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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I didn't mind it personally as I can see it's all tied-in with the persona of the character presenting it to you. It was just a bit wearing having just downloaded it late last night, but the initial explanation was always going to be long so it's all good. Also there are some nice references and humour in the dialogue too.
  2. I think that might well be the case here, I think you'll need to talk to your new employer because that doesn't sound right to me at all.
  3. I'm just going to go ahead and assume that the eShop price for Xenobalde Chronicles X will be £49.99 I'd have thought, it might be cheaper though but not by much.
  4. The in-depth explanation is only for the first time you load the software up, yes I found it tiring too as I downloaded it instantly and just wanted to have a go but it's fine after that. Also it does ask you at least twice if you want to purchase more plays and even then if you got past that point you would still have to enter all your credit card details to purchases unless you had them stored on there which I don't. I haven't spent a penny on it so far and I don't intend to, at least not on extra plays... if the themes are chargable and I like them enough then I might consider purchasing them but only if they are the same prices as the existing themes in the theme shop, so I won't pay any more than £1.50 or so for a theme; hopefully we'll get some free ones though.
  5. But what I mean is, if you get to play the game as a normal Picross game, with the only chargable piece of the software being the bit that you really don't need anyway, then it's essentially a free Picross game with more puzzles added to it on a regular basis. Normally I don't even touch any of the other "Free to Start" Pokemon games but this seems to be worth investigating.
  6. I'm not 100% but I think you need to get in contact with the Citizen's Advice Bureau... https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/tax/problems-with-tax/help-with-tax-problems/ Sorry that I can't be any more useful than that, I've had tax rebates before for really small amounts but I've never had to pay any extra back so I couldn't really comment.
  7. If it has to be a choice then keep saving for Xenoblade as it's not something you'll want to miss out on, plus you never know... there might be a sale on the other games and dlc around Christmas time.
  8. The way this game is put together is slightly different though is it not? Unless I misunderstood it, the way in which it was presented seemed to suggest that all of the puzzles would be free - a few to start with more released over time - but that you could optionally purchase something called "Picrats" which would give you an advantage for certain puzzles. Or did I misunderstand it completely? If it's free for the puzzles which you can then choose to play without the extra - and unnecessary - assistance then I'm all in! : peace:
  9. I've got decent expectations for it as well, personally I think it looks a lot better than the original and if they can make the Gamepad work seamlessly with it then I'll be very pleased. You're quite right! I think when I saw the colour of the buttons, it looked at first glance like Wii controls to me, I'm very glad to stand corrected though.
  10. The on-screen prompts looked like Wii buttons to me but I wouldn't be surprised if you could use the pro controller or the gamepad and if so then I hope the prompts will change. What would be even better is if Nintendo actually made proper use of the GC controller adapter so that we could use a GC pad with it as originally intended, that would be something.
  11. It's Twilight Princess in HD... I wasn't expecting much more than that, it clearly looks a lot better than the original release so I'm happy. : peace: But yes... if it doesn't actually add much more content then no more than £29.99 on its own or £39.99 with that lovely amiibo figure.
  12. Damn right! There are no excuses to hide behind now. : peace:
  13. Well that was unexpected... Final Fantasy representation within Super Smash Bros. So... when's Final Fantasy VII remake coming to Wii U then Nintendo? In all seriousness though, out of all the characters... certainly unexpected.
  14. While we're on the subject of Shining Force, why not have Mega CD games as well? Shining Force CD is all kinds of expensive just for the game alone which seems to go for £100, I very recently acquired a copy after many years by managing to get a good deal from buying the case and manual first and then the disc but as far as I'm aware you need an extra RAM cartridge in order to have enough space to play it in its complete form. Those things are rare as it is if you're looking for one of the correct region, it is possible to buy more modern third-party options but those aren't cheap either. Imagine just being able to buy something like that which just works on the VC for less than a tenner.
  15. Essentially this... It would be amazing though and certainly a unique selling point for the console. : peace:
  16. Fair enough. : peace: I'm just catching up with some VC games tonight, going to keep my Wii U and 3DS on just in case a megaton digital release is announced. It's crazy though, already loads of games to play then Rodea will arrive and I'll want to play it but so many titles, it's the same every November... not that I'm complaining. Rodea will definitely be prioritised especially as I have a bit of time off work at the moment, it has been a long wait for this one and I do have a particularly soft spot for anything Yuji Naka or Sega related.
  17. I guess that's your evening sorted then Hero?
  18. Sega Saturn Virtual Console games please! £6.99 introductory price for four weeks, one title per week then £9.99 thereafter. Start with standard stuff like Sega Rally, Daytona, Virtua Fighter then BOOM! Panzer Dragoon Saga, NiGHTS into Dreams, Burning Rangers, Shining Force III... :awesome: Also Sega Dreamcast games planned for next year, starting with Shenmue 1&2... then BOOM! Shenmue III also being made for future Nintendo platform... even though they said NX wouldn't be mentioned. OK... well that's set the bar high enough for me. *prepares for crushing disappointment*
  19. I pre-ordered ages ago, was e-mailed to say they couldn't charge my credit card - limit nearly reached as expensive month! - I thought I'd amended it but they didn't charge for it today so I cancelled the whole thing and paid on my bank card to get things rolling again, hopefully they will ship it tomorrow.
  20. I think the Y-cable is required to give enough power for the hard drive, if it doesn't work though I would return the hard drive - if you can - and buy a powered one if you can get one for the same price. At first I tried to go down the same road of not using a powered drive, now I use them for all consoles which support them, I do hope you can get that one to work with a Y Cable but I just thought I'd share my experiences on the matter. : peace:
  21. I had lots of problems with eHDD's which only connected via USB, had exactly the same issue, personally I found a powered drive worked better. This article might be useful... https://www.pretzellogix.net/2015/01/07/adding-a-1tb-seagate-backup-plus-slim-portable-hdd-to-my-wii-u-or-how-i-hacked-a-usb-2-0-cable/
  22. N-Europe Presents An S.C.G Production VC Weekly #358 Introducing... Two guest reviews from Dcubed Mario Golf Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures Dig Dug II Pocky & Rocky with Becky Plus my usual nonsense as well! Enjoy! : peace:
  23. That's unbelievably cruel gaggle. I hope whoever did that to your brothers dog gets prosecuted - or worse - as that's just evil.
  24. I've literally just this moment finished the campaign on Legendary difficulty... ...solo of course. :awesome: Quite honestly? I enjoyed it, in the same way that I enjoyed Halo 2 but then with the knowledge that surely the next instalment, the "final" one will be even better. It had some decent moments though, the gameplay has been changed up sufficiently so that it feels fresh, alternating between two characters brings up yet more memories of Halo 2 except the divide isn't equal; I'm hoping for more Master Chief stages for the final instalment, this will likely be a given. As for the multiplayer? Of course I'll partake but like any online multiplayer game, it likely won't keep me hooked for long but I look forward to trying it out and of course avoiding all those awful microtransactions as if they were the Flood.
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