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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Nintendo... you had me at the very EarthBound Beginning. What a way to start off the show and then to provide over three hours of top quality broadcasting of the first Nintendo Championship to take place in decades on top of showing off a brand new title along with an in-depth look at a hotly anticipated game which didn't necessarily need the hype but certainly benefited greatly from it. Genuinely enjoyable to watch from start to finish, it made me proud to be a Nintendo fan alive in the year 2015. : peace: E3 is already won before it has even officially begun, to think that there's still more to come is merely the icing on the cake. Am I hyped? You bet your life I am!
  2. It looks like it's running off a custom version of the Metroid Prime Hunters engine. Very similar in the first-person view. Nice to see a new game though.
  3. I downloaded the Smash Update, it said it installed but when Smash loads it says something about how it was unable to download the data because of it being too recent? Try again later... I'm just going to give up and turn the Wii U back on later.
  4. I've got an Error in my Download Management as well... 'Could not get title information' (Update Data) Who knows what that could be? I was thinking the update for Smash but it would at least be displaying the game title. Yep turns out it is for Smash. going to get my game updated before trying to get the DLC. 1289MB? Basic Wii U owners be damned!
  5. Maybe I should have bought two points cards... Is the eShop stable yet? I've given up after retrying for fifteen minutes.
  6. Glad I purchased a £15 Nintendo points card yesterday! Now to actually get into the eShop to buy the dlc... this may take a while. :/
  7. Well... the trophy certainly looks nicer than that Gold Mario amiibo... ...maybe those will be the runner-up prizes.
  8. RIP Christopher Lee. I was sad to hear about his passing from a colleague at work during my break, sadder still to think that I haven't seen as many of his films I feel that I should have. He will always be remembered as one of the greats though of course.
  9. My N64 and SNES Collection Here it is, after lots of sorting, sourcing of box protectors I've managed to get my collection into a state where I feel it's good enough to finally show. So... @Hero\-of\-Time @Glen\-i @Dcubed @lostmario @tapedeck and anyone else who's interested - sorry if I missed any N64 collectors - Here we go! To the left, on the top row we have all of the major N64 extreme racing and simulation titles, plus Yoshi's Story in addition to four Rare titles including the legendary Conker's Bad Fur Day which I've proudly owned since launch day. Thanks to Nando who sold me Mickey's Speedway some time ago Blast Corps was a very recent purchase as I'd always been curious about it. While on the bottom row we have most of the third-party titles including THPS2 which I won in a competition on Special Reserve - props to anyone who remembers that place - it was briefly owned by my brother before I traded back for it, he also hooked me up with Resi 2 as he found lots of N64 games in a charity shop one time for 50p per piece or something daft, I gave him a good trade for it though. Rocket Robot was purchased off eBay months before I'd even really started properly buying to fill my collection but it came with my first - of many - box protectors as that then persuaded me to buy some along with seeing Hero's excellent box-protected collection. Both of the Castlevania titles set me back a little bit, around £50 for Legacy of Darkness while the first was less than half of that, Operation Winback was another one of Greg's games so cheers again for that, I'd always found it to be an excellent title on the N64 so I couldn't resist trading for it. Pokémon Snap & Puzzle League I have had for a long time but I bought the former title off my brother while Wetrix was purely a random game I bought recently out of curiosity off the same guy who I purchased the first Castlevania game from; Street Fighter II Turbo is overspill from the SNES games on the adjacent shelf which brings me onto the next shelf. To the right, on the top row we have the remainder of the Rare titles ranging from Perfect Dark to Banjo-Tooie along with everything between, I have owned all of these titles for a long time aside from BT which I got in a good deal with a couple of 'extras' which I'll explain in the next photo. Then we have the immortal Super Mario 64 which I actually got back in the day from - perhaps shockingly - trading in Banjo-Kazooie! Though I must stress this was half a life-time ago plus I had already completed BK