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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Glad I watched that video, no spoilers for me, just really interesting to see what's possible... By the great gods of Nintendo this piece of software shall surely be spectacular!
  2. I'm actually genuinely enthused for this games release. I know it won't quite be the same but I still have fond memories of playing Four Swords Adventures on the Gamecube, merely in single player and while I know this won't be exactly the same it will still invariably share some similarities proving to be an entertaining title in its own right regardless of which mode you choose to play it in. : peace:
  3. And the circle of - virtual - life continues!
  4. Alas I was also unaware that this was a thing and so I have also ordered a copy for myself. Look what you have you started Happenstance!
  5. N-Europe Review : peace:
  6. Also, console codes... always try those, I managed to register a GBA Micro, several DS variants of systems, a 3DS... I think Gamecube console codes still work as well.
  7. If certain modes and maps work better together, then just play those modes on those particular maps. It's good to at least have options. : peace: I'll consider picking this up at some point, not desperate for it though.
  8. Day 0 for this one!
  9. Sad news indeed, I'll always remember him for creating Freddy Krueger as he's easily one of the most recognisable horror film characters over the past three decades. R.I.P Wes Craven.
  10. You really should... ...I hear it's rather good. Sorry about the lack of images, it is a rather old review
  11. I've just finished another multi-player session on this where I got back up to level 5 - following the pre-release server reset - which is the level required to enable clan creation, so naturally I created an N-Europe clan which I managed to remake our logo in the emblem editor and even had a non-N-European join up; which was nice. Don't worry though as there's still plenty of space as there's up to twenty places if even that many from the forum actually buy the game, I can dream can't I? Either way I'm finding this mode rather addictive, especially in Team Deathmatch which I seem to be improving at, there are so many ways in which you can plan your attack and matches seem to be chaotic but in a good way as you'll be wandering around the map thinking "aha! I'll just shoot down that player over there..." *gets cut in half by a Samurai Sword * "wait... what?" or you'll be fighting it out in a sword battle with someone then all of a sudden "Boom!" you get blown up with a grenade launcher as someone takes both you and the other player you were so intent in taking down with your melee weapon. Definitely the most fun I've played in a multi-player mode in a long time, much better than any generic, big-name FPS - to me at least - and I've even played it more than Splatoon so far which is a pleasant surprise. So for now at least I'd say the game definitely has decent potential longevity. : peace:
  12. After much contemplation today after perusing some of the reviews which have arisen while I'm still writing my own, I've decided that I'm not going to rush it out there today, nor am I going to publish it yet refuse to score it until a later date; but I will take just a little longer in an attempt to at least make it a fair and balanced review which is neither a scathing attack on the developers - which I feel is somewhat unjustified - nor an all-out singing of their praises claiming that the game is perfect. There will be parts of the review detailing several things which I personally like about the game, they may not actually mean anything to anyone but me, then again isn't that the point of a review though? It's all personal opinion and therefore subjective, perhaps this is just simply stating the obvious... then again sometimes maybe it needs to be reiterated. In any case I'm just going to try my best to provide a balanced review, I am a fan of Itagaki's previous works but I'll try not to let it colour my view too much but at the same time it's difficult not to compare it in some way to previous games which he has been involved in. This is a game from a new studio though, I don't think anyone could have expected it to be perfect after how long it has had in development, taking into account all of the engine changes as well... I think some aspects of the game were perhaps unexpected as well, for better or worse. All I'll say at the moment is that personally I've enjoyed playing this game and I hope that others will get to experience it at some point, whether that happens to be right away or when the game is the right price for them perhaps. If I wasn't reviewing this game would I have bought it? Yes I would... but that's just me. I'll post N-Europe's review of Devil's Third soon but not today, I need more time - which I hope is OK - to ensure that it's decent enough, not to say that it should be considered as "better" or "worse" than any other review of the game but all of the reviews from this site are written because it's something that we as staff enjoy doing, there's no monetary payment just the simple joy of playing the games and reviewing them so there's no agenda behind the writing, just the piece itself. : peace: Now with that said I'll get back to writing my review of the game for N-Europe but I just felt the need to at least say something on the matter at least now that the embargo has lifted and having to stay relatively silent for so long; I think because this has been a rather controversial title for many it has made it all the more difficult to not say anything but I do respect the fact that embargoes are there for a reason so in the future I won't let on if I'm playing a review copy at all until the review is published which is how it should be really, so I promise to be as professional as possible from this point. I am also only human though so I will still undoubtedly make a few more mistakes along the way but hopefully the frequency of these will be dramatically reduced at the very least. tl:dr - I'm still trying my best to write reviews and I appreciate the support of this site from staff and forum members alike.
