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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. This one... http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00I8O6OQ4/ref=pe_385721_51767431_TE_dp_1 Easy to install - hardest part was getting the cover off without breaking it - with minimum technical knowledge required, works like a charm, no regrets. : peace:
  2. I already have a 2TB hard drive installed in mine but it's good to see that Sony are actually putting a more realistic amount in the console now for presumably little extra cost. Of course 500GB isn't bad but it barely lasts a year if you're buying a reasonable amount of games which require huge updates, then there's the free plus games... This is a good move from Sony.
  3. Good points Grazza, I think rather than NX being a hybrid console which we already know won't be happening, this shared architecture between both home console and portable will definitely be leveraged for all of its possibilities of which there are many. There's a good chance it will be able to attract third-parties, especially for games such as Monster Hunter because why wouldn't you have a portable and a home console version if the architecture permits it to be be produced with minimum effort. You could start playing on your NX-micro (portable) then have your save file synced via your integrated NNID account - thanks to DeNA - so you can carry on where you left off on your NX on the big screen in full 1080p along with all other home console comforts, or choose to keep the NX-micro on at the same time so you can use it as an extra screen just like the Wii U gamepad. Of course Virtual Console games would come into their own here as well, finally a portable version of Super Metroid because you already own it on your NX home console because you have a linked purchase history from when you presumably purchased it on the Wii U less than three years or so ago - assuming NX comes out on May 12 in 2017 or thereabouts - so away you go as you are able to start playing the game as it has already been downloaded for you because you were looking at it earlier on your home console and you just happened to select the 'play on the go' option which your portable machine picked up while it was in sleep mode. Following your completion of Super Metroid you then have a notification suggesting that because you enjoyed playing that perhaps you'd like to try out Metroid II Return of Samus DX - a remake of the original in full colour with a map plus many extras - which you can again either opt to play on the sharp small screen or on the big screen with amazingly detailed textures. Then you decide to round off your day with some online multiplayer in Metroid Prime: Federation Force II where you can enjoy up to 32-player death-matches with anyone around the world, your friends or a combination of the two all while utilising voice chat via the Nin-speak built in application running at OS level. Well... one can dream anyway but with any luck something like that will become a reality in the not too distant future. : peace:
  4. It's always possible that the demo was rushed out in time for E3... in fact it's very likely. Give it time, this will be properly polished in the months to come, hopefully they'll add a lot more enemies on screen too.
  5. I genuinely don't think the game looks bad at all, I look forward to seeing how it will look even better closer to release.
  6. Personally for me the upgrade to New 3DS XL was worthwhile just for the general improvements. The circle pad on my old model was basically shot from how much use it got, I had that annoying scratch on my original XL screen from day 1 plus shiny gold Majora's Mask edition... I couldn't say no, despite the fact that I wouldn't have minded it being purple. I'm not expecting Nintendo to release anything huge as a New 3DS exclusive as it would fragment the market too much but I am pleased at having the convenience of the C-stick for camera control at all times without the need for any cumbersome attachments. : peace:
  7. Ganondorf arrived today, very pleased with the quality. The rest should arrive either tomorrow or Monday.
  8. I guess I'll be playing that one solo then. :p
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Oh OK, in that case I fully understand, these are real possibilities. But I have complete faith in all of the Kickstarter projects I have backed thus far. : peace: I shall not be backing any more for a while though, I don't think I could afford to.
  11. How can it fail after it has been funded though? I don't quite understand... Yooka Laylee Funded, so game will be made surely that won't fail? Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Funded, Iga won't let us down surely? Shenmue III Will surely hit all its targets, Yu Suzuki will deliver so nothing can go wrong I'd have thought? Unless you mean it fails by something catastrophic happening like the company going under, in that case yeah I suppose everyone would lose their money then.
  12. This game looks so... ...Niice! Treehouse is definitely the highlight of E3 for me, once again.
  13. Ganondorf, Zero Suit Samus, Plautena and Dark Pit all dispatched from ShopTo.
  14. Watching this Live on Nintendo Treehouse now. Looks awesome! http://e3.nintendo.com/
  15. 3 Million and counting!
  16. The thing is even though the retail releases will be thin on the ground there are plenty of Virtual Console titles which could be released to plug the gaps. Though obviously releasing EarthBound Beginnings was a smart move but a few more titles wouldn't go amiss.
  17. I like the amiibo but I really don't want to buy into this at all. It's simply not for me at this point. : peace: But I will add that it's at least refreshing to see Nintendo attempting to diversify the Animal Crossing series a bit, even though it does feel like it's starting to be milked.
  18. Yoshi, Art Academy, Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Project Zero and Starfox for me. What about everyone else?
  19. You're not alone, I really want this kind of Star Fox game. It will be interesting to see how this title fares in development over the next few months though, especially if it's to hit the intended 2015 release which was displayed. Highlight of the digital event for me though.
  20. Congratulations @Cube! I genuinely couldn't be happier for you. Though it's going to take some getting used to seeing your name in red. I'm sure it will be easy to adjust to though. Well done my fellow Sonic Team fan. : peace: (here's hoping we get a proper Sonic game announced this E3)
  21. My E3 predictions (moved to new page) Ice Climbers 2 Starwing 3D StarFox Universe Splatoon 3DS F-Zero UX GameCube VC Mother 3 Metroid Dread/Prime Successor The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Pokken (with new controller) SNES Remix Release dates for all currently announced games Capcom mystery title New Zelda trailer More Street Fighter characters for Smash Advance Wars Oh and one more thing... Metroid II remake Because I clearly like to keep my expectations in check. http://e3.nintendo.com/ http://www.twitch.tv/nintendouk : peace: (I'll leave it up to someone else to add the rest)
  22. $310 all in! : peace: Let's make this happen! :awesome:
  23. Pre-ordering now!
  24. Rare Replay is available to pre-order for £18.85 on ShopTo! http://www.shopto.net/video-games/xbox-one/XB1RA36-rare-replay-collection Pre-order now before the price goes up!
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