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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. So that'll be £13.49 then? I am tempted... because I love the control scheme of the Wii Version - Wii games on the Wii U eShop are still not VC titles though - but then again I should have a new graphics card for my PC soon which will mean I can hopefully finally run Resident Evil 4 HD which I purchased over a year ago for £14.99. If only there was a way to combine the two versions, it would be the definitive release of Resident Evil 4... as it stands, it remains a trade-off.
  2. Interested, though I haven't even started up the game yet! So many games... I'll try to get into it soon though. : peace:
  3. Cheers for the reminder Serebii as it happens, I should hopefully be in the vicinity of my local GAME store tomorrow so will be nabbing myself a Hoopa for sure.
  4. Firefox - all of Console Talk apart from general gaming It also does it whenever you try to leave a reply.
  5. I think the introduction of the Extra Life banner seems to have put parts of the forum out of alignment. Everything else still works but just thought I'd mention it.
  6. If not enough people pay for it, surely there will be no market for it? More than likely though, just enough people will pay for it, then YT will become further monetised and people will use it less frequently if this ends up extending to general, everyday content. Or I'm completely misunderstanding how it's all going to work. This is just my initial reaction to it without knowing any of the facts, if there are many or any at this point beyond the initial headline.
  7. Almost... then just Falco, Lucas, Roy and Ryu!
  8. There will be offers but probably none of them will include Zelda, if there was to be an offer then it would be on for this week surely as a new Zelda game is now out on the 3DS so logic would denote that they'd have a sale on the other games but apparently not. Buy it, play it, love it. : peace: It's a great game, well worth the money in any currency.
  9. Of course! PM me and we'll sort something out, I'll have it posted to you tomorrow. : peace:
  10. I thought that was a nice touch as well. Reasonably pleased with the items, not amazed but for the price? Pretty decent haul, just wish the T-Shirt was a medium... can't remember if I had the choice when ordering or not but it doesn't matter that much. : peace: How many Super Mario Bros. 30th pin badges has everyone got now? My total has just gone up to 4.
  11. It most certainly is! I was reading about this earlier while the site was down, let's just hope that it really is the TG16 version and not the NES version because if it's the former - which it should be - then... :yay: That's excellent news! I'm so glad you managed to get it sorted, that information seems to tally as well because I turned off Power Saving settings when I first got the console but I never thought that would be the reason! The only thing I've noticed in relation to the Gamepad brightness is that it seems to go "extra bright" when you're running it off the mains, I need to try games out on the gamepad only more often. : peace: Indeed now I'm just thinking of the possibility of playing Lords of Thunder on the Gamepad if we are indeed getting TG16 games for certain.
  12. All of these are in Rare Replay which likely seals their fate as never appearing on a Nintendo platform again I would have thought... at least not for the foreseeable future anyway.
  13. Personally I don't mind if the medium happens to be Blu-Ray... ...Equally I don't mind if it happens to be proprietary discs. :p There's a lot to be said in favour of both, obviously with Blu-Ray you have the ability to play films as well which while useless for me - as I already own three devices with such a capability - could be beneficial to anyone who soley buys Nintendo consoles and no other technology ever... I think even then that would be a small minority. Of course there is always the issue of who manufactures the Blu-Ray discs? Because if it's Sony then... Well put it this way, if there was ever a shortage on discs for whatever reason, who do you think would get priority if there were big game releases on all three competing consoles using the same media? My money would be on the one who's financially backing the format. If Nintendo choose to go with a proprietary format then it will make things easier to control, plus if the price difference is negligible then you could hardly blame them for wanting to do so. Anyway, I really don't mind either way but it will be interesting to see what they decide on. : peace: The nostalgic part of me would love to see the good old cartridge return though... :awesome:
  14. I looked at Playstation Home with a view of "Oh that's nice... but what's the point?" I much prefer just being able to access games quickly, compare scores etc from an easy to navigate UI than having a tacked-on hub world. At least it was optional though, therefore I never used it, just never appealed to me. For Nintendo's next console just give us a reasonably powerful console which is around the same as Xbox One and PS4, with ample storage of around 2TB, a Virtual Console Library where you can see all the titles on a virtual shelf but still access them almost instantly - they could do this for retail titles as well - and above all have a robust online system with features we have been wanting for the past decade or so as standard with all existing NNID purchases tied to a real account which allows you to download again if you choose to upgrade to a different console or if you end up needing a replacement machine. : peace: Oh and one of the best traditional controllers out of the box which would be suitable for playing the entire Nintendo legacy while being more than adequate for any future game releases... so basically a Gamecube controller with those all-important shoulder buttons AND triggers plus a larger d-pad. That'll do!
