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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Nintendo Wii U Mario Kart Bundle - £161.50 with code PAYDAY15 http://www.rakuten.co.uk/shop/pixelelectronics/product/Nintendo_Wii_U_Premium_Pack_Mario_Kart/?l-id=gb_search_product_2
  2. I didn't even know that a prequel game even existed, that's interesting. It's a shame that with all Sony's resources they couldn't find a way to make all of the Yakuza games playable on the one system, particularly with Playstation Now... what if they had a build up to Yakuza 5's release by adding a new game every couple of weeks a couple of months before the new game comes out, release the first two games - and Zero - on Playstation Now, then follow up with releasing 3 & Dead Souls on Plus with simultaneous release on Playstation Now so that those with a PS3 and PS4 get to experience the series. There might be a flaw in this plan somewhere, but just a thought. : peace:
  3. True but all character data stored on the game card at least as opposed to all on the server, I played the majority of the game on my own the first time it came out, was still enjoyable aside from the awful d-pad control.
  4. As it happens there's some copies of the game being sold sealed at £28.50 including postage, seems like there's a good few of them left as well, seller seems legit so this could save people a good £10 or £20... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Devils-Third-Wii-U-Brand-New-Sealed-in-stock-now-Release-Date-28th-August-/321842279012?hash=item4aef4b7264 I'd go for it myself if I didn't already have the game digitally. : peace:
  5. In the wording there is the word "currently" so this could change but yeah... realistically I'm no longer optimistic at all and have no interest in creating a whole Japanese PSN account just to play it untranslated so until further notice I think I'll just forget this exists. Obviously I'll still check this thread if it gets bumped for whatever reason only to be disappointed most likely but such is life. Plenty of other games to play anyway, this has reminded me that I have an unfinished run of Phantasy Star IV to complete which I started last year plus I can always go back to the level grind on the original PSO. : peace: Wouldn't say no to a VC re-release of Phantasy Star Zero for the Wii U though Sega.
  6. Some of the best box-art featured on the front of a Nintendo game in a long time.
  7. But for those who'll use it in the "correct" way - for example not using it to record as many expletives as possible - the potential is amazing. It's a Catch 22 situation, I still think many good things will come of it.
  8. It was indeed, which I felt was more of a fair price but for that extra £10 the Nintendo store should at the very least be throwing in a download code for one hundred of those golden eggs even though I dislike the concept of the micro-transactions on principle. ------------------------ Review should be appearing on the site soon... (not today obviously, it'll be after the embargo but before the game is out)
  9. How about having the whole Cinema to yourself? :awesome: Happened to me once when I went to see the Bourne Supremacy way back in 2004... was one of its last showings and the place was completely empty, the film wasn't bad but it was the experience of actually being able to enjoy a film at the cinema without any distractions which really made it for me.
  10. Remember this a few pages back... Starfox Zero coming out November 20th Falco amiibo coming out November 20th Hmmm...
  11. Definitely not buying Mario Tennis then. Ah Nintendo, you do love your double - or sometimes triple - game release days don't you? Still, good to have a solid date.
  12. Not yet sadly, still working on other reviews. I'm glad to hear you like Darksiders II though.
  13. And that is when I'll finally play the game, but not the Vita version, by the sounds of it it's not even worth having for free... no it would have to be the home console version and even then I'd only play it once getting round to it. It's a shame because the original Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS was so good, this it seems isn't or at least not as good, I want to like it I really do, currently the only thing which makes me want to play it is the fact that it has some sort of Raid mode or equivalent, at least I thought it had in any case.
  14. Don't get me wrong, Layton would still be good for smash but so many other older Nintendo characters could have been included, then again I suppose a lot of people who have only recently started playing games then possibly wouldn't recognise a really obscure Nintendo character yet Layton would be an easy sell. I don't mind Shulk being in Smash because Xenoblade Chronicles is one of those anomalies, a really popular JRPG which has a load of likeable characters perhaps for all the wrong reasons, but they have charm. Layton has charm as well of course, it's probably just due to the fact that I've never properly played a single game in the series... not even one... even when I got one for free... I don't know, something about the frequency of how the games were released I just didn't like and as a result never invested any time or money in them. I feel the same about Yokai Watch, I don't dislike Level 5, in fact they are an amazing studio but I always feel that they could be doing a lot more with some classic Nintendo franchises... if only they were allowed to! I'd love to see them bring an old IP back to live with their unique visual style, but perhaps it's just something that will never happen. Anyway, more characters for Smash, always a good thing! : peace:
  15. Had to do a search for Jibanyan so that's probably why that character wouldn't be included - the first Yokai Watch game isn't even out yet over here yet is it? - so I can understand why they'd go with Professor Layton as he's instantly recognisable. : peace: I'd be surprised to even see Layton in smash though quite honestly, many other characters I would have chosen before him, I understand his popularity but still he's still very recent in terms of the history of videogames.
