy but you're at low health and then if you end up losing all your health at that point then you have to start from the beginning which just isn't fun. Looking at my original file I can see why I ended up not opting to go for every single medal because as much as I would have loved to have unlocked the original Xevious - thanks Namco! - at the time for gaining all the silver medals - on some missions I had gold, some silver with a few bronze - it just doesn't seem worth it, certainly not for gold at least although it's nice to have something the aim for. All of the boss battles seem to be pretty decent though even if the Apariod enemies don't seem as well designed as the original forces of Andross you fight in the other games, in fact because they are more bug-like the on-foot sections remind me more of Jet Force Gemini or the EDF series. A lot of the dialogue is missing that spark too for me, the intro sequence is nice, as are the mission briefing parts but when you're in the missions many of the repeated sections of dialogue start to wear thin, especially when they are reaffirming objectives "Use a charged shot!" ... I know Peppy, but thanks anyway! There are some stages which feel more spectacular towards the end but just not quite as many great moments as I seem to be able to recall from Star Fox 64 which had plenty, based on its own merits it is a decent game which has some very decent visuals for its time and I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the sound is even better than I remember it because the last time I played through it I didn't have the surround setup I have now which I only bought a few years after the game came out. Namco alongside Nintendo definitely did the best they could at the time, while the on-foot sections do certainly add something I still feel that they take away part of the charm as well even if they were reasonably well-handled, plus let's not forget the multiplayer mode which definitely felt a step ahead of anything we'd seen before in the series. So in summary I retract my earlier comment of Star Fox Assault being awful as it does seem my memory has betrayed me slightly, it's a solid game with decent levels of presentation which just lacks charm in places where it was more present in earlier iterations; Star Fox 64 still has the best Barrel-Rolls though. And I still don't like Command that much, always felt like a game built on technical limitations... I have really high hopes for Star Fox Zero though, I'm really hoping it can recapture that earlier Star Fox feel combined with newer stage elements which hopefully will feel good to play without feeling shoe-horned in while retaining most of that trademark Arwing action which we all love. : peace:
  23. OK, I'm at least going to give Star Fox Assault a fair trial, it has been a long time since I last played it after all, anyway earlier I dug out my Gamecube before going to work along with my copy of the game... I shall start playing it later and give my more informed verdict once I finish it this weekend. : peace:
  24. I've only uploaded one course, feel free to use it if you like but it's rather basic.
  25. But it's all so mysterious... hard to know just what to make of it really.
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