Finally upgrading from 56k to Broadband, I know, should have allready upgraded ages ago probably but nm, Anyways, I've know what provider/package I'm going for (BT broadband option 2) however, I've got a few things to check/ sort out before I actually order it, so any help/advice relating to the following topics would be appreciated.
I'm going to buy the modem/router from them for £25 as part of the package, I dont have a problem with that, however, I do have a problem with the BT voyager wireless 1040 USB adapter therye trying to flog me for £50, admittedly I need a wireless USB adapter to connect the main "family pc" *cringes* which is the main pc I want to connect initially (I will be connecting another pc of my own eventually, I had one up until recently but I have returned it for good reason) but anyways, I was thinking, surely I could get the same thing or equivelant for cheaper than that?
Also I will be wanting to connect my DS to the BB connection (obviously) and so I want to get a wireless USB adapter that can be used to connect the DS as well, also does the official nintendo one come with software? I dont think it does as I assumed it requires no real software as such to run... hmm anyways... additionally, eventually I'll want to connect an xbox 360 to it also but I'm assuming that will be a simple setup process involving buying the wireless adapter for xbox 360 and adding it to the wireless network, oh and I also want to connect my GC wirelessly if possible (got to get a BB adapter for that too *sigh*) as I still play PSO a reasonable ammount.
Hmm, think thats about it for now, so anyway, any help/advice appreciated thanks for your time