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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. He's Mr. Paul, that's his name, that name again is Mr. Paul! Happy Birthday!
  2. Happy Birthday Mr-Paul! How are you enjoying the game?
  3. Pre-ordered them all, six more amiibo figures for £84.66... Was I the only one who was under the impression that from the moment Sakurai showed us the Mii Fighter amiibo's that they were going to come in a bundle with an extra base to put them all on? Must have been just for show I suppose... Still, only keeping these pre-orders until I can guarantee that I have them locked-in on the Nintendo UK site... unless it gets too close to the time and I forget to cancel, though I'd rather Nintendo put them up on their site asap.
  4. You still need Shulk? I actually have a spare which I'd be happy to let you have for Nintendo Store price plus postage if you like. I thought you'd managed to get one otherwise I'd have mentioned this sooner. Anyway PM me if you're interested, I'd much rather pass it on at cost to someone who needs/wants it rather than fuel the online auctions site price increases.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that Ine. Best wishes to you, Jim and your family in Belgium. It's never easy to lose a pet - as they're like one of the family - but at least she must have had a good life.
  6. I just managed to scrape together 3000 stars thanks to opening some sealed 3DS games and about three unredeemed console codes from old Nintendo DS/DS Lite and DSi systems! Mario kart 8 Soundtrack CD Ordered! : peace:
  7. I think you just might have. It's so true though! That ability really allows you to progress through the game at a phenomenal rate. Thanks, yes I certainly did though I'd attribute that to playing it straight after Kirby 64 I think, though it's definitely a good Kirby game, I really liked the fact that there were a lot of collectables in the 120 treasure chests spread out through the game even if the battles with the Squeaks did end up becoming rather formulaic. Kirby Triple Deluxe is still one of my favourites though. Also... you do realise that now every time I complete a stage in any Kirby game that I now hear your rhyme in my head. It's not a bad thing, as it's rather fun, just something I noticed. : peace:
  8. Here it is... VC Weekly #347 My personal tribute to Satoru Iwata in addition to the usual reviews. I hope you'll enjoy reading it and that I've hopefully managed to do some justice to his memory. : peace:
  9. Check this out, Hirokazu Tanaka has produced a Balloon Fight remix in tribute to Satoru Iwata.
  10. I wish that it would be possible for me to say whether the multi-player is actually any good or not, but the truth is it's not even live yet. Maybe they are choosing to wait until a certain date before turning the servers on but I really thought it would have been live by now, I finished the single player campaign a week ago, coming back to see if the multi-player is on yet and to check other aspects of the game. The whole using a keyboard to communicate doesn't bother me so much if that's how it is to be, though it is a touch antiquated... I can remember using a keyboard on PSO for the Dreamcast, that must have been nearly fifteen years ago! Sixteen player for the multi-player seems good, I just want to test it out though, I'm assuming the servers will be live significantly before the game is actually out otherwise I'll have to base the review just on the single player and enjoyable as I have found it, the multi-player really needs to be there as part of the package.
  11. A collectors tribute to Satoru Iwata This is what my desk looked like over the past few days, I decided to assemble this while watching @Glen\-i and Hazel's inspiring 24 Hours of Kirby! So I set to work in amassing a good proportion of games and merchandise relating to Satoru Iwata in some way. For bonus points can you spot all of the amiibo in this picture? On the left we have EarthBound - previously featured in the N64 Appreciation thread where I shared my N64/SNES collection - along with Mother 1, 2 & 3 fan productions which I purchased mere days before knowing EarthBound Beginnings would be released. My original American copy of Pokémon Gold Version, Iwata will always have my respect for managing to fit the entire Johto AND Kanto regions onto that one sparkly coloured cartridge, truly amazing. Mention to the Vegas Stakes display box which you can see part of as that was another Hal developed game, I'd always liked the box-art, the game is pretty decent too from what I recall, it's also something Nintendo wouldn't be able to get away with nowadays due to the strict ratings on anything with gambling; this is another reason why I love it because it's only at that point in time could a game quite like that exist. Three Kirby games on the Game Boy all of which are cartridge only unfortunately - Block Ball, Pinball Land & Dream Land - indeed I don't actually own that many physical Kirby titles with the majority of them being digital though I'd like to buy more one day. Kirby Super Star NTSC version DS game which I picked up last time I was in Game for £5 or less? An absolute bargain as it's amazing in its own right plus if that wasn't enough it comes in a shiny box then there's Kirby Air Ride which I must play again after watching it being played the other day. Notable mentions to Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush which I criminally haven't finished yet, the Kirby Plush which came with it and you may have noticed my Kirby's Avalanche NTSC display box which came in the same lot as the aforementioned Vegas Stakes plus a few others, I've kept them flat-packed and unused as the day they were purchased. I really like the artwork for Kirby's Avalanche though as it depicts a different style of Kirby also I find the placement of "For Display Only" across King DeDeDe amusing as I suppose it could almost be a strategic placement possibly... in any case it's a nice art style. All of my Virtual Console Kirby games on the Wii U, I played through and completed two of them within the past 48 hours, I'm hoping there will be many more Kirby titles to be released yet or indeed further Hal titles for that matter as it would certainly be the right thing to do. Some of my Virtual Console Kirby/Hal/Iwata programmed games on the 3DS, including Kirby & the Amazing Mirror ambassador title, Kirby's Adventure which I decided to blitz through last night, Kirby Triple Deluxe and of course Balloon Fight! Which I also purchased the theme of as well... on and then there's Revenge of the Gator which is a lesser known Hal title, I just love the fact that it got a VC release. So there we go, I just wanted to share this and I hope that it might have been of some interest, I am of course still working on VC Weekly 347 but understandably it has taken me a bit longer than normal as I want to make it into a tribute edition especially as it features two Kirby games, so this is my tribute for now in addition to dedicating time to playing many of Iwata's games plus supporting others playing them as well. : peace: Thank You for reading.
