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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah the Octopus was hard as nails! Yeah Drumstick was a bit of a sucky unlockable! I mean I love the guy, great character, but... so... damn... heavy!!! Oh man that was such a great little extra! --- The Four Keys you had to collect in the races, was that to unlock Drumstick? (and then run over the frog), or to unlock the four multiplayer arenas? Collecting those were so much fun/inspired! Like when you had to ring the drawbridge bell and then drive backwards up it to that secret room atop the tower!! This game just had everything! *damn I think I might need to re-buy a copy!* :p
  2. The parks not all that busy when I go, it's just Rita often seems to be. Is that ride opening with the park this year, or sometime later?
  3. True, the Mine Cart at Alton Towers does always lets you go round twice though and that's a brilliant rand also popular ide. Rita is SO piss poor with it's 30 second ride, after queuing for 1-1.5hrs and if its not broken.
  4. Bit fucking compact isn't it!! I don't really like that [relatively new] compact one at Drayton Manor. Also, you really need to get more than one trip on that, same with Rita.
  5. As in an after credits scene? Yeah true could do.
  6. Put an Autosports Album up on Facebook.

  7. Wii Wont Have Third Party Support.
  8. I'm not sure any of this film will take part on Earth though will it, meaning that they'd need to show Iron Man in a functioning Space Suit at some point in IM3, because currently Space fucks him right up! (and if he just flew down in Guardians of the Galaxy it would be really WTF!)
  9. So an intellectual property lawyer is the way to go? I might look into that. Are there costs, or do you get them refunded or? And also what would I stand to gain, obviously they stop selling it (you'd hope), but would I get a look at any profit they've been making off me? I was SO pissed off yesterday by it, it couldn't believe it. That should be me there selling prints of my work if anything, not some fuckers who said they get their images off the internet etc...
  10. Yeah I photographed them, the rest of the stand and the stand name. I could take them to court but I don't really know where to start, and they were two pretty aggressive men, I'd be a bit concerned about it.
  11. At the Autosports Car Show yesterday, I just so happened to stumble across one artwork/prints stand that had basically stolen and were selling one of my motorsport photo's as canvas prints [there were two on the stand and probably more out the back]. They'd either downloaded the image from RedBubble and photoshopped out the watermark, or bought a copy of it and scanned it in. They've done a bit of photoshop on it (a helmet, lightened the blur in places), but yeah... Mine The Sellers Somewhat confronted them about it, but I was pretty stunned and didn't really know what to say at the time [i've thought of stuff since], plus they were pretty hard. Basically told me to fuck off.
  12. Revelations has it's moments, but ultimately I think you'd be somewhat disappointed, as I was. The first third of the game is brilliant, both in terms of atmosphere and story twists etc... but ultimately the game goes the wrong way and gets more and more non-Resi. Before somewhat redeeming itself for the last 10/15mins.
  13. Did you play Code Veronica? Amazing game [at the time].
  14. There were Dinosaurs in it too?!!
  15. Spent the day with @Goron_3 at the Autosports Car Show, lovely guy (great chat), and had a wicked time! Got Sir Jackie Stewart and Jake Humpreys autographs, plus a few others, got to photograph some amazing F1 cars past and present, heard some great interviews, learnt some good stuff, and a great atmosphere all round! Also incredibly dressed Booth/Pit Babes everywhere! :p
  16. Bit of news
  17. Thanks for that, that is cheap! Can't quite decide though, because I think I'd like Infinite to be my first experience of such a world/gameplay. Suppose I could just look at playing the first two afterwards though!
  18. Electronics Boutique FTW!
  19. She's amazing. Yeah that Tesco deal of hers was ridiculous, but good on her I guess for taking charge of her own career/creating her own label. Wasn't that keen on the single she put out though, I felt she could do SO much better. Might have to see if it's on Youtube, as I guess I can't preview it on iTunes/Amazon or anywhere!
  20. Yeah if it's that same video I also watched that earlier, it looked terrible, like a PS3/360 launch title so I wasn't sure if it was the real thing, or a mod someone had done based on another engine. The Wii U should be getting the retail version of the Telltale games.
  21. I love Nadine! Haven't heard the album though, let me know what you think.
  22. We should fucking bring back the Crystal Maze, someone needs too! Let it be us! When are you leaving again Jay? I feel another N-E Meet/Mini-Meet should be on the cards. Don't feel the 2011 meet was good enough for me; there are some good peeps on here.
  23. My wallets to small for my £50's, and my diamond shoes are too tight. :p
  24. I just don't think Nintendo have it in them to create a number of the genres they're missing though. For that reason I think it would be good for them to take over some of Rare's IP's, as they've already done the hard job of creating the property in the first place.
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