multiple times, I had little money when I was younger and as you can see I bought Banjo Kazooie back less than a year later for £10 in Game before they could even price it up, I kept the 'Story' from my previous copy too so it is complete; then there's Super Smash Bros., my launch day copy of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time was purchased just before Christmas when it launched in Argos for only £25! I got the collector's edition for just £10 years ago, Pokémon Stadium 2 was purchased from my bro in a deal. On the bottom row we have all of the main Mario titles - I have another Mario All Stars + Super Mario World behind the other boxes along with a copy of Unirally - with the immortal DKC trilogy - yes I still have the CD - Super Mario RPG I have had for years, my copy of Chrono Trigger still has most of the seal on it! Both of those were purchased for less than £30 years ago, while Illusion of Time and Zelda A Link to the Past only cost me £20 with Punch Out!! plus Starwing even less than that; F-Zero was recently repurchased as was the box for Super Mario Kart plus Manual + tray which set me back £20 but was well worth it. Atop the left storage unit I have my Fierce Deity Link statue from F4F - yes on top of the N64 games, those box protectors are strong! Also to be fair I had the statues on top of them before but because the weight was spread out the games seem to be fine - Pokémon Stadium also got in the deal has its own box protector I had to but from the US so I ordered three to make it worth it with the Majora's Mask light being a very recent acquisition but not as recent as my Banjo-Kazooie and Mumbo Jumbo beanies which are both in good condition as they were purchased with Banjo-Tooie for a good price. Super Metroid is technically on top of both units as it sits nicely between the two in its box protector, I probably got this for around £30 many years ago complete, obviously never looked back, it's one of two SNES games I have in a box that's significantly larger than the average title because the other one which it right next to it on the other side is... ...EarthBound! Yes, I have owned this magnificent title for a good few years now, if I recall correctly it was purchased for about a quarter or less of what it goes for now when online auctions seemed to be less of an everyday thing, I got very lucky with this purchase as it's complete and in decent condition; would I pay the asking price for it these days? Probably not, is this copy for sale? Definitely not... maybe one day though, who knows. Out in front you've probably noticed my other figure which is Samus Aran Gravity Suit variant again from F4F, I have resigned myself to the fact that these are the only two figures I have room for, even then I don't really have the room for them but I love having them so much that they had to be displayed somewhere prominent and where they hopefully won't get damaged; Skull Kid figure from Nintendo is there just above Majora's Mask N64 version with one of my surround sound speakers to the right, incidentally certain N64 games sound fantastic in Dolby Surround just to get us nicely back on topic. :p So there you have it, my complete N64 collection, I hope at least someone will have enjoyed reading about it and seeing it at least half as much as I've enjoyed collecting plus assembling it all. Sorry that it's not all N64 stuff but at least over 64% of it is. :awesome: I'll be sure to post some of my impressions of the games as I play/replay them at a later date but for now... Thanks for Reading! : peace:
  10. This has got to be the year surely?
  11. This is very true, I have been not buying quite as many new games because of this but I couldn't resist purchasing Thw Witcher III (pre-order deal along with Batman still to come) plus Bloodborne as Goron_3 gave me a good deal on it and of course Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD for PS4 because... steelbook... shiny... (plus I've never played either of them) I've actually been buying more classic games recently including bulking up my N64 collection - cue a huge bump to the N64 Appreciation thread imminently - and my SNES game collection to reach a certain amount of great games which all fit nicely in the newly allocated space I have given them following their relocation, restoration and of course box protection. Indeed I actually sold two collectable games and used the cash to plough straight back into my collection as I've probably purchased around as many box protectors for N64, SNES, Gameboy and everything inbetween that it would equal the same amount as the number of first-generation Pokémon. As for actual progress however... I'll get back to you on that one.