  13. If it's an original model 3DS then it's likely to be the power switch or the battery.
  14. I'd say no, because otherwise how else are you able to download the "before day 1 patch" totalling a whole 5GB or something silly which ensures that the game runs optimally? It's bound to happen.
  15. I feel for you Iun that'd make me anxious as well. What logical sense does it make to have a desk with your back to the door? Surely it should always be facing the door, that's just completely nonsensical.
  16. Nintendo Wii U Mario Kart Bundle - £161.50 with code PAYDAY15 http://www.rakuten.co.uk/shop/pixelelectronics/product/Nintendo_Wii_U_Premium_Pack_Mario_Kart/?l-id=gb_search_product_2
  17. I didn't even know that a prequel game even existed, that's interesting. It's a shame that with all Sony's resources they couldn't find a way to make all of the Yakuza games playable on the one system, particularly with Playstation Now... what if they had a build up to Yakuza 5's release by adding a new game every couple of weeks a couple of months before the new game comes out, release the first two games - and Zero - on Playstation Now, then follow up with releasing 3 & Dead Souls on Plus with simultaneous release on Playstation Now so that those with a PS3 and PS4 get to experience the series. There might be a flaw in this plan somewhere, but just a thought. : peace:
  18. True but all character data stored on the game card at least as opposed to all on the server, I played the majority of the game on my own the first time it came out, was still enjoyable aside from the awful d-pad control.
  19. As it happens there's some copies of the game being sold sealed at £28.50 including postage, seems like there's a good few of them left as well, seller seems legit so this could save people a good £10 or £20... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Devils-Third-Wii-U-Brand-New-Sealed-in-stock-now-Release-Date-28th-August-/321842279012?hash=item4aef4b7264 I'd go for it myself if I didn't already have the game digitally. : peace:
  20. In the wording there is the word "currently" so this could change but yeah... realistically I'm no longer optimistic at all and have no interest in creating a whole Japanese PSN account just to play it untranslated so until further notice I think I'll just forget this exists. Obviously I'll still check this thread if it gets bumped for whatever reason only to be disappointed most likely but such is life. Plenty of other games to play anyway, this has reminded me that I have an unfinished run of Phantasy Star IV to complete which I started last year plus I can always go back to the level grind on the original PSO. : peace: Wouldn't say no to a VC re-release of Phantasy Star Zero for the Wii U though Sega.
  21. Some of the best box-art featured on the front of a Nintendo game in a long time.
  22. But for those who'll use it in the "correct" way - for example not using it to record as many expletives as possible - the potential is amazing. It's a Catch 22 situation, I still think many good things will come of it.
  23. It was indeed, which I felt was more of a fair price but for that extra £10 the Nintendo store should at the very least be throwing in a download code for one hundred of those golden eggs even though I dislike the concept of the micro-transactions on principle. ------------------------ Review should be appearing on the site soon... (not today obviously, it'll be after the embargo but before the game is out)
  24. How about having the whole Cinema to yourself? :awesome: Happened to me once when I went to see the Bourne Supremacy way back in 2004... was one of its last showings and the place was completely empty, the film wasn't bad but it was the experience of actually being able to enjoy a film at the cinema without any distractions which really made it for me.
  25. Remember this a few pages back... Starfox Zero coming out November 20th Falco amiibo coming out November 20th Hmmm...
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