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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Sad thing is I think Microsoft have already said they've got Rare working on their next-gen Kinect titles. Basically all Rare are now, and why their portfolio of franchises needs need saving by someone, because Microsoft aren't gonna use them!
  2. Why does it look like the Eiffel Tower in the CGI part, but not in game?
  3. Anyone know why exactly the sequel ended up like it did/so bad?
  4. Timber was awesome! Yeah the Boss battles were also brilliant and have to stay! The Octopus was rock hard! I just remembered this Rare connection... The dragon was brilliant too! Diddy Kong Racing has so much potential as a successful series, to be the definitive racer, it's strange to think there's only really been one game! Rare and Nintendo really need to sort something out/ditch Microsoft and reunite! I don't think I ever finally beat Wizpig in Space. Can't remember for what reason exactly, but I do remember that large circular laser room.
  5. DNA (well Male and Female versions actually) came to my mind first with the X and Y, hadn't even thought of it as co-ordinates. I thought Z could be about some new creational element/story. There are Pokémon from other worlds/dimensions after all aren't there.
  6. Yeah the original is one of the best ever games in every way! Music, level design, characters, gameplay, weapons etc... The Single player was amazing, and it was such fun in Multiplayer how you could race as different vehicles. The only thing that let the game down was the Arena battles (but the N64 had Block Fort for that!) Who of the original cast would have to be left out then? Just Banjo and Conker (unless Nintendo could get those too), or everyone bar Diddy Kong... and Krunch maybe? So long as they kept it animal based, and not turn it into a Smash Bros of Karting (that can be it's own series). And overall the Car/Hovercraft/Plane mechanic! The stackable weapons on top of this way you drove the levels added strategy that I don't think is in any other racer.
  7. Ok now those would be the worst names ever!
  8. The Wii U would become the new N64!!!! Diddy Kong Racing 2 needs to happen! I wasn't a fan of the look of Donkey Kong Racing though, I didn't think the game should have been filled with DK characters. Like Starfox Adventures it just seemed like Nintendo overloading their license into a game. We don't need everything DK'd (characters, jungle levels, mine carts, rideable animals etc...) Diddy Kong Racings charm was in it's new cast and world. #TipTup
  9. That's true, Nintendo need new IP just as badly as they need a FPS! So grouping both together would be a good move. Though the Perfect Dark name is established (albeit tainted maybe, but I think everyone just ignores the 360 version ever happened), but then Nintendo would have no problem launching a new FPS IP, especially one made by Retro. I think given the choice I'd prefer to see Prime 4 as well. I'm not a huge fan of FPS's, but then I did buy Perfect Dark, and no doubt any game made by Retro Studios, new IP or otherwise. But Adventure games like Prime are more my thing! The Wii U would become the new N64!!!! Diddy Kong Racing 2 needs to happen! I wasn't a fan of the look of Donkey Kong Racing though, I didn't think the game should have been filled with DK characters. Like Starfox Adventures it just seemed like Nintendo overloading their license into a game. We don't need everything DK'd (characters, jungle levels, mine carts, rideable animals etc...) Diddy Kong Racings charm was in it's new cast and world.
  10. Retro Studios seem like the perfect developer to be given the Perfect Dark license. Nintendo need an exclusive FPS in their arsenal, and Retro Studios have all their experience with First Person control/perspectives, Alien character models, Alien/Futuristic Architecture, great storytelling, other worlds etc... it almost seems like too perfect a fit coming off the back of Metroid! You can almost imagine Retro's own take on the final level in Perfect Dark given the Chozo Ruins. No doubt it would instantly become one of the greatest shooters ever made, and probably redefine the standard for shooters!
  11. I predict that Pokémon Z will have you crossing the channel and discovering the United region of Kingdom... or the united Kingdom region. :p
  12. Looking at carrying over save data for Series 2. Haven't played this series yet, but tempted to give it a go, it did win Game of the Year after all! May download the demo first though and see, though I imagine it's not fully representative of the experience.
  13. @MadDog Such a good album!!
  14. The phones you're talking about are around £25-£30 a month though I think aren't they? How much do you think you would want to spend?
  15. £32.99 at Play.com http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/32265433/ZombiU/Product.html?searchstring=zombi+u&searchsource=0&searchtype=allproducts&urlrefer=search
  16. Can now pre-order this game on Zavvi for less than £30 if you use the code HG2013!
  17. You can currently Pre-Order this for £34.95 at Zavvi Plus an extra 10% off with the code HG2013
  18. I'd much rather Singapore stay as the only night race (they make a real spectacle of it with the architecture, lightshows and fireworks) and that we didn't have another street race. Here's hoping it replaces one of the dud circuits and not a European/Classic circuit.
  19. Wii Party is 23.86 at Shopto, meaning you can get yourself Wiimote Plus' for that price.
  20. N-E meet doesn't count. Too many people, too overwhelming.
  21. I'm playing Infamous at the moment and I'm absolutely loving it!! I can see why some might think it starts off a bit repetitive, but honestly I'm enjoying it all! If it just continues to build then awesome!! Then like @Goron_3 I have Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain to tackle next, as well as having just downloaded Journey and The Unfinished Swan from the PSN 12 Days of Christmas sale! Will be grabbing Infamous 2 next, it's currently £9.95 at Shopto (though might get it off PSN)!
  22. Cheers for the thread @Fierce_LiNk and thanks guys!
  23. As in third person? Dead Space Extraction was really good in First Person, but then that has a few other psychological elments, zero G moments, and multiple characters to mix things up. This game has to deliver on atmosphere, but yeah will that be enough.
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