  12. Sequel confirmed or just one big troll tweet... ...only time will tell.
  13. Ice Climbers Mole Mania Metroid F-Zero Advance Wars
  14. Yes, yes you should! Buy eeeeet! Come splat with us! : peace:
  15. Interesting that you mention changing languages of things, my brother and I were playing Alien Resurrection on the Playstation earlier and he decided to set the language to French - just because - but it was interesting to see that the voiced dialogue was also in the selected language as opposed to just having different subtitles; when it comes to saving it turns out that Memory Card is Carte Memoire... I'm sure I knew this before but still, nice to have it reconfirmed. As for self-learning, over the years of owning various games and consoles I've taught myself how to make minor repairs to things in addition to cleaning techniques, which is useful if you ever buy anything second-hand like say a controller. I also like to open up cartridges - usually more general titles - just to see, though recently I've been considering actually replacing some of the batteries inside them like the one in my long-dead Pokémon Gameboy games, I've had the batteries to do so for years - still in date until 2022 - but I've just never attempted to replace any; I shall give it a go soon.
  16. Best system update in a while, it makes such a difference not having to stare at that little red TVii eyesore any longer, plus the amount of remaining items is now a nice and concise six. It's the little things...
  17. What do you get when you mix fire with ice? One big puddle, that's what! If this turns out to be anything more than just a mess then I'll be pleasantly surprised. I know it's a tie-in and this isn't exactly aimed at me as a long-term Sonic fan but I'm just glad that 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is coming out so I'll at least have a decent Sonic title to enjoy this year. : peace: Also, I wouldn't say no to Sega digitally re-releasing the Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush titles on the Virtual Console sometime soon.
  18. Plenty of new Zelda titles, none of them even remotely usable, but still worthy of a chuckle... Although in retrospect, some of the titles are quite apt... Long awaited new instalments in the Metroid series... And of course let us not forget the original new IP's! Although I actually sort of want... Worthy of mention... :p
  19. Splat Zones has quickly become my game mode of choice on Splatoon, it will be nice when it's hopefully opened up so you can play with friends though. I must spend some more time in the single player mode, I've only played a few stages.
  20. My copy arrived today as well, just the standard CD but at just over a fiver I can't really complain. Really good on first listen, it's as has been said already by londragon, definite Muse to start off with then moving into a Queen inspired tone with quite a long track at the end, I think just so long as you aren't expecting there to be a 'Knights of Cydonia' finishing track then you'll enjoy it; besides it has been around a decade since Black Holes & Revelations so I don't think anyone would be thinking that we'd be getting a final track like that ever again, fantastic as it was and still is. : peace: Obvious favourite tracks are... Dead Inside Psycho Reapers Revolt While the tracks which will likely grow on me... The Handler Aftermath The Globalist/Drones I include the last two tracks as one because it basically is just one big twelve minute track with some thematic transition towards the end. One the whole though, probably their best album in a while, also being that it's a concept album this seems to lend itself very well to their style which they seem to have settled into over the past few albums, the sparingly used samples work very well too. It will be nice to appreciate more of it on future listens. Also... loving the artwork inside the sleeve notes. Muse are definitely back in style. :awesome:
  21. Samus Aran... Look closely at Yoshi's nose, it has a visor on it.
  22. It was the first think I thought of when playing that excellent mini arcade game. Still trying to reach the end of it... :p Did anyone else unlock the extra arcade games from the amiibo figures? (I heard they're an unlockable) More to the point how do you unlock the amiibo challenges? I scanned the amiibo figures but it just allowed me to name them, do I need to scan again after beating the single player?
  23. Just finished a three hour session on this, I was level 8, then I decided to switch to the Roller and I'm now level 11 along with being halfway to C rank. : peace:
  24. I really don't know why Splatoon is even being compared with other shooters, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Just pick what you like to play and have fun. Personally I find Splatoon to be fun and COD/Battlefield to be *dire. *This is something I offer no apology for as there is no need, it's just how I feel about certain games. I've played examples from all of the above as well, this is merely my taste in games, nothing more. *goes back to playing Splatoon*
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