  16. After spending a little more time playing on my Xbox One recently due to Rare Replay I can honestly say that I now don't have a problem with using any of the current console UI's, while none of them are perfect they all allow access to the games I want to play while letting me go back to the UI at the touch of a button; so ultimately all is good. If I had to improve certain elements though... Wii U - No issues with the layout, it works, it has folders, that's about it... needs speeding up, that won't happen until the next console so nevermind; still perfectly usable. PS4 - Plenty of functionality, does everything quckly but it sorely needs more customisation options, while having the most recently played items there is fine, it would be nice if the Library was more prominent with more options. Xbox One - Has enough functionality but the layout takes a bit of getting used to, I love how easy it is to take a picture and then it's there in your activity feed which is very helpful. So long as you can load up a the game you're currently playing within moments of turning the console on - which you can do on all three machines - I really don't have any real issues. : peace: I have more problems finding the time to play all of the excellent games which have come out, let alone fretting over the UI... sometimes I miss the days of having a console where you could just put a cartridge in and play, no such thing as fancy User Interfaces for consoles in them days.
  17. Day 1 purchase... Would totally buy an arcade style controller for it as well, but it's probably best that they don't bring one out, happy either way. : peace:
  18. S.C.G


    Same, the only games which have been keeping me playing at the moment are the titles on Rare Replay, VC games and Sega 3D Classics. I still appreciate Destiny for what it is but it's just that for me personally, after the initial excitement of that first month, I just didn't feel like playing it much at all which is a shame because I did enjoy fighting alongside many people from the N-E community. It's just that I don't like the idea of being roped into paying more and probably not getting very much out of the experience, the first wave of dlc was bad enough price-wise but to have to purchase the original game again alongside the new expansion? Just seems unnecessary... perhaps there is a way to purchase just the expansion digitally but that's sure to be a rip-off, then there's the huge patches of course which I understand are needed to maintain a game like this but I can just see even my upgraded hard drive space slowly getting devoured by Destiny and I think of all the other games which could be occupying that space. Perhaps I'll change my tune when the expansion comes out, who knows... but there are plenty of other games to play between now and the end of the year; but props to everyone on here who still plays it though, that's some impressive level of dedication right there. : peace:
  19. How did that happen? Locked out of all your content as in... you couldn't access anything on your Playstation account at all? I didn't even know stuff like this happened from downloading the PS NOW Beta... I used it a few times but don't recall being locked out of anything, how strange. I suppose these things can happen though, just surprised is all as this is the first I've heard about it, was this a wide-spread thing and more importantly is your account working as it should now?
  20. VS
  21. Nice to see Sony being proactive. I haven't turned on my PS4 for months but I can just see that It's going to be hard to turn it off towards the end of the year.
  22. Must be a defective unit, I don't have any of those problems on my New 3DS XL, it's the best version of the 3DS system I've ever owned.
  23. Only 2500 stars, for two coasters! They are nice though. I'm holding out for the Club Nintendo Goodbye coin - or whatever it's called - being priced at 1000 points. I know it'll be 3000+ but I like to keep the dream alive.
  24. Perhaps it isn't that simple, but if it isn't viable now then I wonder when it will be? Does the PS4 which is already selling very well over here have to double or triple its user-base before localisation is even considered? Part of me thinks a Kickstarter to get it localised over here might even be the answer, it might get things done quicker... unless we're talking a stupid amount like millions upon millions of pounds, in which case yes... it's probably not worth it. Would just be nice to know exactly how much we'd be talking here because if it's "only" a million or two... then I don't see what the problem is, Sega would make back the money easily during the life-time of the system. I probably just lack any understanding of what's actually required but all I know is that as a fan it's really disheartening to see these glimmers of hope only for our hopes to be dashed once again.
  25. It would still be worth it though, there are plenty of long-term PSO fans who have been playing the game on consoles long before it became a pathetic PC only, Japan-exclusive release, I understand that times change but still... if they add a subscription to this they will easily make whatever money it cost them to localise it back in mere months. I would much rather play this than any other MMO which is currently out on the PS4 or is coming to it because thus far none of them have been able to hold my interest long-term, this definitely would though as I played the PC version for a short while before it became too much of a convoluted process to keep the game working using various fan-created programs. But to play this in English with all of the added content, with a decent controller and voice chat as standard with the option of additional keyboard communication would be just marvellous, I would honestly keep playing it for the life of the console as would many others. If they announce that this will never come to Europe after announcing this PS4 version then I might as well just forget the game exists and go back to playing the original PSO, on my Gamecube, on my own... at least it has an offline mode where all my character data is still usable rather than being tied to a server.
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