  15. Annnnnnd pre-order cancelled! I don't like EA at the best of times, originally I would have considered buying the game but not any more, no way am I getting roped into yet another online shooter with most of its content tied to a season-pass. Yes I know it's Star Wars but by doing this it has just made the whole thing seem like every other online shooter/action game with drip-fed content over half a year for an artificially inflated price.
  16. Gamecube version in HD and I'm there. Otherwise I'll likely pass.
  17. Best of luck @Shorty! I'm in a similar situation except my last relationship lasted 3 or 4 years, I've been single for what must be a year and a half now as well. While I'm not really actively looking, I'd still be open to meeting up with people but equally if nothing happens then that's OK too as I have enough in life to be getting on with. : peace:
  18. Playstation Now should be around £7.99 for PS Plus members really and £9.99 for non-Plus members. Add in a load of rare PS1 and PS2 games including loads of shmups along with some lesser-known RPG's or just cult-classics, then I will consider paying for it.
  19. I don't tend to find the Uncharted games to be that difficult, as ReZ has said already, it's essentially about finding the right cover spot and picking your moments when shooting. The rest of it is puzzle-solving, action sequences and of course treasure hunting! Naturally I only started playing the first game last night on Crushing difficulty, I haven't played it again since 2007 but it was one of the main reasons I purchased a PS3 so playing it now feels amazing because it still looks really good thanks to the bit of polishing the games have had so it's as if my memory of the titles looking amazing has never really betrayed me as the originals still look good but now they look even better. I shall be trying to go for all the pieces of treasure this time as well because when I first completed the game it didn't even have trophies. : peace:
  20. According to Natsume it looks like Nintendo has moved on from releasing Original Game Boy games on the VC. [tweet]652146047691546624[/tweet] So it seems this means any hopes for any further third-party games are gone as well, I'd still take this with a pinch of salt but it does seem to tie-in with the fact that we haven't had any VC releases on the 3DS for some time now. I'm just glad that Sega is here to fill the retro void with their amazing 3D Sega Classics range!
  21. It isn't, but playing Uncharted is more likely to ruin Tomb Raider for you. As in, your perception of the first reboot and the upcoming sequel. Or just... you'll like both series with equal measure... ... Who am I kidding? Uncharted all the way! : peace: Enjoy brah! :awesome:
  22. Annnnnnd finished! Somewhat amusingly this is the first game to make me run out of miiverse posts for the day - though I was playing past midnight and I expected the limit to reset yet it didn't - so no completion proof picture though I have saved it to my screenshot album. What else is there to say aside from I enjoyed every second of playing through Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 3D and it still ranks as one of my favourite games of all time if not the very best, this version just improves upon it even more if that;s even possible. M2 have done a sterling job here, such fine work which cannot be allowed to end at this point in time, for it must continue until at the very least we have the remaining Sonic titles and the last Streets of Rage game plus the rest of the confirmed releases still to come; this is game preservation for the modern age of the highest quality and I absolutely adore it! : peace:
  23. To anyone who has the day off today, enjoy playing 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2! I'll get straight on downloading it after work, can't wait! : peace:
  24. I'm so hyped for 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 that it's unreal! Finally, a true portable version of what is quite possibly my favourite game of all time, in 3D! : peace: :yay:
  25. Playing Forza 6 just got even better. : peace:
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