  12. Thanks for Playing! Everyone! And thank you for letting me join at such short notice, I literally spotted this at five minutes to 8PM, managed to somehow scan the QR code and get it all sorted in time. Sorry about the Blue Falcon, was in such a rush to join that I didn't even think about which kart, I just mashed the A button! This is the first time I've decided to play in the league since a good few months back so thanks for having me, I felt like I wanted to join in with this special celebration in the name of Satoru Iwata as I really wanted to play as well, I haven't played anything but Kirby games since this weekend so it was nice to join in with everyone else; I feel we did a fine job in honouring a great man tonight. : peace: From the hearts of gamers!
  13. May I join you all last minute if I'm quick please? (it's OK if not)
  14. I still stand by my earlier vague comments about it being enjoyable. It's sad that I can't preview this - the general preview embargo doesn't apply as we have to stick to the one for the review hence no previews for games we're sent codes for - but at least that preview tells you one thing of use; the Multiplayer isn't even live yet hence this is still technically half a game. Whatever happens, it looks like this will still be released in Europe at the very least though I hope Nintendo do publish it in the US as it would be amiss to not stick by it now. If I could say more then I would but I must respect the NDA I'm under, besides at the moment I have other reviews to write as part of a tribute to Satoru Iwata. I'm sure that Tomonobu Itagaki would both understand and approve of this... plus the fact that I have a good few weeks until the review is due, rest assured that when I'm finished it will be a fair summation of the game covering everything it has to offer, not just part of it.
  15. Best of luck with your 24 hours of Kirby - and other great games courtesy of Iwata - as it's really a fantastic thing you're all doing, I'll be back to see how you're getting on in a few hours but just need some rest. At least you're now almost all the way to making your donation target. : peace:
  16. Speaking of which... Now up on site! (thank you to whoever properly embedded the YouTube stream, I'm new to this News posting lark!) Join in and help spread some joy! : peace:
  17. Figured I'd post the link to the Iwata tribute in Splatoon which Serebii posted in the other thread again in case anyone missed it. Incidentally who would be up for playing some Splatoon over the weekend in memory of Satoru Iwata? (or even before for that matter)
  18. News article is up on the site now... http://www.n-europe.com/news/satoru-iwata-has-passed-away-aged-55 Someone had to post it, though I wish this wasn't the case and for Satoru Iwata to still be alive but it's important - though very sad - news and must be reported.
  19. I can't believe I'm posting this... R.I.P. Satoru Iwata You'll be sorely missed by many and will never be forgotten for your contribution not only to the videogames industry but to this world as a phenomenal person. Nothing further to say at this moment, I know he was ill but still, far too soon.
  20. @MadDog I had no idea you'd been going through such a bad time of things I hope they manage to get everything sorted for you as that's a really rough hand to be dealt. Here if you want to talk about it but I completely understand if you don't as it's an extremely personal thing to be going through, I wish you all the best either way.
  21. Thanks to @Glen\-i, UFA, @RedShell and @Dcubed for tonight's hunts as they were a lot of fun. I seemed to hold up reasonably well again aside from a couple of hilarious 1-hit K-O instances. I'm definitely happy to hunt more over the next few nights whenever anyone's free. : peace:
  22. Would have been interested but was working. Tonight I could get on but it would be more like 9:30pm... Tomorrow I can get on earlier as no work.
  23. I'm 30 and I don't have a passport. *shrugs* Perhaps this should be in the "Things you never get round to" thread.
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